Family Ties/Jessica: Age 9

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Thanks for dinner mom," offers your brother Jacob uncharacteristically as he rises from the table. You always get to tell mom how good dinner was.

"I really liked supper mommy. It was delicious!" Your voice is bubbly but snarky, trying to outdo your brother. Jacob raises an eyebrow at you and smirks to himself.

"Yeah, thanks hun," adds dad, also standing.

Heather is staring at her phone. She was trying very hard to ignore what little conversation existed up until now. But as soon as she notices other people leave the table she turns in her chair and shuffles away as well, interested more by her digital friends than her family. You know she doesn't want to go on the trip tomorrow but maybe she'll turn around later. She's not as fun when she's grumpy.

Turning back to mom, she's watching dad leave the table. She's either anxious or sad and you're not sure which, but her eyes discretely follow him. He leaves without another word. With dad gone she smiles a weird smile. "Timmy, do you want to help mommy with the dishes?"

"YE-um... yeah, okay!"

The two of them get up from the table, carrying some plates with them into the kitchen.

Sitting at the table all alone you feel left out. It's like you're not even there.

You slide out of your chair and wander away from the table. Everyone is packed for the trip already so there isn't anything else to do besides waste the rest of the evening. You sigh dramatically but no one is around to hear it. You sulk for a few minutes but there's not much of a point if no knows you're doing it. Yet there are five other people in this house; one of them should be willing to spend some time with you!