Universal Acceptance/Let them continue to do whatever they are going to do

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“All right,” your mother says, “I’ll go get Trish.”

“No wait,” your father stops her, “I think Katie would be a better idea.”

“But she’s too young!” Your mother protests.

“I know,” your father says, “but that gives us more time to figure things out moving forward. It’s Ok, Jerry is still not very big himself.”

Your mom lets out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, Ok, I’ll go get Katie.” She says and then leaves the room. Your father, mean while, looks back at you with a strange expression.

“Well, this is going to make things rather interesting,” he says. “I guess we can figure out something to make this Ok,” and then he mumbles something you can’t quite make out about kids getting married.

A little while later, your mom comes back carrying the still sleeping form of your 5 year old sister in her pink footy-pajamas. She deposits the little girl gently next to you on the bed and begins shaking her. “Honey, honey wake up,” she says, but your sister doesn’t even stir.

“She’s always a heavy sleeper,” your father notes with a chuckle, “I forgot about that.”

“What do we do?” your mother asks.

“Just let her sleep, if she wakes up we will tell her what’s going on.”

Your mom has a bit of a sour expression at this, but she turns back to your sister anyway and begins un-zipping her pajamas, revealing her fleshy naked chest and mini-mouse underwear. She pulls both of Katie’s legs out from her pajamas, but leaves her arms in. She then gently brings her underwear down and off her feet, leaving your sister laying on top of her open-front pajamas completely naked except for her arms that are still in her sleeves as she lays there peacefully snoring away.

“Ok,” your mother says with a nod toward you.

“Go ahead champ.” Your father echos.

What? Just go ahead? You’ve never even done this before! You look down over at your sister’s naked privates as she lays on top of her open pajamas and it is an extremely alluring sight, but as you look you begin to realize that you are not quite certain what you are supposed to be doing with your penis in this situation or if there is anything special you should be doing.

Persuasions (recent)
*You will wet the bed if you don't have sex. *Jesus doesn't want you to wet the bed. *You will wet the bed again if you don't have sex "now."

Limited condition persuasions

Long term persuasions (person 1)

Long term persuasions (person 2)


