Talk:The Last Horcrux/Lestrange Manor/Bathroom/Fantasise about other girls or women

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I hope you like this scene dear reader. I know most of you are men that like younger girls, so hopefully the thought of young Emily pleasuring herself is as exciting as it is for me.

What do you think about using actual porn in the story? So far, I’ve used photorealistic AI generated art of Emily, but given her age there is no nudity. I could use AI cartoon style Loli, but it would break the immersion. There are no doubt people making photo realistic AI Loli but if that isn’t already illegal it will be soon.

Does adult porn break the mood? Or lose the immersion? Do you prefer to imagine Emily with other girls or do you like the photos?

There are people making AI porn that resembles 18+ women, but if it doesn’t look like Hogwarts stuff then there’s no point me using that when their is a whole internet of regular porn out there. What do you think? Emily (talk) 00:17, 1 February 2023 (CET)