The Last Horcrux/Bedroom/Voldemort wakes before Emily

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The next morning, you awake from strange dreams dream and head to the bathroom. You sit down to pee and feel the strange sensations of possessing a girls body. You decide to take off your night gown and take a good look at yourself in the full length mirror. You see the same pale and skinny girl as yesterday, with emerald green eyes and jet black hair that is now messed up. You have the beginnings of two small pert breasts growing on your chest and your sensitive nipples are as pale as your skin. You remembered stroking them and pinching them last night as you…

You hurry out of the bathroom, flushing the toilet and closing the door, as you remember that you are a girl who is actually called Emily. You stop, and walk back into the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind you. You look at your reflection in the mirror. Emily's face looks back at you. You stare at the reflection and start to spea.

“We need to have a conversation, you and I,” you tell the girl in the mirror, “I will talk first, then you can talk. No messing about. Do you agree Emily?"


"You can't escape. You can't run away. You are my prisoner, just like I am yours. Understand?"


"Good. This conversation is to be between you and me. No one else. No one can listen in. No one can see. You understand?"


“Good," you say, and ask her, "do you know who i am girl?"

The reflection seems to hesitate for a moment, then answers.

"Yes,” the reflection whispers, as quiet as a mouse.

"Good. Now, tell me girl, who am I?"

You realise you are talking to yourself and you don't know the answer to that question. You start to panic. Re-asserting control of the mind, you ask the girl in the mirror the same question:

"Emily, you are Emily, but I am the one possessing your body. Do you know who I am?"


"Good. Who am I?"

"You are…" the girls voice falters, and becomes nearly inaudible, "the Darl Lord."

"Good," you say, "now, tell me girl, does it hurt?"

"Hurt? No."

"Are you scared?"


"Are you lying?"


"Are you sure?"


"You're not lying to me, are you?"

"Do you want to go back to being Emily?" the girl asks.


"Do you want to be free?"


"Then I am afraid it does hurt a little."

You start to cry. You shake your head. For a moment your thoughts were getting all tangled up with hers and you were starting to forget who was who.

"Listen to me Emily," you tell her. "I am the Dark Lord Voldemort, the most powerful Wizard who has ever lived. For the moment you will obey me. If you serve me well, when I am done with your body, I will reward you, but if you try to resist in any way, you will be horribly punished. Do you understand?"

"Yes,” the voice whimpers.

"Good. Now, it is time for us to talk."

Did you kiss Bellatrix passionately last night? Did you do more? Or did you just fantasise about her?