
From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 21:39, 22 November 2022 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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You shuffle through the hall past Megan's room and head into your baby sister Emilia's room. There, you find your youngest sister having thrown off her blankets during the night as per usual. She is dressed in a one-piece set of footy pajamas, the type with a zipper that goes from the neck to the right ankle, and can only be removed all at once or not at all.

In other words, if she so much as wanted to use the bathroom, she would have to get completely naked. It's often still not uncommon for her to ask for help with this, although you think that really has more to do with how she was potty trained. Mommy actually made using the toilet into a big group social affair for all the kids, in which we would all be taking turns peeing and even playing with each other's privates on the toilet to make it look more fun for her. You were even the one she called on most frequently for this, because you had the ability with your penis to pee in the toilet at the same time one of your sisters were also using it by having them spread their legs so you could pee between them. You all even made a game of trying to cross the urine streams.

That's a game you sometimes still play with your other sisters even after Emilia was potty trained, but thanks to that, Emilia still doesn't like using the bathroom alone and you are someone who is frequently asked to help.

You don't see any signs of her having wet herself during the night, but that's actually normal. Mommy has her wear pull-ups to bed. She may be potty trained, but since she wets the bed, a pull-up diaper is still necessary while she's asleep.

Normally, when Emilia wets her diaper these days, the procedure is not to change her diaper with wipes and everything. It's to give her a morning bath. There are still wipes around in case you are running out of time and have to get her to school, but normally one of you just takes her to the bathtub and gives her a bath. This usually falls to either you or Katie as Megan is never asked to do it since she's younger. Katie, meanwhile, likes to push the task onto you since you've always been easy to boss around.

Her bed is really just a mattress on the floor, since there's still some concern of her falling out of bed. It does have sheets on it and everything, but there's no kind of bed-frame. It really is just a mattress with some bedding on it shoved to one corner of your sister's room.

You crawl over Emilia's mattress until you're looming over her, and then you grab her by both shoulders to gently shake her awake. "Hey Emmi! Wake up!" You say, giving her a light shake. As you wait for a response, you bring one hand down to her crotch in order to check if her diaper is wet. You blatantly just grab your 4 year old sister's crotch, as has been your normal routine since even before that dream since it's the easiest way to check if she's wet.

Emilia lets out a groan and stirs a bit in bed as you have your hand firmly feeling up her crotch. You do indeed feel the cotton material of her diaper has swollen a bit with wetness, indicating she has peed her diaper in her sleep again.

William Silver Abilities:
Experience 2 Precocious seminarche
Partners 0
Pregnancies 0
Power 12
System Rubric

<--! groped Emilia's groin to check for wetness -->