Alessa bubblegum

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Revision as of 11:39, 22 September 2023 by Alessa (talk | contribs) (The games girls will play to have the last piece of their favourite bubblegum.)
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Bubblegum Kisses

by Alessa



One of my favourites.

I began working on the stick of gum in my mouth, chewing it up and releasing its sweet flavour into my mouth. What could be a more delicious and exciting pleasure in the life of a twelve-year-old girl than a simple piece of bubblegum? Soon, the flavour of the strawberries from the treat was flooding my taste buds, and I let a smile spread across my lips. Yup, gum was the best!

"So what flavour is that piece?" A voice sounded behind the couch I was resting on; the question directed towards me, of course. I turned my head to face Kiki, my best friend, who had come to visit me just a few minutes ago.

I grinned and blew a large bubble, letting it pop and return inside my mouth before answering her question.


She chuckled and walked around the stuffed animals littering the floor of my bedroom, then sat down beside me with her legs crossed.

"That's one of your favourite kinds, isn't it?" She asked idly, her big blue eyes resting enviously on my mouth. In response, I gave a nod, then attempted to blow another bubble larger than the last. This ended in failure and bits of loose gum sticking to and around my mouth, causing me and Kiki to laugh like two idiots at how funny I looked.

"So, are you going to share any with me?" Kiki questioned me dolefully while helping me pick off the gum on my face. I nodded once more and, after ridding my face of the leftover candy, reached over to the gum packet I had pulled the piece from. But upon opening it, I frowned when I realised I had actually taken the last piece.

Sorry, Kiki, the one I have was the last one." I showed her the empty bubblegum box to prove myself correct, at which Kiki sighed with a cute frown showing on her pretty face.

"Oh, that's too bad. It looked really delicious, Amy," she sighed. I gave her a sympathetic look and rubbed her head gently, my way of trying to cheer up my best friend. It wasn't like it was a huge disappointment to her; there was plenty of gum in the world, and it wasn't like this would've been her first piece. I was addicted to gum, and I always let her try at least one piece of the delicious treat. That was the thing, though—I always shared. Maybe it was just that I never wanted to see her disappointed, or maybe I had rubbed my addiction off on her somehow. Who knew, really? It was probably just me overthinking in the end.

With all my worrying, though, my devious little mind came up with a solution to the minor problem happening, one that was enough for me to feel my cheeks heat up ever so slightly.

"Hey, Kiki... there is a way you might be able to have some gum... i—if you're alright with it..." I stammered in a whisper, even though we were alone in the room.

Kiki faced me again with an expression of mild curiosity in her big eyes. "What is it, Amy?"

"We could fight over who gets the last piece..."

Somehow I knew I would get that blank look from her. It was hard to explain my idea to her without... well, showing her.

"Don't you have the last piece, though? How would we fight over it?" She asked, her voice now a whisper as well.

"W-well, yes. It... still has some flavour, though..."

"Amy, what are you talking about? I'm still confused about what you're saying..."

I let out a troubled sigh and leaned forward towards her, giving her a mild peck on her soft lips. It seemed like that simple gesture was all it took for her to understand my intentions. Her face had exploded into a multitude of red blushes after using that one smooch as an example.

"O—oh, t—that's what you meant..." she whispered, seeming as though her cute voice was now beginning to fail her. Her expression looked so adorable, I was really itching to do what I had planned in my mind.

"So, are you up for it, Kiki? Because I certainly am, I just need permission from my bestest friend ever!" I teased her, lightly tracing her lips with my finger.

"B—but Amy... we can't. We're both girls... It would be wrong!" She seemed pretty conflicted with herself. I wasn't sure why, though; this wouldn't be the first time we fooled around by inventing silly reasons to kiss each other, and I've lost count of how many times we have slept together, cuddled up in the same bed.

"But Kiki, it's not wrong if you like it, and besides, you could win the bubblegum!" I tried my chance at persuading her again.

"W—well, I... don't see why not... I won't be going easy on you though, Amy, you know? That gum looks really delicious," she responded finally, her voice hinting at some hidden teasing.

A smirk spread across my face, and I reached forward to brush my lips against hers lightly, then press them against her mouth a little harder. Her lips began moving in sync with mine as we kissed each other with more passion than we ever had before. I almost forgot that this was a competition for the gum in my mouth, then was instantly reminded when I felt her soft tongue brushing against my lips, attempting to force its way in to get the sweet candy.

I allowed her in and quickly pressed the gum against the roof of my mouth with my own tongue in an attempt to hide it from her slippery intrusion. Her little, warm tongue traced around my mouth in search of it, while also taking time to explore the new surroundings. When her search ended in failure, I felt her retreat slightly as she smirked into the heated kiss.

"Cheater..." I heard her whisper softly with her lips still pressed against mine. I grinned mischievously, then pressed into the kiss once again. She let my hands trail up her body and tangle through her soft, blond strands of hair, bringing my body closer as if that would help me win the contest.

She must've been thinking the same thing because I could feel her slender arms wrap around my waist and hug me even closer to her. Our tongues were now battling furiously; she tried uncovering the gum's hiding spot, and I refused to let her find it.

Unfortunately, the treat decided it didn't want to stay there, and it unattached from the roof of my mouth, right into a spot she was able to discover easily. I could feel her beaming as she snatched the gum away with her soft tongue and into her warm mouth.

Of course, I couldn't allow this. It was my gum, after all! I broke away for a moment to catch my breath and let her enjoy the candy for a little while, then crashed my mouth against hers once again. The force was enough, I actually knocked her over so that I lay on top of her, desperately attempting to regain my precious strawberry bubblegum. She was now trying to keep me out of her mouth by forcing her lips to stay shut, so I couldn't reach the treasure I was after, much to my frustration.

"Come on, Kiki, aren't you going to share?" I breathed all hot from our intimate battle while attempting to pry her mouth open with the use of my tongue alone. She smirked and shook her blond tresses, moving her wet lips back into a normal kiss once more to distract me.

There was no other way around this; I was going to get inside her delicious little mouth somehow. Letting myself move in sync with her pleasurable kissing, I slowly ran my hands down her chest underneath me, inching down her chest and letting my fingers feel the fabric of her thin blouse. I could feel her shiver slightly at my touch when I discovered her two little mounds of flesh. This was perfect, I thought. This was going to work one way or another!

Just as I was planning to execute my dirty little trick, I was interrupted by her wrapping her little arms around me in a bear hug and pulling me deeper into her kiss and closer to her warm body, which made my hands on her chest useless because of the lack of space between us.

Not giving up yet, I made an effort to slide my hands further down her slim tummy, which was slow-going. Her breathing was becoming heavier the longer we kissed and the further down her tummy my hands travelled, and I knew the same was happening to me. Neither of us had ever come quite this far in our games, but being the more competitive of the two, I was willing to take the risk.

Finally, my hands reached their destination down at that certain spot under her short miniskirt. All I had to do was run my hand over that certain spot to make her finally let out a gasp. At my sly touch, Kiki wriggled in her position and began to pant. That small gasp was all I needed to finally break into her mouth again and let my tongue dance around inside in search of my gum.

Unfortunately, by this time I could feel myself running out of breath again, which meant that I would have to pull back, and she would get to keep the delicious candy. I had to search for it fast, I thought in sweet desperation. Kiki had recovered quickly, though, and was now moving the treat around her mouth, which was flooded with the taste of strawberry juice, away from my frantically probing tongue. I threw my hands up to her head again and pressed on the back of her head so I could dig deeper into her sweet-tasting mouth in my final attempts to retrieve the gum. It was always there, at the edge of my reach. I could feel it, and then the little imp would move it away again with the flick of her tongue. It was pretty frustrating, to say the least! Soon I couldn't even tell where it was anymore, and my head was pounding from lack of breath. I gave myself three more seconds to attempt retrieving my precious treasure before giving up.




I pulled away from her, gasping for breath and letting the air return to my exhausted lungs once again. Both of us were a hot and panting mess on the floor of my bedroom, struggling to catch a breath of air. Once I could focus again, I smiled down at Kiki beneath me, who returned my smile with one of her own. She sat up slowly and let me climb off her before sitting up fully again, then slumping down against the couch and continuing to catch her lost breath. I crossed my legs so I could sit comfortably on the floor amongst my stuffed toys and watched her with a grin on my flushed face.

"So... that was... pretty... fun!" I exclaimed between slowing gasps for air and then picked up a fluffy bunny toy lying next to me. She nodded her head, smirking playfully at me and clearing the blond tresses from her eyes. I looked at her, then realised something seemed amiss.

"Wait a minute!" I muttered, checking around the inside of my mouth briefly. Before I could reach my conclusion, my attention was caught by Kiki moving her mouth around as though she were chewing something. Puckering her lips, she blew out a large, pink bubble, blowing it larger until it popped and deflated again, returning to the inside of her mouth, then shooting me another sly smirk, the one of triumph this time.

I threw the fluffy bunny at her before giving her an impish smile.

"But Kiki, aren't you going to share it with me?"

❤ The End ❤