User:Benny Blanco

From All The Fallen Stories
Revision as of 20:52, 15 September 2023 by Benny Blanco (talk | contribs)
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I am not a native English speaker. I hope the unnatural use of language works to add flavor to my texts, but of course I try my best to make it flow.

Kids is the only story I have finished. 4 chapters. M/g, M/b, M/gg, g/M, b/M

Now I´m writing something about demonic possession. I have decided to publish one chapter every Friday. Maybe a deadline will help me get this done.

Tried to come up with a nice title, but it´s just called Possession

6 chapters so far.

I think that story codes act a little as spoilers. These writings are predictable enough already, at least the ones I come up with. For "Possession" I will just give general M/g nc. There is a link to a more detailed story codes.

Also, formatting is way different on a phone. Gonna have to check all of these and make them at least Android-compatible.

Still getting to know this wiki format. Apologies for all the mess I will make.