Another Flash/Chapter Four

From All The Fallen Stories
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Another Flash

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Chapter Four

The strangest dream played out in my head. I laid totally naked on a blanket in the middle of the secret meadow while a little kitten stood on my stomach and scraped its raspy tongue over the tip of my throbbing cock. The sensations were so intense it drove me from my sleep, only to find it was not a kitten but a girl. It took a few seconds for me to shake the cobwebs from my head and recognize who it was.

I was still disoriented, new place and all, but I finally realized it was Shelly and remembered that she had slept with me. I announced, “You sure know how to wake a bloke, love.”

She looked up at me when I spoke and as lithe as a cat, stretched herself across my body and snatched a big kiss from my lips. Then, she reached between her legs, grasped and rubbed me through her insanely wet little slit and perched me at her entrance. I didn’t expect her to raise herself up, and then bear down; squeezing me into the finger of her tight and very slippery little glove. Her juicy snatch gobbled me up so fast I didn’t realize what had happened until I battered the entrance to her womb.

Then, she leaned forward, pressed her nose against mine and exclaimed, “Finally! You don’t know how long I have wanted this.”

I was a bit choked up by the surprise and had trouble articulating anything intelligible. So, I pulled her to my lips, grasped her hips and screwed my cock into her. That was when she went wild. She rested her weight on her hands and did this incredible bunny hop with her hips… imagine twerk. Heavenly! My response was to nail myself into her on every down thrust. With my piss fueled hard on, I felt I could last forever but needed a bit more freedom so I could give her a serious shag. Something that was impossible with her on top.

So, I held her waist and rolled her under me, saying, “Now you’re really going to get it,” shifted my hips into high and packed her with the pork.

Her face melted like hot wax as the first in a series of orgasms struck her. As it did, her little cunny became a force to be reckoned with. The little tube held a death grip on my cock like I had never experienced before, and tried to gnaw it off with its jaws. But, it was wonderful! However, it made me reevaluate the previous assessment of my staying power with a piss hard.

In the grapple of her pulsing pussy, I couldn’t move but I did notice her new titties. It had been awhile since I had seen her naked, and in the meanwhile, two soft, fat marshmallows had emerged from her chest. Each was topped with a dark, ripe cherry and a hard little pencil rubber that poked out from the centre. It was then that I realized how much she had grown. I would guess she’s ready to turn eleven, or already had, and I groaned when I noticed the little fan of fine hair at the top of her split which was not far from where we were joined.

Her eyes popped open, she hunched her pussy into me a few times and expressed, “This is even better than I thought it would be.”

I had to agree with her, and proclaimed, “Love, your pussy is incredible.”

She relaxed quite a bit and I was back to feeding the old sausage to her. Reflexively, her legs flew around my waist which gave her the leverage she needed to hump back and grind herself into me. The expression on her face betrayed the intense pleasure she experienced and it wasn’t long before another cock crushing orgasm seized her. Piss hard or not, I pelted her developing, and possibly quite fertile, young womb with millions of tiny wigglers.

While I held myself suspended over her and enjoyed the aftershocks that traveled from her pussy to my cock, we heard the door chimes and figured it was Emmy calling.

She started to bolt from the bed but I stopped her and insisted, “You don’t have to answer the door. Let me grab a flannel for you and I’ll let her in.”

“Nope, I’m gonna get it,” and she tucked a hand between her legs and legged it through the landing.

Then, I heard the door open and a loud shriek from her that announced, “We did it!”

“Let me see,” was Emmy’s immediate response, and then, “Oh my, it’s dripping out of you.”

I instantly seized the opportunity and made a mad dash to the loo to empty my bursting bladder. While I merrily hosed down the pan, I heard a younger and much smaller voice ask, “What happened?”

After I finished, I turned around and the doorway was barricaded by three girls, the youngest of which I didn’t recognize. The seven year old slapped her hand over her mouth, pointed at my cock and tittered, “It’s a big hairy worm.”

For some reason, with the young girl present, I contracted a severe case of modesty. Then, I immediately pushed my way through them so I could retrieve my gown. Emmy and the young girl followed suit while Shelly sat on the bog and drilled a hole in the porcelain.

After I cinched my gown, I turned to my guests and was quite taken by the young lady who had a strong familial resemblance to Shelly and recalled her from one of the films she made. I extended my hand and introduced myself, “Wotcha, I’m Dick and you must be Shelly’s sexy sister,” which was met with giggles.

She nodded her head, put a hand over her mouth and told me, “I’m Erin. How did ya know she was me sister?”

“Besides having magical powers, I thought you both look a lot alike and you are just as pretty as she is.”

“But you said I was Shelly’s sexy sister.”

I drilled my finger into her tummy button and told her, “And a very sexy sister at that,” then she threw herself at me for a hug while she rubbed her cheek against my chest which delightfully pressed my cock against her chest.

After Shelly finished in the loo, she gathered the girls together in a huddled circle on the bed where they had a hushed and hurried conference. During the meanwhile, I went in quest of the elixir of life; coffee.

While I counted the drips as the coffee brewed, Shelly snuck up on me and wrapped her arms around my waist, declaring, “I feel wonderful. My tummy is still squidgy and my whole body is buzzing.”

Then, I pulled her into my arms, planted a wet pucker on her lips and informed her, “You, love, are welcome to sleep over anytime you like, as long as you wake me up in the same way.”

“Does that mean I’m your girlfriend now?”

“Is it possible for someone to have two girlfriends?” I inquired, “Emmy wants to be my girlfriend, too.”

“Let me check,” she advised and ran from the room squealing.

Screams erupted from the back of the house and a minute later, she returned and informed me, “Emmy says you can have two girlfriends if you want.”

“If that’s the case,” I told her as I took her hand, then took a knee and pleaded, “Will you be my girlfriend?” Then I kissed her hand.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, mashed her lips to mine, and then answered, “Yes, yes, yes and another yes, boyfriend.”

Then I scooped her up in my arms and told her, “You are so beautiful when you’re naked. I don’t believe I’ll allow you to wear clothes when you visit.”

“Ah, I hope you know that means I won’t let you wear any either.”

“Deal,” I shook her hand, and then explained, “Now, I’m going to ask Emmy if she will be my girlfriend before I give you the presents I bought you.”

“Presents? You bought me presents?”

“Remember how you wanted to be a fox? They didn’t have the fox so you will have to be a kitty… you know, my little pussy.”

“I can’t wait, I love cats. Will you show me first?”

I took her to my office and opened the package with the ears. When I fitted them on her she squealed, “They feel so real,” as she rubbed them with her fingers, “I want to see how they look in the mirror.”

“Wait here and I’ll bring you a mirror, meanwhile, I want you to pick out which plug you want to try for the tail. There are several different sizes so pick out one that you would be comfortable with,” and opened the box with an array of butt plugs from sizes one to seven, and then handed her the tail.

While she looked them over, I picked up a mirror and, of course, the lube so it would slip right in. When I returned, she handed me her choice which was a number four and seemed a bit big for her to start with.

“Wouldn’t you like something smaller? We can always do a bigger size later on.”

“Nope, I want this one,” and lowered her voice to a whisper, “I want to know how you will feel,” she answered.

It was quite an evocative response. At least to me since it alluded to something I found terribly exciting.

“Whatever you want, love, as long as it doesn’t hurt you. Now, on your hands and knees so I can put some lube in. I’ll work the plug in slowly, so tell me if I should stop.”

Her little arse hole sucked my finger right in and I thoroughly enjoyed applying the lube. The marvelous brown rose blossomed like a flower and that alone led me to believe she would not have any trouble accepting the plug. Then, I spread some on the plug and eased it into the pursed mouth.

The thick part of it stretched the muscled ring which rolled around it before it popped right in and seated itself. It was a wonder to behold. I was clearly fascinated with this as a pastime. Then, I eased it out past the widest part and it easily slipped back in. So, I attached the tail and handed her the mirror so she could inspect it.

“Oh, wow, it’s wicked looking,” and shook her cute tail, both of them, at me. Then she put her lips to my ear and whispered, “Thank you. It feels so yummy nice,” and gave me a little kiss.

Of course, I let my fingers inspect the insertion point, pulled and twisted it a little and imagined how nice it would be to have my tongue, or possibly something a lot longer in there. The thought alone gave me some bone.

“Alright,” I stated as I clapped my hands together,”Let’s show Emmy your new tail. I know she’ll be jealous.”

My kitty walked on her hands and knees ahead of me and I was hypnotized by with the sway of her bum and the shake of her tail. I loved my new kitty.

“Drat,” I thought, “I forgot the vibrators. I’ll bring them out next.”

“Oh, my, you’re a cat,” Emmy squealed when she saw her friend twitch her tail into the room, “Let me see.”

She was much more interested in the tail than the ears, and so was Erin, our little guest. Both of them were clearly fascinated.

Emmy tugged on it a little and told us, “It’s a lot bigger than mine. Can I try one that size?”

“There’s a bunch of them and several are even bigger,” Shelly explained.

“Show me?” Emmy asked and Erin joined in with, “I want to see them, too.”

So, I fetched the set and laid them out for the girls inspection. They handled them almost reverentially.

“They go in your bum?” Erin asked.

Shelly shook her tail a few times and told her sister, “Yes, and they feel so nice.”

“Can I try one?” Erin inquired, “I want to see what it’s like.”

“What do you think, Dick?” Shelly asked me.

“I think she should try one and I should put it on film,” which would make a very naughty movie.

End Chapter Four

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