The Last Horcrux/Hogwarts/House Slytherin/Dormitories/Lovers a heart to heart

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You hold Lily tenderly, and she snuggles up to you, both of you basking in the afterglow of your orgasms and the warmth of each other’s naked skin. You stroke her hair, and plant little kisses on her cheeks from time to time. Whenever you do so, Lily makes little affectionate noises of approval.

Neither of you speak for a long time. There is nothing that needs to be said, nothing that needs to be communicated beyond holding one another in your arms. Slowly, your cuddles become caresses, and your caresses become kisses again. This time it is a gentle and slow passion. Gone is the intensity of your earlier lovemaking, now is a time for tenderness.

“Emily,” Lily eventually says, interrupting one of your kisses.

“Mmm?” You say, as though you’ve only just remembered how to speak, “yes?”

“Let’s turn the lights off,” she simply says.

You nod, and slip your naked body out from beneath the blankets, to turn out the lights. You return to bed by the light of your wand, seeing Lily smiling shyly at your nakedness. You light some candles and get back into bed with her again.

“I’ve…” she begins, pre-emoting you leaning in to give her another kiss, “I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve never even kissed anyone before.”

You smile and stroke her face gently.

“It’s ok,” you tell her, “first times are special.”

“Have… you ever done this before Emily?” She asks you.

“No,” you say, knowing that it’s a lie, “not really… not like this.”

“I never thought I’d kiss a girl. I always thought my first kiss would be with a boy.”

You kiss her again, slowly and tenderly.

“Do you like kissing me Lily?” You ask her.

“Yes,” she admits, blushing slightly, “I really like it.”

“I like it too,” you tell her, before moving in for another kiss.

“Emily?” She asks you, when you pause for breath, “have you ever kissed a boy? Or… you know.”

“No,” you reply, shaking your head slightly, “I don’t like boys. I’m a lesbian. Girls are much nicer than boys I think.”

“You’re nice,” Lily acknowledges, stroking your arm, and brushing your hair back away from your face.

Now it’s your turn to be shy.

“Emily,” you ask her, “do you… want to be my girlfriend?”

“Girlfriend?” Lily repeats, slightly surprised, but not not unpleasantly, “does that make me a lesbian too?”

“I don’t know,” you reply, “it depends. Do you like boys?”

“Um, I think so,” she says, looking a bit confused.

“Well, if you do, then it means you’re bisexual. You like boys and girls, or you at least like boys and me,” you give her a dazzling smile, “if you only like girls, that means you’re a lesbian.”

“I… I think I must be bisexual then,” Lily says, to herself as much as to you.

“Whatever you are, you’re one hundred percent gorgeous to me,” you tell her, toying with one of her nipples.

“Emily,” she says, looking more serious and making you look at her instead of her tiny breasts, “you know my dreams, and how they come true sometimes, and people freak out? Well please don’t freak out, but I had a dream about tonight. With you I mean.”

You grin at her.

“No, not this part,” she laughs, embarrassed slightly, “earlier, when we were chasing each other in the rainstorm. I had a dream about meeting you. I didn’t know it was you until tonight, but I dreamt about being chased by a girl with black hair and green eyes, in a castle in the rain. I’ve dreamt about it lots and lots. Long before I even knew about Hogwarts.”

Your eyes widen and your hairs stand on end. She’s dreamt about you too.

“Oh Lily,” you gasp, feeling yourself start to tear up slightly, “I’ve dreamt about you too. For ages. I used to have a dream where I’d chase this blonde girl, and always want to ask her her name, but I never could. And then one day, you just walked into my cabin on the Hogwarts Express, and said, hi, I’m Lily.”

By now you are gazing into one another’s eyes again, and holding hands, fingers interlinked. You see something reflected in her gaze. Not love, not lust, but Awe. Fate. Belonging. Home.

“We…” Lily starts.

“Belong together,” you finish.

You lie down next to her again. Neither of you are speaking, as there’s nothing further to be said. Somehow, fate has brought the two of you together. It’s somehow wonderful and terrifying to you at the same time. Why would the world bring you both together? This strange feeling doesn’t sit well with you. You want to fuck her again, to return to the simple passion of earlier. To chase her in the rainstorm again, a memory that will gradually become lost in time.

You stare at the bottom of the bunk bed above you. The room is all dark polished oak and emerald green curtains. You suddenly remember that you are possessed by a monster, even though it is sleeping for the moment. Whatever happens, it mustn’t hurt Lily. You simply couldn’t live with yourself if he ever hurt Lily.

She cuddles up to you, cradling her head in the crook of your neck. You blow out the candles, hold her and gently stroke her until she is soundly sleeping. She is so innocent and vulnerable, and you know you must protect her at all costs. You try to reach into the monsters memories for Occlumency, and imagine yourself building a protective shell around you and Lily and the bed you share, as if you were within an egg, the source of all life…

At some point, you drift off, into the land of sleep and dreams.

You have never felt such love, or such fear.

Emily Lestrange
Emily Lestrange with Hastur.png
Ethnicity: Pureblood Witch English/French/Italian
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Build: Slender
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Spells in effect
1: Protego Corpus
2: Protego Psyche
3: Protego Anima
4: Protego Animus
5: Psyche Obfuscatus
6: Obscurus Anima
7: Obscurus Magicae
8: None
Soul Fragments
2: Hufflepuff’s Cup (in Gringott’s Vault No.51)
3: Ravenclaw's Diadem? (Hogwarts?)
4: Slytherin's Locket? (Cave?)
5: Gaunt's Ring?
6: Gryffindor's Sword?
7: Unknown
8: Unknown
Emily (vessel)
Other Soul Fragment?
Magic Items
Other Items
Hastur snake familiar, Tailored clothes in black and dark emerald green, black leather knee high boots, purse with currency

Inside Extended Luggage Suite

Books Life Magick of the Celts and ancient Britons, Wiccan Blood Rituals, A Primer of Magickes of Imperial China, The Fragmented Soul, Saucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts, Love Potions, Sexus, Serpentes et Magicae Voluptatis, The Daughters of Hecate, A Secret Guide to Hogwarts, The Oneirocritica, Tom Riddle’s Diary (Horcrux).

Magic Items Sofia Lestrange’s Pensieve, Enchanted Tarot, Guardian Statue, Self-Writing Quill, Wizard’s Chess Set, Mother’s Broomstick, several sets of shirts, skirts and underwear with protection from minor charms, jinxes and hexes.

Other Items Clothes, text books, blankets, towels, food, medicines and various supplies