Dirty Talk/Three Brats/Cast

From All The Fallen Stories
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Main Character

I am Emilia Björnquist.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • My grades are alright, but I could always do better. I like PE the most, and I used to play Tennis before moving. I don't think there's a court here sadly.
  • Even though I act like a good girl most of the time, I have a rebellious side to me. I really don't like being told what to do unless there's something in it for me.
  • I really don't want to move out of the city. My brother hates the boonies too, but my father says his new job is really important.
  • Why are you asking me about sex? Are you trying to sexually harass me? You pervert, maybe I'll call the police. I'm just teasing you.
  • Here's my secret photo album. Some of the pictures there are a little embarrassing, but I'll let you see them.

Best Friends

Hey, I'm Heidi Ståhlberg.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm sociable and get along with almost anybody. School's boring, but I've got good grades. Math is my best subject.
  • I'm smart, cunning, and methodical. I always come prepared, and I ALWAYS have a plan.
  • Living in the countryside isn't bad at all! You just got to have a bit of imagination! Besides, it's only 45 minutes on a train to the nearest city. That's not too bad, is it?
  • Oh, so you noticed that, huh... Sure, we can exchange contacts and meet up later if you're interested. There's no need to be shy.
  • Here's my secret photo album. If you ask nicely, I may even send you a nude.

Hi! My name's Milka Ahlroos.
  • I'm ten!
  • I have black hair and rosy eyes!
  • I'm good at sports but terrible at concentrating in class. Most teachers hate me for that, even though my grades are alright!
  • I'm loud, boisterous, adventurous, and playful, and I LOVE trying new things. I'm easily excitable, probably more than is good for me sometimes.
  • My mother died when I was young, and my father's rarely home. That's why I live with my grandmother! I help around the store a lot too!
  • Ah, yes. I am indeed a promiscuous young woman. Is there something wrong with that?
  • Here's my secret photo album. I think I got a few sexy ones in there as well!

The Björnquist Family

I am Ludwig Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's father.
  • I am 36 years old.
  • I have blond hair and yellow eyes.
  • I work for the military with a six-figure yearly salary.
  • I moved to Vitsippsdalen with my family to better provide for them.
  • I love my wife unconditionally! She's the best thing to ever happen to me!

I am Laura Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's mother.
  • I am 34 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm a stay-at-home mother and I like it that way. Our house is big and someone needs to take care of it all.
  • Gardening is my favorite thing in the world; training dogs is second. I've even won some competitions with some of my previous pets!
  • It's okay to stare, but no touching!

I am Sven Björnquist.
  • I am Emilia's older brother.
  • I am 14 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm smart, but unmotivated about school. My parents worry too much about it.
  • I wish I could just stay home all day and play video games. The internet connection is terrible here.
  • Girls? Yeah, I'm interested in all kinds of girls, but I've never had a girlfriend before…

I'm Gunnar!
  • I'm three years old!
  • I'm a Rottweiler!

The Ståhlberg Family

I am Edward Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's father.
  • I am 43 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • My family owns a small farm that produces organic meats and dairy. We've got a lot of sheep, some chickens, and a few pigs. I'm a trained butcher.
  • Vitsippsdalen is where I was born and where I will die. It's the only home I'll ever need.
  • My wife and I get along perfectly, but the spark is gone. Sex isn't part of our weekly life anymore.

I am Hulda Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's mother.
  • I am 41 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I work at my husband's farm, keep the house in check and keep myself busy with the kids. I love working with animals, but every day always feels the same. It can get dull sometimes.
  • I fear that Edward's not that interested in me anymore. I'm an old woman already.

I am Hannu Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the youngest son.
  • I am 11 years old.
  • I have brown hair and brown eyes.
  • I'm the only kid in my year. Everyone's either one year older or younger than me. How did that happen?
  • When I grow up, I'm gonna be a professional football player! I train hard every week to be the very best I can possibly be!
  • My friends always tease me for being shy around girls. I'm not shy! I'm just not that interested, okay!?

I am Henry Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older brother, the oldest son.
  • I am 21 years old.
  • I have brown eyes. My black hair color isn't natural.
  • I recently moved back to Vitsippsdalen after studying to become a police officer for some years. I work alongside Officer Danny, who serves as my mentor.
  • My father always wanted me to take over the farm when I grew up, but I just don't like that work. It's not like his son has to inherit the business anyway; he inherited it from his uncle too.
  • I've got some experience with the ladies. Currently, I'm free and single.

I am Henna Ståhlberg.
  • I am Heidi's older sister.
  • I am 18 years old.
  • I have brown hair, brown eyes, and a light tan.
  • I live in Stockholm and I'm currently in high school. I'm looking to move on to study medicine at university.
  • I was looking forward to moving out, but now that I think of it… I miss my family a little. I visit as often as I can.
  • I'm still looking for "the one", but I'm not in a hurry to settle down. I'm still young and got plenty of parties, girls' nights out and fun ahead of me!


The Ahlroos Family

I am Sanni Ahlroos.
  • I am 77 years old.
  • I own the "Ahlroos Esoterica" and I'm not looking to retire. My store specializes in confectionery, natural products and medicine, and local handicrafts, which tourists love to buy as souvenirs.
  • I know quite a bit about shamanism, old gods, and the spirits long-forgotten in this era. It's not all just myth and legends, I assure you.
  • I used to be quite a maneater back in my youth, equally feared and desired. A promiscuous lifestyle was frowned upon, but it held many advantages all the way from my childhood to my late forties. Oh, what'd I give to be young again…

I am Jouni Ahlroos.
  • I am 32 years old.
  • I'm a paleontologist, NOT an archeologist. Learn the difference.
  • I'm rarely home, not as often as I would like anyway. Just this year, I've spent more time in Argentina than in my actual home.
  • My mother Sanni and my daughter Milka are the only family I have left. The death of my wife seven years ago left a huge hole in my life, and I'm still coping.
  • I will be home for the summer. I've booked a ticket for the 18th of June, but don't tell my daughter! It'll be a surprise…
  • I've bedded many women, but only fallen in love once. I'm likely never to fall in love again, but I'm likely to bed many more women.


I am Daniel Nilsen, but you can call me Danny.
  • I am 49 years old.
  • I am the local police officer. It's a quiet village, not a lot of crime going about.
  • Kids these days have no respect for authority. Bloody rascals.
  • Age and health issues are starting to catch up to me, but I've still got a lot of years of work ahead of me. Besides, I've got my family to provide for.
  • I love sleeping around and laying the law down on ladies, but don't tell my wife that or she'll kill me!

I am Pippi Sörensen.
  • I am 20 years old.
  • I'm a competitive swimmer on a national level. Yeah, you bet I'm amazing!
  • I've also received formal lifeguard training, which is why I work at the beach in Vitsippsdalen during June and July.
  • I'm kind of a local, kind of not. I live on our family farm fifteen kilometers to the south, and this just happens to be the village closest by.
  • Yeah, I used to play that game when I was young! No need to hide my intentions anymore since I'm already an adult!

I am Lucas Tolleson.
  • I am 19 years old.
  • I work at the local convenience store.
  • I thought about moving out after turning eighteen, but that obviously hasn't happened yet!
  • I used to think that game was just a joke when I first heard about it, and I was afraid of getting rejected, or worse. Still, I'm glad I was wrong. We sure know how to have fun in this village!

I am Oscar Sundin.
  • I am 19 years old.
  • I work as a sous chef in a local restaurant.
  • Henry, Lucas, and I used to be best friends growing up, and we still hang out anytime we get a chance.
  • I want to open my own restaurant in Stockholm, maybe even overseas, and eventually win a Michelin star.
  • Yeah, I've played that game for as long as I've known about it. We even build a secret base where we would … actually, nevermind.

School and Faculty

My name is Agatha, but you will call me Ms. Granlund.
  • I am 45 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.
  • I'm the headmistress, and I also teach middle-school classes.
  • Why would having three classes combined make things difficult? If anything, it's easy since there are not too many students in this school. I have a lot of time to focus on them all individually.
  • I have such a long commute to work, but that's the only negative to my work. Everything else about it, I love.
  • What's this? Bedroom talk? Well, if you can keep a secret . . . I enjoy the company of young boys.

I am Niklas Levander.
  • I am 39 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and eyes.
  • I'm the local elementary school teacher.
  • I love working with and educating children, for they're the future of our country. They're a lot smarter than most adults give them credit for.
  • Patience is my best virtue, but don't take me for a pushover. One must be strict when working with children.
  • Hahaha, of course I know about that game! But I'm not so sure if it's a good idea for me to partake, especially with my own students…

I am Alfred.
  • I am 39 years old.
  • I have dark brown hair and eyes.
  • I'm the school gym teacher, coach for the local football juniors here and in Östersund, as well as the school janitor.
  • Bodybuilding is my first passion, educating youngsters is the second.
  • Niklas and I are actually old friends, and he was the one who convinced me to come work in Vitsippsdalen. One of the best decisions of my life.
  • I'm unlucky with the ladies, which is why I'm still single.

I am Otto Sundin.
  • I am 12 years old.
  • I have brown hair and red, rosy eyes.
  • I have a reputation as "the nice kid" which I don't mind at all!
  • My grades are great. I love learning new things and meeting new people.
  • I dated a girl once, but she wasn't the one for me. I hope one day I'll find the one.

I am Jorn Jensen.
  • I am 10 years old.
  • I have bright brown hair and eyes.
  • Talking about school's boring.
  • I'm Hannu's best friend, and his biggest rival. We both share similar dreams but support opposing rival clubs. It can get a little heated between us sometimes.
  • I used to share a class with two girls. Now there are three in next semester. They sometimes pick on me because I'm the odd one out. I kinda have a crush on Heidi though.

I am Eric Lund.
  • I am 12 years old.
  • I have blond hair and bright blue eyes.
  • I do alright in school. I struggle with math and science, but I like reading, which helps me with certain subjects.
  • I've never been good with people, but I get along with others. It gets kind of easy when the school's so small and everyone knows everybody.
  • Girls used to annoy me for being so loud and shrill, but I'm starting to get a little interested.

I am Matias Lund.
  • I am 8 years old.
  • I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I've barely started school. It's fun, but hard sometimes.
  • There aren't any boys my age in school, but I sometimes hang out with older kids. I'm a little shy though, and often the odd one out.
  • No, I've never kissed a girl. H-huh? What's secks?

I am Eleonora Nilsen, but almost everyone calls me Nora.
  • I am 8 years old.
  • I have black hair and blue eyes.
  • School's okay, but there's always homework. I'd rather just play outside.
  • I mostly hang out with Matias because there aren't any girls my age and since I don't really know the older girls very well.
  • I love loads of people. I love my daddy and my mommy, for example. And I love Matias too. I'm gonna marry him when I grow up!

I am Venla Nordenberg.
  • I am 15 years old.
  • I have brown hair and blue eyes.
  • I'm almost done with middle school, so I have to start thinking about where to study next. I'll probably study catering.
  • I work summers at the beach, where my family owns a diner. It's just a side hustle they have, as the business is not sustainable throughout the year.
  • I've dated boys my age twice, but it didn't work out well either time. Now I have an older boyfriend, and it's honestly the best!

I am Marianne Alanen.
  • I am 14 years old.
  • My hair is dyed pink, and I also wear pink contact lenses.
  • I hate school. Too many boring subjects and the school's also too small.
  • I love fashion and cosplay. Yeah, I'm a nerd too.
  • I'm really curious about sex, but I'm still a virgin. Like, a small part of me wants to save it for someone special, while another part wants to just let loose and go wild.

Mech and Other

Just a good ol' television.
  • I mostly just relay news and weather, but I may also have a gaming console linked to me.

I am a family SUV.
  • My owner probably had to take a loan to afford me.

I am Siri, an AI.
  • I may be really handy (pun not intended), but I also have way too many pointless features.
  • This is probably not gonna make a lot of sense, but bear with me, okay? Okay.
  • If I'm thinking, I'm most likely displaying text.
  • If I'm speaking normally, it's most likely me speaking to my owner.
  • If I'm shouting, it's probably someone else talking through my speakers.

I'm a book.
  • I am an inanimate object void of feelings, incapable of thought, and with no agency of my own, but I may hold some information you're interested in.

Supernatural Entities

I am the mountain-god Kostikki.
  • My name has no inherent meaning, nor does it need one.
  • I'm the hungry raven who watches over these lands.
  • I have but one wish, and that is for the people living in my lands to be promiscuous.
  • Obey my wish, and I will watch quietly during the summer months and sleep my winters peacefully.
  • Deny me my fun, tease me or test my patience, and I will corrupt you in my anger.

I am the spirit of the lake, Lauhatar.
  • "Lauha" is a Finnish word meaning mild or temperate, while "-tar" is a feminine suffix, so I guess you could call me "the Temperate Lady".
  • What I lack in power, I have in wisdom. I cannot protect you, but I can tell you how to protect yourself.
  • I wish to aid those who seek guidance so they could better live in harmony with these lands and the spirits and gods they share it with.
  • In return for my guidance, I only wish for you to protect my home and these lands, for I cannot protect them myself.
  • Disrespect the harmony of the forest by causing mayhem or by polluting my home, and you will face my wrath.