Naked in School/Misc/Nudity Educational Enhancement Act

From All The Fallen Stories
< Naked in School
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This is not "canon", as there is no "official" interpretation of Naked in School. Every author may interpret the premise how they wish for their story, there are common concepts but the only mandatory commonalities is that it involves some kind of mandatory school program where students are nude and subject to special rules.

This page describes one of Cum Girl's takes on the Naked in School concept, and is not necessarily the same set of rules applied in their writing.

Nudity Requirements

The passage of the federal Nudity Educational Enhancement Act (NEEA), among other changes, created the Naked in School (NIS) program in all schooling in the United States. The NIS program requires that students be completely nude for at least a week during each school year. They are required to be naked at all times, including when they are at home and at activities off-campus.

Most states do not permit socks and shoes, as they are considered clothing, but this is not specified in the federal law. Regardless, all students are encouraged to be barefoot, and classes such as PE may require it.

There are several activity requirements to ensure sufficient numbers of students are in the program:

  • At least one student from each grade level must participate every week the program is being held.
    • For homeschooled students, this means they must spend their entire school year nude.
  • Each student must be in the program at least twice each quarter or semester.
  • Certain classes, such as PE or sex ed, may require weeks in the program beyond the above requirements.

The law does not specify selection methods, but these are generally randomized via federal NIS software.

Previously, the requirement was that at least one student from each grade level and each gender was required to participate each week. Some states interpreted this as requiring students of a non-binary gender to participate in the program for the entire year; amendments to the law clarified this, and eventually the gender requirement was dropped entirely.

At the start of each week, the participants in the next week of the program are determined. On Friday morning the selected participants for next week's program are informed of their status, and at the end of the day they must report to the office. The participants in the now-ending week are brought in and permitted to dress, and the next week's participants are required to disrobe. They will not be permitted to wear any clothing until Friday the next week.

For long weekends students strip on the last school day of that week. For school holidays (defined as any breaks longer than a week), the participants must still stripe on the last school day before the break, and are thus required to be continuously nude for the entire period they are on break for. Because this is inconvenient for the families, they are generally given a week's prior notice instead of only one day's notice. There are no program participants at the end of the school year or over the summer. (Summer school does have the program, but is executed separately).

To enforce this, their current clothes are locked in a safe, which replace the previous week's students' clothing. The previous group gets their "after" pictures taken, and the upcoming group gets their "before" pictures taken. (Both naked and clothed variants are taken for each).

Nudity at home is maintained on the honor system. It is considered too invasive and expensive to fully confiscate everyone's clothing; the locked clothes at the end of the week is more symbolic than material.

However, if people are found wearing clothes in violation of the program (save for a set of explicit exceptions, such as medical emergency, which are enumerated in the NEEA) are stripped on sight and given a citation. They will be given nudity spot checks for the remainder of the duration. The first offense results in an extra week in the program, further offenses result in extra months in the program. Severe repeat offenders are given long-term mandatory nudity and stiff fines, and parents who are attempting to circumvent nudity protocol may be investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS).

Use of Facilities

Initially the program required that students were required to use the opposite gender's bathrooms and locker rooms. After the passage of laws requiring all utilities be gender-neutral, this clause was technically repealed. If there are multiple facilities (usually leftover from the days of gender segregation), school officials generally designate one of them for all NIS students. Non-program students may use either bathroom.

Adult supervision in bathrooms or locker rooms is not required.


The NEEA recognizes that being continuously naked in public will have an arousing effect on students. Thus, at the start of every class period, all NIS students must receive "relief". This was previously optional, but was later amended to be mandatory.

During relief, all student participants appear in the front of the class, and must orgasm or attempt to orgasm within the time allotted (set by the school district, but no less than five minutes). Policy around how relief works varies by school, and can often be set by the teacher. Students experiencing a refractory period or who are otherwise unable to orgasm must still appear before the class and may be groped or posed instead.

"Standard" relief consists of the participant masturbating themselves to climax, however in most circumstances other students may assist them. Students may volunteer to assist the student, or, depending on school policy, the participant may choose the student, or a pairing will be chosen by the teacher. Any students may be invoked for relief, regardless of their sexual orientation. In addition to assisted masturbation, oral, vaginal, or anal intercourse may be used as relief. Proper protection, lubricant, cleanliness, etc. must be observed. Some teachers have sex toys which are available for use during relief.