Universal Acceptance/Send your parents out of the room before you start doing things

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You look up at your parents faces as your little sister lays there naked except for her arms in the sleeves of her opened up footy-pajamas, mean while, they stair back at you expectantly. This is beginning to make you feel even more embarrassed about the situation than you first did about wetting yourself. Great, now they want you to have sex with your little sister. You feel exactly as though they are having you stand in front of the toilet to pee after wetting your bed.

“Mmmhh,” you growl, “don’t watch...” you tell them.

“Oh! Sorry about that,” your father apologizes and then walks out of the room after your mother who had simply wordlessly stepped back out the door. “Right, you two have fun now,” he comments before shutting your door.

Great. It was all because you said the word “now” when you were talking about wanting to be allowed to have sex. Now they are actually expecting you to… to pee that semen stuff into Katie’s hole in her private parts. You look down at your mostly naked sister as you slip out of your blankets and begin peeling back your pajama pants and your soaked boxers. You are amazed at the huge difference between how completely soaked your underwear are compared to your pajamas, and a little fascinated at the sticky web of the thick liquid as it forms a film between your underwear and your scrotum as the membrane slowly begins to break toward your butt.

You gently touch your slimy penis, so this is semen huh? Well, your parents seem to be right, it really does not seem at all like pee. For one thing, it definitely smells a lot better. You don’t think pee is this slimy either, not that you have ever tried to see what pee feels like. You look back down at Katie sleeping with her bare legs spread at the foot of your bed, her head up almost against your knee. You can just about see the slit of her vulva as you look down her body from this angle. This is not the first time you have seen it or anything. You have played naked games together before, although not very frequently. Despite how easy your power makes it to do things like that, you don’t do it often. Maybe once a week, if that, and not always with the same people. Although, you have been getting the urge to see and touch your sisters’ privates a bit more often lately.

As you are thinking about all this stuff, your slimy penis starts to stand up and get hard. You have had this happen a lot when you play with it. You talked to your parents about this before, when you were about Katie’s age, before you even knew you had a power like this. They said that your penis just gets hard like that when you touch it enough. Somehow though, this feels different. It has been feeling weird like this lately whenever you play naked and touch a girl’s privates. Now, apparently you are supposed to be touching your sister’s privates with your penis.

But you don’t really want to have sex with her RIGHT NOW

So, let’s get to it. You are ready to try this sex thing.