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“What buzzing noise,” she says. She is lying on her back and you’re snuggled up beside her with your arm across, just underneath her boobs.

“Before I came in, I heard a buzzing noise like an electric toothbrush, but I know it wasn’t that.”

She moves slightly as if she’s uncomfortable and now your hand is cupped under her boob and you give it a little squeeze. It’s soft, but not flabby and you move your hand up until you find the nipple. She reaches down and moves your hand away without saying anything.

“Was it one of your toys,” you ask, feeling daring.

“What do you know about my toys,” she says a little bit sharp.

“You remember the other day, when you sent me up to fetch your hairbrush? I looked in the drawer and saw them.” What you’ve seen were three things: a plastic tube, a bit like one of dad’s cigar tubes; two shiny balls joined together with a piece of string and, most interesting of all, what looked very much like a big plastic pipi. The weird thing was that it had what looked like a little fish sticking out of one side and it was connected by a curly wire to pay box with knobs and buttons on it.

Mom sits up. “That’s very naughty. You shouldn’t go poking around without permission,” she says, sounding a bit cross.

You start apologising and then you notice when she sat up, she pushed the covers down there, lying in the bed beside her, is the big plastic pipi. When you sit up, she realises that you’ve seen it and goes bright red as if you caught doing something naughty or rude. You reach over and pick it up and are surprised by how heavy it is. “It looks like a big pipi,” you say.

She takes it off you and sits there holding it. “You know,” she says. “You’re a big boy now, and after what we just did, I think it’s time we stopped using the baby talk. This is a vibrator, an imitation cock, and it’s what ladies use if they haven’t got a man handy.

“But men don’t have a fish sticking out like that, do they?”

She laughs, turns it round and flips the little fish with a finger. “It’s supposed to be a dolphin and, if you knew anything about female anatomy, you’d understand what it was for. And no, men don’t have one.”

“Will you show me,” you ask.

She looks across at you and then, suddenly, decides to pull the top of her nightie up to cover her bare boobs. “Please mom,” you say.

“You always were precocious,” she says. You realise that she’s looking at the reflection of the two of you sitting side-by-side in the bed in her dressing table mirror. “I remember that little scene with Angela your birthday party.” Angela’s your cousin and about eighteen months older. At the party, she kissed you, which was highly embarrassing. Later on, when she was sitting next to you, she caught hold of your hand and put it between her legs under her dress. Mom, of course, had assumed that it was your idea and you been taken home in disgrace.

“How much do you know about sex and making babies,” she asks.

You shrug. “Not much. I know it takes a man and a woman and the man puts something into the woman that starts the baby off. From what I’ve seen on the TV, it involves a lot of kissing and cuddling.”

“That sounds more or less right,” mom says. “Of course, when a man and woman have sex, it doesn’t always make a baby. It’s a good job, or we’d be overrun by little rugrats. You see… You know that feeling you got just now when I… You know. You can do it with your hand. Women can do it with their fingers too, but it feels a lot better when there’s two of you.” She went quiet for a minute. “I know your dad was an absolute shit, but I do miss him.”

She holds the plastic cock up. “He bought this for me when he was out on bail. He knew he was going to go to prison and he thought it would make up for him not being there. I suppose what he really meant was that he didn’t want me to take another man into my bed.” She turns and looks into my eyes. “You know I said about you being the man of the house? I didn’t really imagine we’d end up in bed together.

You get the feeling that she is about to get up, but you want to find out more.