Pedo Paradise/male/daycare/Hattie3

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Hattie was the one who nearly got me in trouble. She was a typical energetic three-year-old. She was a dark brown colour, but her lack of thick lips and broad nose indicated a North African descent. Her father, who bought her in, was a professor at the local university and explained to me that she seemed rather precocious sexually. "We try to make her understand that there are some things you should keep private, but she doesn't seem to understand," he said.

There were four other kids there that day. Two-year-old Heather, Lilly and Lucy aged three, and Simon a rather timid four. As so often happens, Hattie screamed with anguish until her father was out of sight, then shut off the waterworks and trotted off to meet the others. They were building a fort from the soft blocks and it wasn't long before Hattie appointed herself as the boss.

Heather saw her job as knocking what the others built down, but Hattie soon put a stop to that and it wasn't long before the walls reached a good height and the older girls were defending it against a lacklustre attack from Simon and Heather. Seeing that they were playing nicely, I went to the office for a coffee. I had a good view of the room from my desk, but I couldn't see what they were up to inside the fort.

It was the quiet that got my attention. There had been the usual noise, including shouts from the new girl when one of the others didn't follow orders, so when it went quiet, I looked up. They were all out of sight, so I went in to see what mischief they were up to.

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