A Loli's ENF Adventure/Sally/ClothingOptional/Chat/Pics/Mirror/Yes/Join/Dad/Spy/Dad

From All The Fallen Stories
< A Loli's ENF Adventure‎ | Sally‎ | ClothingOptional‎ | Chat‎ | Pics‎ | Mirror‎ | Yes‎ | Join‎ | Dad‎ | Spy
Revision as of 08:46, 1 August 2023 by BraveNudeWorld (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Pumpkin: I guess thats a good idea if you really think it will work DrippingMommy: Trust me, honey. It'll work. Pumpkin: So what should I do? Yardmaster: I'm r...")
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   Pumpkin: I guess thats a good idea if you really think it will work
   DrippingMommy: Trust me, honey. It'll work.
   Pumpkin: So what should I do?
   Yardmaster: I'm really curious too.
   DrippingMommy: Well the simplest place to start would be just to get him alone and ask him to let you go naked in the whole house.
   Pumpkin: I guess i could do that but what about mom im pretty sure she wont like it
   DrippingMommy: Ahh, that's where you've got to be strategic, right? First off you've got to ask him when you two are alone.
   DrippingMommy: But even better ask when you can be alone for a few hours.
   DrippingMommy: That way he gets to be with you naked for a while before he has to talk to your mom about it.
   Pumpkin: That might be kind of hard
   DrippingMommy: He won't want to go back to you wearing clothes downstairs after that.
   DrippingMommy: How come?
   Pumpkin: Well because he goes to work and mom doesnt and she usually does shopping while im at school
   Pumpkin: So shes home like almost all the time
   DrippingMommy: Hmmm
   Yardmaster: Doesn't she do volunteer work on weekends?
   Yardmaster: Or I mean... a bridge club, community garden... anything social like that?
   Pumpkin: Wow how did you know thats a good idea
   Yardmaster: Lucky guess. Even housewives need to get out, it's only natural. I love my wife, but it's good she's got her own interests too.
   DrippingMommy: Well that sounds like a plan!
   Pumpkin: Yeah i think mom has some like planning group for 4th of july this saturday
   RichardHardt: Ah cool. You gonna have a firework show in your town?
   Pumpkin: I think so. Mom said some of the old people always try cancel it.
   Yardmaster: Man they better not. Just because they've given up on fun doesn't give them a right to spoil it for young people.
   Pumpkin: Thats exactly what my dad says
   Yardmaster: Yeah, great minds... haha
   DrippingMommy: OK, we're getting a little off topic here. We're trying to get her naked with her dad, remember?
   Yardmaster: Right, that's important.
   KidsRpog: Fireworks are nice and all but naked lolis come first.
   DrippingMommy: Alright, so this Saturday as soon as your mom leaves you ask dad to let you go naked downstairs, ok?
   Pumpkin: Got it
   DrippingMommy: But there's one more thing. You need to to find some kind of excuse to spend time with him once you're naked.
   DrippingMommy: See, even though daddies love seeing their little girls naked, they might be a little embarrassed at first.
   Pumpkin: Why
   DrippingMommy: Well it's just like nudism I guess. Perfectly natural but a lot of people think it's weird.
   Pumpkin: That makes sense
   DrippingMommy: But anyway as long as you give him a good excuse I'm sure he won't say no.
   Yardmaster: I know I wouldn't!
   Pumpkin: Ok so what kind of excuse should i use
   RichardHardt: You might have to think of that yourself. None of us know what you or your dad usually do.
   DrippingMommy: Maybe you could ask to participate in one of his hobbies, what does he like to do in his free time?
   Pumpkin: He usually has some kind of woodworking project but he does that outside
   RichardHardt: Ah, yeah that's no good. You need someplace private.
   Yardmaster: Hold on, does your back yard have a fence?
   Pumpkin: Yeah why
   Yardmaster: Well then who says you can't be naked there?
   Pumpkin: But its outside
   DrippingMommy: He's right, you're a nudist, aren't you?
   Pumpkin: Yeah but its not totally hidden
   Pumpkin: You can see in some parts or the neighbors could see from upstairs
   KidsRpog: That just makes it more exciting!
   KidsRpog: Going naked in the back yard isn't bad fr.
   KidsRpog: I do it sometimes and fap out there too.
   DrippingMommy: Uhh, yeah. Well anyway, I'd say give it a try. I promise your dad's gonna be a lot more agreeable than you think.
   DrippingMommy: And if for some reason he really doesn't want you naked out there, you can just fall back on naked downstairs.
   Pumpkin: Alright i guess i can try it
   Pumpkin: It does kind of make it easier since hes out there a lot
   DrippingMommy: Great! Sounds like a plan.
   Pumpkin: Ok ill try it
   KidsRpog: Sweet! Tell us what happens
   Yardmaster: Say it's getting pretty late for a girl your age, isn't it?
   Pumpkin: Yeah i guess it is i better get to sleep
   DrippingMommy: Sweet dreams!
   KidsRpog: Nite
   Yardmaster: Goodnight!
  *Pumpkin left. Reason: Quit*

Ryan put down his phone. It was late for him to be up too, considering his work schedule. He did, it must be said, also feel a little bit guilty. That whole thing really hadn't gone as he planned. He had intended to eavesdrop a bit and then intervene as soon as things went too far, give Sally and the internet creeps both a little scare. But that moment of going too far didn't really come. There weren't even any immediate plans to get more pictures out of her. And the last thing he expected was that Sally's relationship with him would be a major topic of conversation.

He did miss spending time with Sally though, so the idea of getting her to "convince" him to let her go naked in the rest of the house had a strong appeal. It was just a matter of overcoming his wife's objections, but Sally had surely proven herself serious about nudism by now, so he thought he could make a good case for it. Her going naked in the back yard on the other hand wasn't something he'd considered before, but as soon as she inadvertently raised the idea he was immediately taken with it. He knew it wasn't particularly smart; the odds of someone seeing her out there sooner or later were pretty high, which was both exciting and concerning. People would talk... but then again what could they really say? Was there actually anything wrong with playing in the back yard naked? He didn't really think so.

As he tried to get to sleep, he turned over various options in his mind. He was tempted to beat Sally to the punch and suggest she go naked in the back yard first. There was really no good reason for that except he thought it was funny. On the other hand, he could just play dumb and see if Sally would really go through with the plan they'd come up with in the chat room. Or maybe he'd let this go too far... He should probably put a stop to Sally's use of the chat room at least. Although he still didn't see a problem with Sally practicing nudism downstairs if she really wanted to. As he considered these things, one other thing troubled him a bit too. Why did he have a boner?

After sleeping on it (the decision not the boner) what did he decide?