Space is too Smol/Chapter 2

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Rita was jerked awake from a deep sleep by the intercom. "Now arriving at: SR-213v2" NAV_AI's voice declared. "Navigation encountered no problems on pre-plotted course. Rita must enact manual docking sequence - required at helm at once." Groaning, Rita rolled out of bed. Skylar sat up and yawned as her older sister quickly undressed and tossed her night clothes into the dispenser, dialing up an outfit preset of hers and collecting it quickly.

Rita swiftly put on the white silk panties, black and white striped knee socks, black short skirt, purple striped blouse, tugging them all on she hopped around the room trying to not lose her balance. "Are we home now?" Skylar asked sleepily. "Yep, I just need to dock the ship. Get dressed and meet me at the docking port as soon as you can, alright?"

Skylar nodded and got on her hands and knees, crawling out of bed and shuffling over to the dispenser. She tugged her pajama top off, revealing that she still had a bit of cute baby fat left of her frame, her chest just as flat as her older sister's. She bent over and pulled her bottoms down to her ankles, her plump pussy and even plumper bottom jiggling as she struggled to dump the pajamas into the input bin.

Pressing some buttons she ordered her usual outfit - pink-striped panties, a pink polka dot t-shirt, and blue denim overalls. Rita didn't wait to see if she needed any help with any of this, racing to the cockpit as soon as she was dressed. Jumping into the seat, she seized the controls an activated the neural link. The space in front of the cockpit appeared empty, but Rita wasn't fooled. A lot of species in the galaxy wanted to get their gripping appendages on Dr. Nebula, and his cloaking tech was very, very good. Not only that, but the outpost itself got teleported to a random area empty space far from any planetary systems someplace in the galaxy every few days.

"Entering access codes..." Rita muttered, sending them out towards the invisible barrier using her mind via the neural link with the ship's communications array. In addition to being shrouded in a cloaking field, the energy barrier doubled as a disintegration field - anything unauthorized would be vaporized trying to enter without being cleared first. Rita heard a voice she knew very well reply from the empty space in front of her ship.

"Codes accepted... Welcome home, Rita. End communication." Dr. Nebula's voice cut off, and Rita nudged the ship forward. It passed through the barrier inch by inch, making the nose section seem to vanish as the barrier approached the cockpit. Rita shuddered as it passed over her - the sensation was very unpleasant. Soon it was over, and she was once again greeted by the familiar sight of Dr. Nebula's mobile research outpost.

A collection of metal domes housing anything from vast greenhouse bio labs to advanced experimental weapons testing facilities, it was an enormous complex of interlocking pods and connecting tubes many kilometers across. To Rita, this was the only home she or her sister had ever know. Rita could not remember anything about her parents or her life before coming to live here. Her oldest memory was of a ship landing on her home world, and Dr. Nebula exiting. She vaguely remembered some kind of attack, and a voice telling her to hide and keep her sister safe with her until they returned.

The colony had been razed, no single building left standing so complete had the destruction been. Dr. Nebula had found the two girls hiding in a sensor-dampening heavily reinforced cellar under what had once been their abode. He had told them to come with him, and taken them back to his outpost. Since that day, he'd raised the two girls as if they were his own daughters.

Over the years Dr. Nebula tried and conditioned Rita, though she refused to let him perform any experiments on her little sister. Their deal was she was to be left alone to life her life as a normal girl, or as normal as she could be. Rita began running supply runs for her surrogate father as soon as he deemed her ready, designing her ship himself just for her, and writing the AI to, as he put it, "babysit her when he wasn't around to keep her out of trouble."

Rita shook her head, shaken out of her remembrance. Nudging the ship forward, she maneuvered over towards the hanger and entered, the atmospheric barrier that kept the air in and pressure stable not having any problem letting her ship past it. Flicking out the landing gear, she expertly landed the ship and powered it down, hopping to her feet. Skylar was already dressed and standing by the docking port, still clutching her worn stuffed rabbit. It was the only object that survived their colony's destruction, and had been lovingly repaired by both Dr. Nebula and Rita more times than she could count.

"Ready to go?" Rita asked with a smile. Skylar nodded, sucking a thumb. Rita held out her hand to her little sis, and she clasped it warmly. Turning, Rita flicked the holo pad to unlock the door. A whoosh of air flew past them as the slight pressure differences between the ship and the hanger stabilized themselves, and the hatch swung open. "Rita! Skylar! My girls, welcome home!" An elderly looking man stood outside the hatch waiting or them, his long white hair tied back in a ponytail, and his beard trimmed close to his face.

"Daddy!" Skylar cried out, pulling out of Rita's grip to run to the man. Dr. Nebula got down on one knee as she approached and threw her arms around his neck. He picked her up and held her under her bottom one handed like any experienced dad. Rita smiled seeing this, and walked over at a more dignified speed for a girl her age, though she still covered the distance quite fast. "Dad!" she said with a warm grin, hugging Dr. Nebula around the waist.

"What's this I hear from AM_AI about you almost crashing the ship?" he said, ruffling her hair. Rita rolled her eyes, tilting her head up to look at his grinning face without letting go of her bear hug around his waist. "Oh, c'mon - AM_AI always overreacts! I had everything under control - those smelly ve'gaths didn't know what hit 'em!" Dr. Nebula chuckled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "Can't blame a dad for worrying, can you?" Rita's only reply was a playful sticking out of her tongue, making Dr. Nebula chuckle.

"I trust you got what I needed from the ve'gaths before you obliterated them, my little space warrior?" Rita nodded, finally letting go of Dr. Nebula. "Uh-huh. I still don't know how they found out I was buying for you, daddy. I was careful and used all the usual ob.. obis-ca... ob-fus-ca-tion tactics." Dr. Nebula stroked his beard with one hand, a worried look on his face. "What is it?" Rita asked, concerned. "It's probably nothing. I want to do some more research before I say anything. For now I will change the outpost's random teleportation algorithm just to be on the safe side."

"Come you two, let's go to the living quarters. I missed you both soooo much!~" Rita trotted to keep up with Dr. Nebula's long stride, slipping into the transport tube after him. The door automatically sealed, and the teleport pad whirred as it charged. With a flash, the scene melted away, changed, and reformed. Rita blinked, and they were in their private habitat pod. They were the only three biological sentient in the entire station, the rest of the work being carried out by AIs, so this was the only habitat pod in the entire complex.

The place was more of a mansion than a typical space station pod, however, with dozens and dozens of rooms of various sizes and functions. Dr. Nebula stepped off the transport pad and set Skylar down. She turned and held up her rabbit to him. "Daddy, Mr. Nibbles needs to go see the doctor again! He's got boo-boos!" Dr. Nebula tied to hide his smile behind a hand. "Okay, sweetie. Leave him on my desk and I'll take care of him as soon as I can." Skylar grinned. "Thanks, daddy! I wuv you!~" She skipped off, heading for his office to deposit the toy.

No sooner had she left than Dr. Nebula hooked Rita around the waist and tugged her closer to him before she could wander off. "Hey, you..." he murmured. "Come, let's go to the entertainment room and talk. I want you to tell me in your own words what happened with COM- I mean, 'PERV_AI'..." Rita blushed, and nodded. "Sure, daddy..." As they walked towards a door off the main hallway together, Dr. Nebula's hand on Rita's waist roamed down lower and began groping her bottom.

Rita felt her flush deepen - she'd barely even gotten home and he was already making advances on her again. Not that she really minded, though. Dr. Nebula had been grooming Rita pretty much ever since he'd adopted the two of them. Rita enjoyed his tender affections and didn't mind in the slightest. He would never do anything to hurt her, though she had been firm with him from the start that Skylar was to be left alone. He could do whatever he wanted with her, but her sister was off limits. Dr. Nebula has said that he admired her resolve and agreed to leave Skylar alone... once he had his hands down her pants, of course. Remembering their first time making love caused Rita's blush to deepen even further and her heart thud in her small chest.

They entered the next room, which had a large comfy bed, a table with some chairs, and a very comfy couch with a monitor set into an entire wall. Dr. Nebula led his daughter over to the couch and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. "Tell me what happened with PERV_AI..." he whispered as his hands slid up the preteen girl's blouse to grope at her washboard-flat chest and tease her tiny mosquito-bite nipples.

Rita told him everything that had happened, explaining how its behaviors had been growing more unpredictable and aggressive for months now, and what he finally did to her. Dr. Nebula shook his head as Rita told him her tale, one of his hands working its way under her skirt to press against her little slit through the fabric of her panties as she finished. Rita was breathing very hard by this point, and was acutely aware of the hard object in Dr. Nebula's pants pressing against her bottom as he toyed with her tight little 11 year old body.

"I'll take a look at PERV_AI's core algorithms again. Hopefully I can figure out what's going on with its learning matrix... If not, I will reset it. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt." Rita gasped as Dr. Nebula slipped his hand down her panties and began gently rimming her preteen cunny. "Th-Thanks, daddy..." she half-moaned, her small chest heaving as he stimulated her young body so effectively. She swallowed, then cleared her throat. "You w-wanna fuck me, daddy?"

"Mmmm... Oh my yes Rita, daddy want to fuck you real bad. You've been gone for far too long... Daddy can't wait any longer." Rita slowly nodded. Her cheeks were burning hot. "I-It's okay, daddy. I understand. You c-can fuck me, I don't m-mind. I wanna make you h-happy.~" At these words Dr. Nebula leaned down and kissed the nape of Rita's neck, making the girl gasp as he sucked hard before letting go with a popping sound. "Oh, baby girl... How I ever lived without you is a mystery not even I am smart enough to solve.~"

Dr. Nebula gently lifted Rita off his lap, setting her down on her belly on top of a very large and comfy pillow on the sofa. Her bottom dangled over the edge and her feet trailed down, the tips of her toes just barely brushing the floor. Rita hugged the pillow tight, her young body tensing up in anticipation as Dr. Nebula tenderly reached down and flipped up her skirt. Lipping the waistband of her silk panties, Dr. Light gently slid them down just far enough to expose Rita's preteen fuck holes.

"You wore the panties I love..." he mumbles, rubbing the young girl's back. "You are such a thoughtful little girl..." He pressed his hand against Rita's bare slit, making the girl's breath catch in her chest as he gently rubbed the palm of his hand over her wettening baby hole. "I'll fuck you nice and gently, baby girl... I'll make you feel as nice as you make me feel just for being in my life, I swear it.~"

Rita felt something hard press against her slit and gasped. Dr. Nebula gently pressed his raging man boner against the little girl's tiny opening, pressing the head inside Rita's preteen fuck hole. She moaned as he gently inserted himself inside her, her pussy walls tightening up as she reflexively squeezed and clamped down, wanting to make her daddy happy. "Ohh Rita, you're such a fine little specimen! I love how your little cunt is always so damn tight..! "

Rita gasped again as Dr. Nebula pushed the rest of his length all the way inside her. He was quit above average in size, but she had been conditioned for this. Dr. Nebula had made sure her small body would be able to accommodate his overlarge dick, altering her body to make her extra resilient against tearing and stretch much further than a human normally could. Rita had eagerly consented to all of this when he asked, wanting desperately to be able to go all the way with her new daddy who took such good care of her and her sister.

"Still no pain?" Dr. Nebula asked worriedly. He asked that question every time they made love, even though she always told him the truth. Rita shook her head against the pillow she was hugging to her chest. "I'm fine, daddy. F-Fuck my lil' pussy hard!~"

"Alright, baby girl. You asked for it - daddy's gonna fuck his little space warrior's brains out!~" Dr. Nebula grunted, squeezing her bottom tightly, pulled halfway out, and slammed back into Rita's hairless preteen snatch. Rita squealed as his 10 inch dick impaled her, tunneling far deeper into the tiny girl's belly than would normally be possible. Rita felt waves of pleasure washing over her and overwhelming her young mind as Dr. Nebula slammed in and out of her 11 year old fuck canal in great, savage thrusts.

"F-Fuck, you little slut! Daddy's gonna punish you!" Dr. Nebula moaned, and began spanking Rita bare bottom between plows of his man meat between the slutty little girl's eagerly spread legs. Rita moaned in pleasure, feeling herself about to cum hard. Her small body shook as she came, her inner walls clamping down on Dr. Nebula's cock. "Damn, so tight!~" Dr. Nebula moaned, pushed over his limit by the sudden increase in pressure sensitivity. He came hard, dumping his load deep inside his adopted daughter's little womb.

The two of them locked together as Nebula pumped a few more times into Rita, letting her inner walls massage and milk the last few drops of semen from his dick before he pulled out of the little girl gently. Cum dribbled out of her gaping love slit as his penis withdrew, with little blobs being squeezed out as Rita's small body convulsed reflexively every few seconds.

Dr. Nebula groaned and lay down on the sofa next to the young girl, wrapping an arm around her chest and pulling her tight up against him. "I love you, daughter..." he whispered, running his fingers through her hair. Rita sighted, enjoying the touch and the sensation of having her head stroked. "Love you too, daddy..." she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep...

Chapter 3