Disciplinary Action/Characters/Ninth Grade/Harmony

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Harmony "Styles"

Harmony Bakirez "Styles"
She finds her middle name hilarious, no one will ever know it means Virginal Membrane (Bakire Zar)


Daddy - 37
Wilber Easterbrooks
Mother - 34
"Mommy" – 33
Janne Styles
"Sister" – 17
Luana Styles
"Sister" – 12
Diya Styles


Shantae Easterbrooks
Friend and fellow "Flatty"
Stella Ross


When Harmony was 7, she went on a trip out of town with her "daddy", Janne Styles, Luana, Shantae and Julie Bens. Because she was only seven at the time, she doesn't remember much, but does remember having lots of fun and seeing someone that reminded her of her mother.

When it came time to enroll Harmony in school, it was deemed best for her to register as a sibling of Luana.

Even though Harmony has enjoyed her time with Wilber, ever since the fourth grade Harmony has begun to suspect that he isn't actually her father and that her biological father might actually be Mrs. Carmichael's husband, but since there's no way to test for these thing she can't be certain.

Harmony was sad that her breasts hadn't developed during her time in the seventh grade or the summer leading up to her eighth grade year. What was a relief though, is that fact that there was another "flatty" like her and everyone in their class begun to call them the "flat sisters", a title they now wear with honor and they've been friends ever since.

WIP Suggestions accepted.