Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Peters/7

From All The Fallen Stories
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The Peters Family

Lyla: an obstinate 5 year old girl

Jack: a 10 year old boy

Emily: a daydreaming 12 year old girl

Michael: 35 year old single father of three

Part 2: Emily | Chapter 7: The Calm

After school, Emily followed Riley back to her house. The whole way she could tell Riley was fighting the urge to ask about Lyla. She could see her try desperately to come up with some other topic to distract her, then give up to walk in silence a few feet before a new question bubbled to the surface and she had to fight it back. In truth, Emily really did want to talk about it. She was avoiding Lyla by staying at Riley's place for the weekend, but she was also glad to have time to talk it through with her best friend. That would have to wait though because right then it was just too hard to give up watching Riley struggle. Emily quietly wore a solemn face for almost the entire walk until they were just a few houses away and Riley actually whimpered from the pressure building up inside her. Emily finally cracked, unable to hold back her laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" Riley asked.

"I'm—" Emily cut herself off with laughter.

"Em, you okay?"

Emily got out, "I'm fine." before she cracked up again and had to wipe a tear from her eye.

"Oh no, you're crying! I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be keeping you company but I haven't said a single thing. I'm sorry. I'm a terrible friend."

"No, no." Emily regained some of her composure. "You're great. I'm sorry. I saw you squirming so much and I just had to keep you going."

"What! You had me so worried!" Riley tried to tackle her, but Emily dashed for the house. "Get back here! No! I'm gonna get you for that!"

Emily's head start is the only thing that kept Riley form catching her immediately. Riley had always been smaller, the shortest in their homeroom and maybe the whole grade, but she was also athletic and basically MVP on the school soccer team. Emily looked over her shoulder to see Riley about to grab her when she tripped over a guy knelt down to fix something in his backpack. He spilled his books across the sidewalk making Riley run around him and pause to apologize, letting Emily gain the lead again. Riley caught her on the front porch, but not quick enough to stop Emily from banging on the door. Just as Riley pinned Emily against the door, it opened and the two girls spilled inside.

"What are you—Oh, hi Emily." Riley's oldest brother Cade stood in the doorway.

"Emily's staying with us for the weekend." Riley informed him, "I already cleared it with Mom and Dad."

"Okay, I guess." Cade responded. "Well the twins went off to Bobby's house, making it just the four of us tonight. Oliver is up in his room playing Minecraft with his friends, so he'll be out of your hair for a while. I'll just be watching TV in the living room if you need anything or whatever." With that he went back in and resumed his spot on the couch.

The girls went straight through to the backyard where there was a privacy screen next to the pool for them to change into their swimsuits. Emily slipped into her plain one-piece, while Riley pulled on some trunks passed down from one of her older brothers.

"When are you're parents gonna get you a proper swimsuit?" Emily finished adjusting her suit, sliding the straps into place.

"I haven't asked. I don't mind looking like a boy." Riley walked out toward the pool, pulling her shirt off and tossing it on a lounge chair.

"They could at least get you a swim shirt. Doesn't Cade surf? Why doesn't he have an old rash guard for you?"

"My mom tries to make me wear one when we go to the beach, but it's rough and itchy. Not like I have anything to hide anyway." Riley rubbed her flat chest for emphasis before jumping into the water.

Emily jumps back from the splashes, but soon jumps in after her. "If you've got nothing to hide, then you won't mind this!" She grabbed Riley's trunks and yanked them down.

Riley pulls her shorts back up and splashes Emily. "I meant up here, dummy!" She grabs Emily's small mounds to illustrate.

The two girls splash and roughhouse for nearly an hour before they tire and lay out on the deck chairs to dry off and tan in the sun.

After what feels like no time at all, Cade called them in for dinner.

"I made spaghetti with meat sauce. Nothing fancy, but there's garlic bread and a salad too. I'm eating in my room, so the living room is free for you to watch something if you want. I'm going up to ley Ollie know it's ready, so enjoy."

The girls brought their plates to the living room and began searching for something to watch. They heard a thundering on the stairs, then Oliver burst into the room.

"Aww, why aren't you naked?"

Riley looked at him with one of those older sister stares. "Um, how about 'Welcome home Riley how was your day? Oh, Emily what a pleasant surprise. Make yourself at home. I'll just be in my room so you can ignore me.' Why would we be naked anyhow?"

"It's just that all the other pfangirls have older sisters that are also pfangirls so when I heard Emily was here I just thought that she would be you know."

"You wanted to have sex with my friend?"

"Well I thought she would be a pfangirl 'cause of Lyla!"

Emily dropped her fork. "What do you know about Lyla?"

"Of course I know about Lyla! The whole school knows about Lyla. At recess they let her out onto the big playground 'cause she already fucked all the kindergarteners."

Emily went white. "They made her go out with all the big kids?"

"They didn't make her, they let her." Oliver looked at her like that should have been obvious. "What do you know about Lyla?"

"I'm trying not to know too much. Honestly, I've hardly looked at her since I saw her covered in advertisements a couple days ago when she signed up."

"Advertisements?" Riley stopped staring down her brother to process this new information.

Emily saw her confusion. "Oh yeah, I never told you the story. Well the short version is she really didn't want to get dressed one morning and knew she wouldn't have to if she were a pfangirl. My dad did everything he could to try to change her mind, but she wouldn't listen. You know how much she hates clothes. He figured she would back out if she got a taste of what it would be like so he made her walk to the registration office 'like a P-FANS girl'. He wrote all over her with a marker to tell everyone to, um try her out. In the end it still wasn't enough to stop her."

Oliver doubled over laughing. "There's no way that would have stopped her. It explains where she got that though!"

"Got what?" the girls spoke in unison.

"The marker. She wears a washable maker around her neck and makes everyone put a tally mark on her cheeks or tummy each time they use her. You get to sign her somewhere if you cum in all three of her holes." Oliver wore a suspiciously proud grin.

"Oliver." Riley's voice was stern. "I'm afraid to ask this. Maybe I shouldn't."

Emily stood up. "Did you write your name on my sister?"

Oliver grinned wider. "Twice!" He was on the ground before he knew it. "Ow! Hey!" Emily sat on his legs while Riley pinned his face to the carpet, butt in the air for them to take turns spanking him. "Stop!" His voice was muffled. "I didn't really cum in her. Ow! I'm too young for that! Hey!" Riley pulled his shorts down so they could spank him bare-assed. "It wasn't like twice in a row or something. Yee oww! Really. I did her once at recess, then again after school. OW! Hey, do that again. Mph. Ah!"

Emily jumped off of him. "Ew! He's hard."

"C'mon, Ollie!" Riley let him up. "Go back to your room."

Oliver pulled up his shorts. "Where's my dinner?"

"It's in the kitchen. Take it and go!"

After they heard him climb the stairs, the two girls burst into laughter. they caught their breath, but there was nothing they could say so they just laughed again. They calmed down. Emily nearly broke into tears, but laughed again instead. Riley found some Disney Channel movie that looked mildly interesting and filled the silence of dinner. Still unable to address the elephant in the room, the girls just went to bed early.

Back at school, Emily spots Bobby heading into the gym and follows him. He says he wants to help her with the homework and lays her down on the bleachers. They're cold against her naked back as he slides between her legs. He's gorgeous the way his muscles ripple every time her trusts into her. He pulls out a phone and snaps a selfie of the two of them. He leaves a tally on her pelvis before dismounting her and passing the marker to Sean. He tells her how much looser she feels compared to a baby. Sean marks her and passes the pen to Billy. Billy grasps her breasts while he rides her before passing the marker to someone Emily can't recognize. Emily is covered in tallies by the time her dad finds her. He looks so disappointed. He tells her he can't have a slut for a daughter, but can have a bitch for a pet. He puts a collar on her and she grows a tail. She eats out of a dog bowl and Lyla pets her head. Jack stands over her and laughs. He shoves his dick in her face. While she's sucking her brother, her father mounts her from behind. Lyla laughs and claps saying 'me too!' Lyla gets her own collar, tail, tail and ears. Emily watches in horror as Lyla is impaled by a thick tentacle, larger than leg. Emily becomes Lyla and can't understand how something so large could fit inside her tiny body. Tentacles wrap all around her and drag her under the sea. She takes a deep breath and holds it as long as she can. She watches the light from the surface fade away.

Emily wakes gasping. She hadn't only been holding her breath in her dream, but for real as well. The sleeping bag she borrowed from Riley was twisted all around her, making it difficult to move. Blushing, she realized she had two fingers in her pussy and removed them carefully, since the natural lubricant which must have helped her get them in some time in the night had since dried up. Riley sat up from her bed and judging from the look of her, she hadn't slept any better. Over a bowl of cereal, Emily recounted what she could remember of her nightmare. Riley in turn had dreamt she came home to the news she had been signed up for the program. Her brothers tore her clothes off and all took her virginity at once. Then they made her do all the chores in the house wearing a maid costume but also she was naked which somehow made sense in the dream. After breakfast, they found the movie they watched last night had a sequel, so they put that on and laughed at how terrible the whole production was. Nonetheless, by the climax it had them hooked to the point they were angry they had to pause when someone spammed the doorbell.

Chapter 8: The Storm