God's Compensation/Lore/Fog

From All The Fallen Stories
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Using "Fog" allows a deity to hamper the mental processes of another person. The degree to witch this can be accomplished depends both on the skill level and power of the deity using the fog ability. Any deity who has the "basic" level of skill can only use their fog ability at its full potential power. Toning it down to a level equivalent to a lower tier deity requires intermediate or advanced levels of skill.


-Basic- Has the ability to make a single person more suggestible or gullible to one thing they have to say. This will only prevent the person from utilizing their critical facilities and will not cause them to accept obvious falsehoods. Unlike with the trust aura, the person will regain the ability to doubt this suggestion once the power is lifted, but only if they are given reason to think about it.

Example: Anyone age 18-32 can use this power and say they are 15-17. The person they are using this on will accept this until they see your driver's licence saying otherwise, or hear you drop a date that is outside the chronology for that age range, or you or someone else says something else that places doubt to the age you reported to them.

-Intermediate- Can use the basic form of this power on up to five people at one time, or can prevent a single person from seeing something as odd. This power does not function on preventing someone from noticing all together, and it does not prevent them from reacting to something that they are repulsed by on a gut level.

Example: In terms of having sex with a child, they might dismiss pants on the floor and the sound of a child moaning as the child was messy while changing, and the child is now whining/crying for some reason. If they make visual contact, this power has absolutely no effect. In fact, it may make their reaction worse. If an innocent excuse for whatever they are seeing/hearing/smelling exists, they will assume the innocent scenario before the repugnant scenario. However, if the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the repugnant scenario then they will instantly skip straight toward the worst case scenario they can imagine due to their slowed use of critical facilities and act accordingly.


Can monitor the other person's mental state using the deity's empathy power, and react accordingly in order to prevent the power of fog from over-correcting and creating an undesirable reaction.