Talk:Dirty Talk/Three Brats/June 21st, 2021/Emilia makes a decision

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Fair warning, I'm already leaning towards the "regret" path, even though I don't know where that would go yet. Always interesting to consider what a "bad ending" in a CYOA could look like. Would probably end up pushing the boundaries a bit. Nothing insane, certainly. No one is dying or losing an eye or anything morbid, but a "bad" ending could indeed be rough. I think I might write it as an actual end that would kick you back to the beginning, or perhaps jump to several months down the road. Everything's still up in the air, but it's an interesting idea that I'd like to try, unless there are strong objections. --Villenia (talk) 06:49, 25 October 2022 (CEST)

no objections from me at least a bad end sounds good but i hope this doesn't mean you aren't gonna continue this paths even if you add a bad end (that way you could still do the bad ending and still get the other path open in case you wanna do other options) i mean do what you feel you wanna write im loving your stories so ill read anything but im sure it will depends on innocent, i hope is that is not a short end or that can be extended a bit more i like the extra months in the future thing but im happy to see what you do anyway no matter what it is after all all paths need an ending anyway but innocent is the one should decide if its okay to have a bad end. Found the path so i erase the other question i mean now that i know where we are i say yeah fucked it do what you want i like bad ending as much as good ending (as long as people dont die) --Xephion (talk) 07:48, 25 October 2022 (CEST)