Universal Acceptance/You want to have sex with Megan

From All The Fallen Stories
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It strikes you as a little weird though, why didn’t they mention Megan in all of this. “I can do it with Megan too, can’t I?” You say. “She’s a girl, so I should be able to have sex with her.”

“Well, I guess he’s right.” Your father says. “Yeah, how about we go with Megan.”

“What?” Your mother responds, “But she’s only 3!”

“Yeah, so that means Jerry will be about 18 before we have to worry about anything.” Your father counters.

“Hmmm...” your mother groans, seeming to not really like this. You are not exactly following what they are talking about, but you can tell it is upsetting your parents a little. “I don’t know,” your mother says, “what if it hurts her?”

“Jerry’s only 10,” your dad says, “I’m sure he’s not that big yet.”

“Are you sure?” your mother asks, getting a frown from your father after witch he walks over to you.

“Sorry champ,” your father says, “I’m going to have to look at your penis for a moment to make sure you are not too big to have sex with Megan.”

You can be to big to have sex with a girl? Well, you guess that makes sense. Megan is really small.