Sexy Fun Times/Work/Social Worker/3yo Twins

From All The Fallen Stories
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The twins have been referred by the nursery they both attend. You park outside the detached house where they live and read the paperwork. Three-year-old James and Molly live with their widower father after their mother died in childbirth. This is the first time they have been bought to the attention of the department. Apparently, they are far more knowledgeable about sex than they should be at that age.

The door is answered by a pretty young girl/woman. It's hard to tell with some Asians and she could be anywhere between ten and twenty years old. She checks your ID and takes you through to a comfortable sitting room. There are two couches at right angles to each other, a sturdy, low coffee table, a book case with some serious looking titles and a fireplace with a wood-burning stove. The pale blue carpet seems almost ankle deep. There is no sign of any toys or child-related stuff in this room.

The girl speaks English and offers tea, which you accept. The tray arrives, carried by a man in his sixties. He is slim and wiry-looking, with a shock of grey hair. He's wearing shorts and a polo shirt and his feet are bare.