Possessed pedo/Timmy Scott, a 10 year old with a 3 inch dick/go to the new-born twins room(1 week old)/fix her diaper

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Timmy walked over to her crib to readjust her diaper but, all of a sudden he felt like someone is whispering in his ear. 'look at her cute little cunt.' Timmy can't resist looking at it. his eye's were drawn to it. Their Mother must've oiled her body before sending her to bed because even in the middle of night, her whole body seem to glisten. Especially her pussy!

"mmm, her lips are nice too..." said the voice. 

Timmy looked up and saw how pouty and full his newly born sisters lips were. for some reason he can't stop thinking about how good it would feel to kiss them. or even stranger, how they would feel around his penis. Timmy gulped, conflicted and rock hard. Now all he can think about is-

letting your desire take over you

fixing her diaper and quickly leaving