The Zoologists/Lisa goes inside

From All The Fallen Stories
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Lisa follows Page inside and the smell assaults her nostrils.

"Her Page take a hit"

She gets handed a joint, but Lisa thinks its a cigarette. Page sucks as much as she can in, inhales, then breathes out. She hands it back and they both walk to the vacant couch.

There is only one seat so Page sits down.

"Come on Lisa, sit on my lap" She beckons this by slapping both hands on her lap.

Lisa sits on her lap.

Page gets handed another joint. She inhales this and exhales, the smoke getting blowin' around Lisa making her cough. Page keeps this joint in her hand.

"Sorry Lisa, forgot that you don't smoke this stuff"

Lisa shakes her head "Can I try some please?"

Page thinks for a bit and then hands the joint to Lisa.

"So what you want to do is inhale as much as you can and then exhale it"

Lisa inhales, as she does this she starts coughing. Smoke bellowing out of her mouth with every cough.

Most of the people start laughing. As they laugh they also go into coughing fits.

A beverage gets handed to Lisa. She takes a swig, Raspberry. She drinks it down quickly and gets given another one.

"Lisa, can you please get up, I need to use the restroom"

Lisa gets up, the second bottle empty, it hits her and she is swaying a bit.

Page pushes past and grabs onto a guy and walks away with him. Lisa sits back down, her world spinning.

"Hey there sweet cheeks" a random guy comes over and hands Lisa another beverage.

"How are you feeling?" He grabs her hand and squeezes it a little.

"I'm feeling fine" she says this slurring each word. "Just a little bit dizzy"

He pulls her up, Lisa slips back down but he is quick to grab her.

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