UAM/Joseph Wade Beginning

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 17:29, 11 May 2023 by Authorinshadows (talk | contribs) (rewrote the opening to make it a little better in my opinion.)
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Joseph felt the world fall away from him.

Despite his best efforts, teaching and grasping doesn't help keep it in hand and it all faded away like a mist-covered dream. He could remember the faint echo of words from a powerful woman. "In thanks for your aid, I gift you with the power to shape your world. All who live there will believe what you say and will never reject your actions. Take joy in your life." But even then, as Joseph opened his eyes, the words faded into the dream and he looked up at the white plaster ceiling above him. A fan idly rotated just enough to keep the air from getting stale. His fan, his ceiling, his room. Slowly, he gathered his wits about who he was and where he was.

Joseph Smith, sixteen year old. Living in Oakwood. His mother and sister are here, his father had died when he was young. He is just an average teenager going to high school, playing video games, hanging out with friends, and clueless about what he'll do with his life. Rubbing the empty space in his bed, he adds girlfriendless to it. A fading part of him could have sworn that was wrong he had... No, he just imagined it all. He rubbed the moisture of tears from his eyes as he pushed away the feelings and let them fade with the dream.

Joseph sighed, "Wow... intense dream." He pushes himself upright on his bed, stretching and groaning as he gets his muscles to wake up before swinging his legs out of bed. He stands up and stretches again. His semi-athletic body flexes its muscles as he does so before he relaxes and rubs his short brown hair. While most of the dream is gone, the words seem to still be there and he wonders out loud, "What was that about again? About... my world?"

"The goddess has given you the power to claim absolute dominion over this world, Joseph Wade," he heard in reply, answering his question. He nodded before his eyes snapped open in surprise. Joseph spun around in shock as he scrambled up off his bed, looking around as he tried to find the source of the voice. "Calm yourself," the voice said in a cool monotone. "This one is known as Sage, a spirit gifted to Joseph Wade as an aid and to fulfill inquiries." The voice wasn't coming from anywhere that he could notice, but it was all around. A gentle speech that rested on his ears like a soft tone. At the same time, he had the feeling of a gentle presence that alerted Joseph that it was there.

Joseph slowly calmed himself, he didn't feel in danger and the voice answered his question. But communicating with open air was too strange of thought, so he asks Sage, "Ok, well... Do you need to be invisible? Kind of weird to talk to empty air."

"Creating pleasing physical form." Joseph felt the Spirit move to his bed and turned to see what looked to be balls of light collecting together and forming a humanoid shape. Eventually, details take the form of a young girl, not even a teenager. And completely in the nude. Pale almost blueish skin, a flat chest with light pink nipples, and a hint of pussy lips between her closed legs. She had shoulder-length pure white hair that looked soft to the touch and a blank, emotionless face that looked up at him. "Peak physical attractiveness for Joseph Wade achieved."

The boy swallowed and nodded not even bothering to ask how she knew what he liked as his tongue licked his suddenly dry lips. He eyed her preteen pussy like it was an oasis in the desert. But rationality got hold of him at the last second and he shook his head, "Wait, this is... really nice but I can't have a nude little girl in my room! My mom-"

"She can not see perceive me," Sage said, interrupting Joseph's concerns, "Nor would she have any negative reaction if she could." Joseph's baffled expression prompts Sage to explain further. "Joseph Wade has been given the power to shape the perception of others. Actions shall never cause a negative reaction and all communication shall be accepted and obeyed. Joseph Wade can request and receive a person's wallet or have them leap to their deaths with equal effort. Joseph may enjoy others without them resisting or can make them enjoy themselves with just a few words. Preferences, desires, and beliefs, all may be changed by your words while none will ever hinder the actions you take. The power of godhood has been granted in thanks for your service."

The way that she spoke made Joseph unable to question her declaration. The implications were staggering but also exciting. What he could do so easily. The good he could do... The good for himself he could do! His mind rushed to the possibilities and blood rushed to his cock. He almost lost grasp of what was going on but quickly grabbed hold again and looked to Sage. There were still a few questions he had. Looking her up and down again, he asked, "So... What are you supposed to be?"

"This one is a Helper. Any inquiry about this world you may have shall be answered, however, compiling the information may take time. This one may also delve into the minds of others or serve as a physical toy for Joseph Wade's amusement or pleasure. This one is imperceptible to others and all interactions with this one shall not be noticed."

As interesting as the first part was, the last bit was especially exciting, "Wait... so I could... Like... have sex with you and... no one would care," he was struggling to find the words to put together to ask.

Sensing his confusion, Sage broke through his rationalizing brain and got straight to his most basic logic with her reply. "No one would care who you do it with, but yes. Joseph Wade may fuck this one senseless. Pull hair, pound any hole. This one, just like the world, belongs to Joseph Wade." She spreads her legs to show off a dripping wet cunt, tight and immature. "Joseph Wade need only speak or act to take it." Breathing heavily, Joseph starts pushing down his boxers and letting his hardened cock spring free. He almost leaped upon the spirit when it speaks again. "However, breakfast will get cold. Joseph Wade's mother is making waffles."

"Joseph," his mother called from downstairs, "Breakfast is ready if you are hungry. It's waffles just how you like them!" Joseph looked to his door in surprise before looking back to Sage, the spirit passively waited for Joseph to act. It was a tough choice, he could just stay up here and fuck Sage. But then he'll have cold waffles. Not to mention, his mom and sister might leave to go somewhere, and having them return might be annoying.

Still, what happened now was all up to him. He could even ditch his clothes if he wished from the sound of it. He smiles as he makes up his mind...