The Last Horcrux/Hogwarts Express/A new friend

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You look out of the window and see the grey bricks of London flying past as the train picks up speed. You grin to yourself with excitement that you are finally on your way to Hogwarts. You reverie is interrupted when a somewhat clumsy young girl stumbles her way into your compartment, struggling with her luggage. She is a tall blonde girl, gangly in a way from a sudden growth spurt no doubt. Her slightly shabby clothes and mundane luggage, and in fact everything about her screams that she’s a first year muggle-born girl. You are just about to tell her that your apartment is taken when she turns around and you see her face.

As soon as you see the girl you are awed by her beauty

You had opened your mouth, with a plan to loudly complain about her stumbling into your compartment and disturbing your peace, but all words simply evaporate out of your mind as soon as you lay eyes upon her. You instantly know she is the girl from your dreams. The girl whose name you are never able to learn.

“Oh,” the girl says, “sorry I dropped everything.”

You ignore the pile of luggage that has clattered to the ground, enchanted by her eyes.

“Um, hi,” she says, holding out her hand for you to shake, “I’m Lily. I’m a bit new to all this. Is it ok if I share the compartment? All the others are full already.”

She simply told you her name. You look at her for a moment longer, then take her hand. It is warm and slightly sweaty. Lily seems very flustered and exceedingly clumsy. When you don’t say anything, she goes back to trying to salvage her luggage.

You blush bright red and look away, then summon the ability to speak again.

“I’m sorry,” you begin, “where are my manners. My name is Emily. Emily Lestrange. Did you say your family name?”

“My family name?” Lily says, repeating what you said as if it were something strange, “Oh, I’m Lily Smith. I haven’t got any family though. I grew up in a children’s home. I did have foster parents sometimes, but strange things kept happening, and, well, I kept having to go back to the home again. Then earlier this year Professor Trelawney came and met me, and told me about, well, about being a witch, and things all started to make sense…”

“So, you’re an orphan then?” You ask her, “That’s the same as me. I’m an orphan too I mean.”

“Really?” She asks, stopping trying to save her luggage for a moment, “Did you grow up in care too then?”

“Not really,” you say, “I grew up in my family mansion.”

Saying it out loud makes you feel really pretentious. Poor Lily just told you she just grew up in a Muggle Orphanage of some sort, and you replied by telling her how disgustingly rich you are.

“A mansion? Wow,” is Lily’s simple reply, “When did you find out you could do magic?”

You have to stifle a laugh.

“When did I find out?” You ask her, repeating her question because it’s so bizarre, “I’ve always known. I’m Emily Lestrange. My whole family are witches and wizards, for generations and generations.”

“Oh,” Lily says, looking a little embarrassed at her ignorance, “I’m sorry, I’m new to all of this.”

Your awkward conversation is interrupted by a pile of bags and boxes that Lily had placed on the seat next to her teetering in the edge, then falling onto the compartment floor, spilling their contents everywhere.

Emily Lestrange
Emily Lestrange with Hastur.png
Ethnicity: Pureblood Witch English/French/Italian
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Build: Slender
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Spells in effect
1: Protego Corpus
2: Protego Psyche
3: Protego Anima
4: Protego Animus
5: Psyche Obfuscatus
6: Obscurus Anima
7: Obscurus Magicae
8: None
Soul Fragments
2: Hufflepuff’s Cup (in Gringott’s Vault No.51)
3: Ravenclaw's Diadem? (Hogwarts?)
4: Slytherin's Locket? (Cave?)
5: Gaunt's Ring?
6: Gryffindor's Sword?
7: Unknown
8: Unknown
Emily (vessel)
Magic Items
Mother’s wand, Broken Time Turner, Bellatrix’ Locket, Shadow Cloak, Extended Luggage Suite, Ring of Protection
Other Items
Hastur snake familiar, Tailored clothes in black and dark emerald green, black leather knee high boots, purse with currency

Inside Extended Luggage Suite

Books Life Magick of the Celts and ancient Britons, Wiccan Blood Rituals, A Primer of Magickes of Imperial China, The Fragmented Soul, Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts, Love Potions, Sexus, Serpentes et Magicae Voluptatis, The Daughters of Hecate, A Secret Guide to Hogwarts, Tom Riddle’s Diary (Horcrux).

Magic Items Sofia Lestrange’s Pensieve, Enchanted Tarot, Guardian Statue, Self-Writing Quill, Wizard’s Chess Set, Mother’s Broomstick, several sets of shirts, skirts and underwear with protection from minor charms, jinxes and hexes.

Other Items

Clothes, text books, blankets, towels, food, medicines and various supplies