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Continue Nicole's Path

I wish there was a continuation of Nicole's one, I don't want to add to the thing as I feel like I would basically ruin it. ParanoidAndriod (ParanoidAndriod) 23:09, 31 December 2018 (CST)

Did you have an idea for one of the untaken paths? Or did you want it to continue after they leave? I didn't really have any plans to continue on past the end of their vacation. They live far apart and have rarely ever seen each other before now so it might be years before they meet again. I also really liked the idea of a limited number of days to weave the story into. I struggle with finishing things :P so it was nice to have a defined end point while still being able to let the story grow and take its own shape without too many other restrictions (and not write myself into a corner).

But feel free to expand on any part of Nicole's story if you'd like to try! I don't mind at all. I only wanted to find the end before I opened it up. It's always interesting to see what other people come up with. Villenia (talk) 20:29, 1 January 2019 (CET)

My assumption is he wanted some afterward note saying something about whether or not she became pregnant or something along those lines, or at the very least maybe they exchanged social networking or phone number information. Jemini (talk) 21:00, 1 January 2019 (CET)

I might try to add somethings to it if you don't mind. And what I meant was, like a small detailing of what happened after 10 years, like maybe they got an apartment or moved somewhere else, cause so far, Nicole was the best one ParanoidAndriod (talk) 15:14, 1 January 2019 (CST)

Add "Kicked Out" Path

I loved this story! The setting is fantastic and it has this pervasive sense the whole family is more perverse than they let on. When I started Jet's path, I thought it might be interesting to see a path where Jet just thanks his cousin for the tip and takes the remote cabin for himself, leaving Justice to bunk in the kid's cabin. I want to explore what mischief he might be able to stir up if he can learn to command this army of little cousins and encourage their exhibitionist tendencies.

I have some questions though before I would feel comfortable contributing. Have you worked out the family tree? There are a couple story hooks that happen in the background I want to know if you had a plan for, mainly 'what makes Asha get sick that one night?' LukeJ (talk) 04:55, 19 December 2022 (CET)