Talk:Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 26th, 2021/Mommy's Mark - An unexpected visitor/Emilia shows her friends/And gets interrupted

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ok this path, I'm gonna be honest I'm not that interested on this choice for now at least. probably will change my mind when i see more of it this is my first impressions after all, but i just never like younger boys with older girls is never been my thing. Buuut i can see the possibilities and the boys don't know about the symbols so Emilia could be safe they most likely only know about the star and not much after that they may not even know about the colors either. about the choices im good with either both are good. love your work even with pages like this that i don't like as much i truly appreciate this story and i wanna see where it goes no matter what so thank you again Villenia for all your work and don't mind me do what you want to do, im not gonna like everything and thats fine is never about the people who watch is about what you want to write. --Xephion (talk) 20:03, 10 October 2022 (CEST)

btw by saying this it doesn't mean i wouldn't like what is to come in this path after all you made me like a watersports scene that i normally dont like, so im confident that whatever you planning to do i would probably like i just wanted to be honest and say when i dont like things too because only expressing praises would be a lie no matter how much you love the work of someone you are not always gonna like everything they do and most of the time they eventually win you over even to end up liking it. i don't want to discourage you in anyway and i get anxious just thinking about what if im making them angry or sad by saying this and they stop and i have millions of thought like that, but i just want you to know that no matter what ill keep reading because your story is sooo good. --Xephion (talk) 21:36, 10 October 2022 (CEST)

Not the biggest fan of shota+older woman either, but loli+shota is always hot as hell. Really like the dynamic here because of it since they're essentially just goofing around, which then leads to lewd shenanigans. If this is the path you're committed to, I'm looking forward to the rest. Emilia getting worried about her mom getting angry is also great. Heidi and Milka embracing(?) Emilia's "change" is also fun, and probably more drama free. I'm a sucker for "in-character drama" personally so maybe a little disappointed, but still, can't complain!

A minor nitpick though: Eric and Otto are (or at least should in my opinion be) in the know about the stars 100%. This and this page both nod towards that. If I'm understanding correctly, after reading this page twice, Eric could be just pretending to not know in the dialogue here, but Otto's "Did Oscar talk about markers once? I can't remember..." thought kinda suggests he doesn't? If you don't want changes to this page, that's fine, but I thought I'd at least point it out in the interest of consistency with other paths. I can also make some very minor changes myself if you allow me to. (I say minor because I don't want to hurt the overall narrative being told here lol). And if by some chance I'm wrong, feel free to shoot me down. -- Innocent Ruin (talk) 23:53, 10 October 2022 (CEST)