Pedo Paradise/Bethany Baker

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Name: Bethany Baker
Age: 3
Height: Three feet
Weight: 35 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

The little girl toddles in holding onto her father's hand. He is in his forties with brown hair and eyes behind heavy glasses. He is wearing a cheap suit with shiny elbows and his shoes need a polish. He sits down facing you across the desk.

"So, what's this young lady's problem," you say. Bethany is standing next to him with her thumb in her mouth.

"I'm at my wit's end," he says. "She always has to have something in her... her mouth. If you take it out, she just screams until it's put back in."

"Just her mouth," you ask, noting the hesitation when he said "mouth".

He looks embarrassed. "Well - not exactly." As he speaks, she takes her thumb out but doesn't scream, confirming your thought. "I er, gave her something to keep her quiet before we left home." Bethany giggles.

You get him to sit on the armchair and turn your chair to face him. Bethany promptly climbs up and sits astride his lap and and smiles at you. "It might help if you told me how it started," you say and smile at the little girl. She turns away, suddenly shy.

"It started as soon as she came home," he says. "Lots of babies use a dummy, and at first we thought nothing of it. It was when we tried to wean her off it that we realised there was a problem. We tried taking it away when she was asleep, but she used her thumb instead. The women on Mumsnet offered all kinds of solutions, including putting some nasty-tasting stuff on her thumb, but that just made her scream all the more."

"We had pretty much given up when her grandmother came up with an idea. She suggested that we put the dummy somewhere else. We were horrified at the idea, but we were worried about the effect of the constant sucking, and in the end, decided to give it a try."

"Somewhere else being her pussy," you say. He goes slightly pink and nods. "So, do you still use a dummy?"

He shakes his head. "We experimented a bit and found that a small but-plug was ideal." At this point, he spreads Bethany's legs apart and hitches her skirt up. All you can see is her white panties until he pulls the crotch to one side to reveal a pink disk with a pink ribbon attached nestled between her legs. "It's only a couple of inches long and stays in place without being obtrusive," he says.

"You seem to have found a solution. So why are you here," you ask. Bethany reaches down and pulls the plug out of her pussy. A bit more than two inches, you think as she pops it into her mouth and begins sucking. As you watch, she grabs her father's hand and guides it down between her legs. He looks up apologetically as he slips a finger in to replace the plug.

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