Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Quarter/Mean girls/Coralee/Call/Victoria/Punishment fail

From All The Fallen Stories
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"Alright. Put your clothes back on and go back out into the waiting room. We're not done here yet." You tell her.

She gets up off the changing table way too casually and walks with far to natural a stride after just getting raped to possibly convince you she was anything even close to a virgin. It's clear she hasn't just had sex before, but is as experienced with it as a career prostitute.

That said, it seems her elation about catching you off due to her being on her period has caused her to completely forget about the diaphragm you pushed into her. Either she also knew what that one was, or she is just too thrown off to ask about what you shoved into her after telling her you hadn't ejaculated inside her. You'd been hoping she would challenge you on that obviously false claim, but unfortunately it looks like this confluence of factors either made her forget that one as well or possibly even believe you due to her suspicion being lost in the shuffle.

You clean off your dick while she throws her clothes back on, and once you are both decent you lead her out of the office.

When you get out though, she immediately freezes as she locks eyes with a new girl who just arrived in the office. It looks to be a girl a little older than Coralee. She has the beginnings of breasts, and her body proportions suggest she is in the full swing of her pubescent growth-spurt. This growth has already put her a full head taller than Coralee, but she still doesn't measure up to Victoria's height. Based on your experience with little girls, you would place her in the sixth or seventh grade.

Judging by the circumstances, you guess this is probably Lisa.

"What is SHE doing here!?" Victoria says in a hostile and accusatory voice that causes the girl to cringe.

"Is this Lisa?" You ask, looking over to your secretary and getting a nod.

"Are you going to... to punish her too?" Victoria turns her accusatory words toward you. You think you can almost detect a ring of jealousy in her words. You will have to figure that one out later though. You decide it's more important to keep control of the situation for now.

"That has yet to be seen." You tell her. "For now, I am just trying to figure out what happened. Who gets punished and who doesn't depends entirely on how cooperative everyone is being."

That exchange causes Lisa to eye you nervously, and Victoria also doesn't seem to like that much. But, it really doesn't seem like the right time and place now to start digging into that just yet. Not with how uncooperative Victoria has been.