SW:CES:AOTC:Boba/Coruscant/Jedi at the Door

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You look through the view panel and see 2 Jedi Knights and a Kaminoan. Your heart pounds...But you are unsure if the fear comes from the fact that they are Jedi Knight's OR the fact that if you open that door, you'll be ALONE with two men that so happen to be Jedi Knights as well which could be bad since your father is a Bounty Hunter who knows what might happen... You take a deep breath and open the door and greet the Kaminoan and Hesitantly the Two Jedi. One is an older, bearded man with brown hair. The other is a younger man with brown hair with a small side braid. He looks like he's probably about 24 or 25. They both smirk at you but the younger man's smirk is more flirtatious you feel like. Then the Kaminoan Speaks...

"Hello, Boba is your father around? These wonderful Jedi wish to speak with him."

"He's out running a few errands around Geonosis. He should be back in a few hours."

The older Jedi looks slightly disappointed.

"Well, Anakin I guess we should look around a bit and check out this Clone Army Master Siphodius commissioned for."

"Yes, master Obi Wan." said Anakin with a slightly disappointed tone.