
From All The Fallen Stories
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William let's go buddy, your father calls. You and your family were going camping in a big forest reserved for campers. You were only three so you had a lot of things you wanted to take camping. This would be your tenth time going camping in your lifetime. What was even more exciting was that your best friend Abigail, was going to be their. You get all your things and then you leave with your family. You guys are going to be taking some kind of bus to the campgrounds you will be staying. You see your friend Abigail. You run over and hug her. Hi William, she says. Wait till you see what we are going to be doing this weekend, you reply. Abigail had never gone camping before which is why you are going to be with her the entire time. You all board the bus that takes you down to the campground. When you guys arrive you see there are tents already set up for you guys. There were four tents, one for you and your family, one for Abigail's family, and one for your camp guide, no one was using the empty one. She didn't like saying what her real name was, she just liked being called Ms H. She has been eyeing you for some strange reason though, but you didn't really let that bother you. Hey, William do you want to use the empty tent since no one else is using it. You wanted to spend as much time with Abigail as possible.

