Sexy Fun Times/Ten/Boy/Breakfast/Tommy's House/Mum/Stay

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< Sexy Fun Times‎ | Ten‎ | Boy‎ | Breakfast‎ | Tommy's House‎ | Mum
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Tommy want to go to the Mall to top up his stock of sweets and snacks, and his Mom gives him some money. "Are you coming," he says. But he says it in a way that makes me think that he doesn't really want me to.

"Nah. I think I'll head home," you say. You go in opposite directions and as soon as he's out of sight you double back, just as his mom had suggested when she whispered in your ear. The front door is ajar, and you let yourself in, closing it behind you. "Hello," you call out.

"Upstairs," she calls down.

You expect her to be in her bedroom, but she isn't - she's in Tommy's room, on his computer. When you come up behind her you see that she's looking at a chat site, but not the same one that Tommy was on. "Hello Tommy," she says.

"Tommy?" You look at the screen where you see an older man looking back at you. He waves and types, how old is your son?

Tommy's mom turns and winks at you. The goes back to the screen and types Tommy's 10

he's a big lad for his age the man writes.

you might be surprised "Mom" writes. She steers you round in front of her. "Thank's for playing along," she whispers.

you gonna get undressed tommy he types.

You start to lift your T-shirt but Mom stops you and sits looking at the screen. Now, you realise that this is one of those sites where people have to pay and there are three of four 'pings' as someone makes a contribution. She nudges you and you slowly lift your shirt up to reveal your flat belly and then lift it over your head and throw it onto Tommy's bed.

very nice the man writes. how about showing us some tit

Mom grins as the computer pings some more. You turn and pull the front of her nightie down and lift one of her heavy tits out. More pings.

She slips the strap off her shoulder and you use two hands to lift her huge soft white breast. The long brown nipple is standing up nearly as stiff as your cock. When you lean over and start suckling on it, you hear more pings and wonder how much each one is worth.