The Young Volleyball Girl

From All The Fallen Stories
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This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/I. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

The Young Volleyball Girl

“Watch your positioning, Jenna! You're drifting!” I yelled to the young girl. Before she had time to react, however, the opposing players set up a play to spike the volleyball right to where Jenna was supposed to be. I groaned silently inside my head. Being the coach of the Junior High volleyball team had its perks, but at the same time it did have headaches. Most 12 and 13 year old girls weren't particularly good at the sport, but I suppose that's why I was here, and why we held these practices.
Of course, I had entirely different purposes for being here. I couldn't care less about how good these girls were at volleyball. Years ago, the old coach had retired, and the school sent out an email asking who would be interested in filling the role. Both myself and my assistant coach had expressed interest in coaching the team, but since he was a newer teacher, and I had been here for some time, I was given the head coach role due to my seniority, and he was delegated to the assistant role.

It was nice though. He could run the majority of the practice, and I would stay on the sidelines enjoying the perks of the role, while doing just enough to make it seem like I was helping. I looked at the group of girls in their tight shorts as they moved around focused on the practice. Oh yes, the perks were quite nice.

One such perk appeared to be drifting out of position again.

“Girls,” I yelled again, “grab some water! Jenna, come here.” The girls all dispersed to the side to grab their water, and Jenna jogged over to me. “I know, I know, I was drifting out of position. It's just, I feel like I should be moving around in case someone has a bad hit or something, and I'll be able to support them.”

It was a respectful goal, but unfortunately, it was misguided. “You can't be playing expecting your teammates to fail or mess up. You girls are a team, and you have to trust each other,” I said to her, Imagine you're drifting towards a girl and then she sets the ball to the zone where you're supposed to be. She trusted you to be there, but since you didn't trust her, now you're left scrambling to get back to your spot in time. Does that make sense?”

Jenna pondered for a moment, and then answered, “Yeah, that makes sense.” I wasn't really sure if I believed her. With girls this age, they're just learning how to lie and pretend, and they struggled admitting when they didn't know something. Put two and two together, and you can see why I wouldn't trust them. It was a bit ironic; I was preaching trust to her, and yet I couldn't trust her myself.

“Are you sure?” I asked, making sure to look her in the eyes.

“Well, isn't it better to be able to cover more of an area? Instead of scrambling to get back like you said, what if I just got better at moving around?” Jenna asked me. She was a smart girl, and she made a good point. Maybe she actually had some potential in her. It was a shame she had gotten a coach like me.

“You're both right, and wrong,” I replied, “eventually, yes, you're going to want to be agile and play from anywhere. Before you can get there, however, you have to have the fundamentals down. You're thinking too fast. Focus on the basics, in this case staying in your zone, and then when you get that down perfectly, you can start to push the boundaries and see exactly how far, and when you can move outside your zone.”

“I think that makes sense,” Jenna said. I trusted her more this time, and I did have faith that she would take my instructions to heart, however, I was never one to let a good teaching moment pass by.

“How about this, Jenna,” I told her, “why don't you stay after practice a bit, and we can do some 1 on 1 coaching?”

Jenna looked excited, and a big smile beamed on her face. “Really Coach? You'd do that for me? Thank you!” She said. Practice was almost over for the day, and as much as I would love to start today, I had to push the girl's happiness back a little. “Haha,” I laughed, “I'm glad you're enthusiastic, but for today, why don't you go home as usual, then let your parents know that we're going to be starting some extra practices. We wouldn't want your parents to get concerned if you just suddenly didn't come home today.”

“Ok, I'll tell them tonight!” Jenna nearly squealed. She was being a bit loud, and I didn't really want anyone else to know about this, so I told her, “Hey, not too loud, we don't want the other girls getting jealous. And make sure you don't mention to your parents that it's just going to be us, it's easier if you just mention that it's extra practices for whoever wants it.”

“Huh, why?” Jenna asked with an inquisitive look on her face. I couldn't give her the real reason that I didn't want anyone knowing about the practice. I wasn't about to tell this girl why men are usually not left alone with young girls. Even if those reasons were unfounded in most cases, they certainly wouldn't be unfounded in this case. “We just don't want to over-complicate things for anyone,” I said, “If we say it's just you, they're going to ask why it's just you, and then there might be a whole bunch of back and forth when instead we could just be focusing on making you a better volleyball player.”

After noticing her nod her head understanding, I knew that almost everything had fallen into place. “Alright, perfect, and I know we don't have practice tomorrow, but you should meet me in my office tomorrow after school, and we can get an early start. How does that sound?” I said. She gave an enthusiastic “yes” and I proceeded to usher her away, telling her to get some water.

The rest of practice was largely uneventful. One girl tried to dig a ball, but rather than centering her body on where the ball was going, she stretched out her leg to try to get there. While she didn't end up returning the ball, she did end up sliding into the splits, giving me a great view of her ass in a precocious position. Besides that, it was just normal volleyball. I would stare at the girls, yelling at them every so often to improve on something or another, and then they would try to adjust. I watched Jenna for a bit, and she did seem to at least be trying to take my advice to heart.

Soon, practice ended, and all the girls went to the locker room to change back into their normal clothes. As much as I wished I could walk in there right now and see the sights, some things were just not meant to be. I had long thought about installing a hidden camera in there, but I thought it was much too risky. I vastly preferred my deviousness on the smaller scale where I had a little more power to manipulate the outcome.

You may have guessed it, but Jenna would not be the first girl that I treated this way. Every year or so, I would try to get a girl that I could make my little cumslut. I won't say how many girls it's been, but it's been a while that I've been in the field. I figured eventually I'll be caught, but that certainly didn't mean I wanted to be caught. I made sure to take all the necessary precautions, and judging which girls to make mine was the first step of that. Clearly since none of the girls had mentioned anything over the years, it meant that I had done a good job so far.

Jenna fit all the qualifications. She was enthusiastic, and good at following directions. She was a bit naive, too. She had just the right amount of insecurity that she would think she can solve all her problems herself, but just the amount of confidence that she would let me into her heart.

She had the ass and legs that looked good even when she wasn't wearing yoga pants. She liked to wear the kinds of clothes that would just barely show off her midriff when she jumped or stretched. Every time I saw her, it was like she was teasing me, knowing full well how she dressed. And then I would look in her blue eyes, and it would take every muscle in my body to prevent myself from grabbing her and pulling her into a kiss, all to watch those eyes as I caressed her lips with my own. I'd bring my hands down her back and onto her waist, goosebumps forming on her perfect skin. Then slowly I would slip my fingers down to her place that had never been touched before, and I would give her experiences that she would never forget.

For now it was just a fantasy.

One by one, the girls came out of the locker room, dressed in their casual clothes. Although I preferred the volleyball shorts, fashion designers had done a great job creating clothes that hug these girls in all the right places. One by one, I said goodnight to them. Eventually Jenna came out with a couple of her friends, and I flashed her a smile, to which she returned.

I said goodnight to my assistant coach, and I started to lock up. I made my way to my office and did one last check. The blinds worked. The door lock worked. And the motion sensor in the hallway worked as well. Originally I didn't have that, but one night there was a new custodian who had made a change from his normal route that almost snuck up on me.

The only thing that had stopped him from catching me red handed with my dick inside a girl's mouth was that the motion activated lights in the hallway had turned on. I was able to quickly have the girl hide underneath the desk, and when the custodian used his keys to unlock the door, I let him know that I was working a bit late, and he left to go clean some other room. It would've been a story I'd rather have forgotten if not for Emma, my little slut at the time, who kept sucking on my cock the whole time. I kept that relationship going with her even once she went to high school, but we eventually both agreed it was better for her to date people her own age. Of course, I was just saying it so I could switch my attention to a new girl that had tried out for the team.

Regardless, I was given the idea from the hallway lights activating. I ordered a motion sensor, placed it to fit in with the already existing one, and I set it up to turn on a small LED on my desk. It was my early warning system, and it worked perfectly, with the only downside being that it only worked for my office.

Soon enough, I had verified that all my precautions worked as expected. It wasn't much, but my office, being associated with the athletics department, was closer to the gym than the other offices. I had a bit of privacy, so I didn't need much. I made my way to my car, and drove home, filled with excitement about what the next day would bring.


When the next session came, I sat in my office, eagerly awaiting for the distraction that would take me away from my work. I couldn't help but start to rub my cock through my pants as I anticipated the girl's arrival. It was already extremely hard even though I knew that today wouldn't progress that far. Despite my eagerness, I doubted Jenna was going to bring the same kind of excitement. I had done this enough times to know that you have to ease the girl into it. If you go too fast, she'll get cold feet. And from there, it's very hard to regain a girl's trust. That was a rather annoying lesson I learned from one of my earlier girls.

At long last, a knock came to my door. I stood up, walked over to it, making sure to adjust my pants so that my boner wasn't as noticeable, and opened the door. “Ah, Jenna, welcome, come in.” I told her. She was already dressed in her cute volleyball uniform. I couldn't wait to lay my hands on it, and by extension, her.

“Hi Coach,” Jenna said, “I wasn't sure if you wanted me to get dressed first or not, so I just decided to put on my uniform. I hope that's fine.” I looked at her up and down. It was definitely fine.

“No worries,” I said, “although today I was thinking that we wouldn't go to the gym. We would just stay here.” She gave me a confused look, and I quickly went on to explain. “Remember what I told you about how you have to trust your teammates? I think we should focus on that. Let's focus on building trust.” I said.

The look of confusion didn't leave her face. “What do you mean?” She asked, “shouldn't we be focusing on how to play volleyball?” I smiled at her. “Of course,” I said, “I'll teach you some lessons that you'll be able to apply to volleyball. They might not directly translate, but I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two. Just trust me.”

I could tell she wasn't convinced, but I knew that she would understand soon enough. “Why don't you get into your ready stance?” I asked her.

“Um, ok... It's a little awkward doing that here,” she replied. I smiled more as she slightly bent her knees and got into the ready position, despite her hesitation. It was moments like these where I knew that I picked the right girl. Even when unsure, she would still listen to my command. “Good,” I said, “I'm going to have some more hands-on instruction than you might be used to. I can't adjust the form of everyone during practice, so I want to make sure to get it down here. You trust me, right?”

“Yes Coach, I do,” Jenna said.

“Alright,” I said, moving closer to her. I placed a hand on her chest and push her torso slightly up, “Make sure you're not leaning over too much, you need a straight back.” She seemed focused, and if she felt any discomfort from my touch, she didn't mention it. Next, I moved behind her and placed my hands on her hips, “make sure you bend your knees,” I said, pushing her hips, and by extension her knees down.

I looked at the young girl's face. Her eyes caught mine, and she let out a giggle, “why are you looking at me like that?” She asked. I was looking to see if she was comfortable enough for me to go further, and by her laugh it appears that was the case. “Just making sure you're paying attention,” I said.

“Lastly,” I continued, “is you need to widen your stance a bit.” As I said this, I put a hand on the inside of her leg, just underneath the bottom of her butt. I made sure to give her leg a good grip as I pushed her leg apart from the other one. As I pulled my hand away, I brought it up to brush against her butt. I noticed it tense up a bit as I did the entire maneuver. She had definitely noticed that, and like a good little girl, she didn't say anything. “How does that feel,” I prompted.

“Good,” she replied with a quieter voice than what she was speaking with before. I must've went a bit fast with that thigh move. Nevertheless, I needed to keep moving forward in the lesson, lest she begins to see me as the creepy volleyball coach. And worse, if she told the other girls about that, then I wouldn't be able to do anything with this bunch of girls. I needed her to be open to receiving my lessons—and my touch.

“I can tell you're a bit nervous,” I said to her, “you've never had 1 on 1 coaching have you? It's all like this. You said you trust me, remember? You wouldn't want to hurt my feelings and go back on that, would you?” I let out a fake laugh to ease the tension.

“Yeah...” She said, trailing off. “Yeah, that's convincing,” I said back to her with a slightly incredulous voice, “what is it?”

Jenna stood up from her stance, and shuffled her feet, “Sorry coach, it's not the coaching, it's just you accidentally touched my butt when you were adjusting my stance, and I wasn't expecting it.”

I moved my hand to her chin, and tilted it up to look me in the eyes. Once she was looking up, I held my hand there. “It's ok, Jenna, you're a good girl. I know you'll be able to do these lessons, but you can't let something like that throw you off. Remember, this first lesson is about trust, I don't want to do anything to you that you're not ok with.”

Her eyes twinkled a bit as I stared into them. For a second it looked like she was about to start crying, but she managed to hold it back. I didn't really understand what the problem was with just a light brush of the hand against her butt, but girls going through puberty had a large amount of emotions going through them, so it wasn’t unsurprising that she would interpret things differently than I would.

“Now Jenna, I’m going to work on helping you stretch,” I said to the girl, “So I’m going to end up placing my hands on you some more. Is that ok?”

“Yes, Coach,” she replied back to me.

I pulled out an exercise mat that I had prepared for her arrival. “Sit down,” I said, gesturing to the mat. She moved her tight ass, and sat down with her feet out in front of her. I moved to her back. “Try to touch your toes.” I said.

She very easily was able to bend down and touch her toes from a sitting position. She was quite the flexible girl. I hoped that would come in handy later. “Further,” I prompted as I pressed my hands on her back, almost massaging it as I ran my arms down her torso.

“Mmm,” she said softly, nearing the limit of how far she could bend. I held her there for a second, feeling her body press against my hands as it tried to reset into a natural position. After that moment, I let her back up.

“Should we be doing this here? Why aren’t we in the gym?” Jenna asked.

“It’s more private here, Jenna. I didn’t think that you would want people spying on you as you stretched.”

“Oh, thank you Coach. I didn’t even think about that.”

I laughed as she said that. “You’re welcome,” I said to her, “there’s a lot of things that I think about that you don’t. I mean you are just a little girl.”

Just as I expected, she quickly came in defense of herself, “I’m not a little girl! I’m almost a teenager.”

“Well you’re clearly not a teenager now, judging by how you got upset just because I accidentally bumped your butt. So if you’re not a teenager, that means you’re still a little girl.” I poked playfully.

Her face contorted in a slightly amused, slightly embarrassed expression. She froze for a few seconds as she thought up a response, and then she answered, “Fine, I won’t get upset wherever you touch me, as long as you stop calling me a little girl.”

Girls were so easy.

“Works for me,” I said, “I’m sorry I called you a little girl. Let’s get back to the stretching, yeah?”

“Fine.” She replied.

Ignoring her still annoyed reply, I gave her more instructions, “Lay down on your back.”

She complied and I moved down to her legs. I pulled slightly apart, so I could be on my knees in between her legs. The girl looked almost completely defenseless in front of me, lying down in her tight volleyball shorts. It would be so easy to rip them off of her.

But I was her coach. I had to teach her about trust.

I grabbed her left leg, and I brought it up, bending it at the knee. I gripped her lower thigh, just above the knee, and I pushed her leg in towards her chest in another stretch. The back of my hand pushed against her bra, and the breasts underneath.

My knee was forced to slide up to support my body, and I pushed her leg up. I brought it perhaps a bit too close as I all but shoved it into her butt. My hands rubbed across the bare skin on her legs, as I moved them closer to her shorts. I slipped a few of my fingers inside the bottom of her shorts, disguising it as getting better leverage to stretch her.

I looked Jenna in the eyes, and although she didn’t know it, I was daring her in my head to complain about my touch. Like a good girl, however, she didn’t.

I repeated the process with her other leg, making sure to take my time as I brought my hands towards her shorts. I even repeated the action a few times, looking for a reaction in the girl, but she remained ever stoic, confident in her mission to not complain about the way my hands moved around her.

Her confidence only made me more confident.

I let go of her legs, keeping them parted from each other, and I moved my hand in between them. As I pressed against the inside of her crotch, right where I knew her pussy was, her body tensed up. It seemed like she tried to close her legs, but given my position between them, she was unable to.

“W-what are you doing?” She asked.

“Didn’t you say you weren’t going to complain about me touching you..?” I asked with fake confusion.

“Yeah, but that’s…” she responded, trailing off.

Before she could think more about the situation, I made my ultimate move. “Jenna,” I said, moving back to massaging her mound, “remember what we talked about trust? If you want to be a better volleyball player, you have to know how to trust, and this is just the special method I have of coaching. Trust me, this will make you feel better.”

She didn’t respond, so I looked in her eyes. They weren’t completely full of fear, nor were they completely full of acceptance. They looked like the eyes of a girl in a completely new situation who didn’t know how to deal with it. Being the adult, I chose to show her how to deal with it.

I moved both of my hands to the edges of Jenna’s shorts, and I hooked my fingers underneath them. In a slow motion, giving her time to process what was going on, I started to pull the girl’s shorts off of her body. When I got to her butt, I had to lift the girl up a bit, but it was easy to do with a girl her size. Before I knew it, the girl’s white panties were on full display in front of me, and her shorts very quickly were discarded to the side.

There was a small wet spot in between the girl’s legs on her panties. Whether it was from my massaging, or something else, I didn’t know, but I did know that it meant the girl’s body was at least reacting to what I was doing.

“Do you trust me?” I prompted the girl.

I noticed her visibly swallow. “Yes, Coach,” was all she could muster.

I moved my hand back towards the spot I had been massaging before, feeling it more directly this time. I watched as the girl’s body reacted more visibly to my touch, now that it wasn’t through her shorts. I always loved watching a girl be touched for the first time. I wasn’t sure if Jenna had ever masturbated, but it didn’t really matter; it was different when someone else was doing it.

I wanted to pull off her panties. I wanted to rip off her shirt, and make this volleyball girl just a girl. I wanted to shove my cock deep inside her cunt, and to have her call me ‘Daddy’, but I knew it was never going to get to that today.

Jenna’s breath got shallower and shorter. I kept massaging her lips through her underwear, and let the wet spot get bigger and bigger. One of her knees came up, and she was finally able to squeeze my hand in between her legs.

This time, rather than to push me away, or keep me out, it was to keep me applying the pressure on her pussy. Her body started to rock, and then all of a sudden she squeezed my hand hard with her legs, and pushed into me with her crotch. The extra wet I felt on my fingers was the last sign that I had just made this 12 year old girl orgasm.

I kept massaging her pussy, slowly now, as her legs loosened, and her breathing slowed down. She was covering her face with one of her arms, so I couldn’t see her eyes, but I could see her red cheeks underneath, flush with embarrassment and arousal.

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked.

She continued to cover her face, not wanting to look me in the eyes. She didn’t say anything, only letting out a slight nod. I stopped massaging her. “Good,” I said, “I want these lessons to include a lot of stuff like that.”

After I said that, her arm moved down, and she looked at me, her face still red. “What was that?” she asked.

“That was basically sex, I’m sure you’ve heard of it in your health class. Although it was only the first part of it.”

“That was sex..? But we were always told that we shouldn’t have sex until we’re older.”

I also loved the look of a young girl after her first experience with sex. Her eyes, filled with innocence, and yet, hiding a dark desire to be corrupted, looked up at me. It brought fond memories of when I first had sex, although my first time I had gone a little further than Jenna had gone today.

“Like, I said, that wasn’t the entirety of sex,” I said to the young girl, “There’s a lot they don’t tell you in health class, but I still think it’s important to know, and believe it or not, the lessons relate to volleyball.”

The red in her face seemed to be moving back to normal, although I knew that she would still be embarrassed lying half naked with wet underwear in front of me. Still though, I noticed as I brought up volleyball, the girl seemed more interested in the conversation. “How does this relate to volleyball?” She asked.

“Trust.” I said. “Just like how you have to trust your teammates while playing volleyball, trust is important in sex. If you learn how to trust someone enough to have full on sex with them, then you’ll know how to trust the girls on your team.”

Everything seemed to be clicking together for the girl. I had purposely been emphasizing this point of trust since Jenna had gotten here. As much as I wanted to rub my tongue across her virgin pussy, I did also want her to become a better volleyball player. I didn’t care much about volleyball itself, but I did care about Jenna, and she cared about volleyball.

So I was using the lesson plan that I had refined over the years with other girls. If I was going to make her my little cock sleeve, I also wanted the situation to benefit her. “It seems like you’re starting to get it, but let’s end the lesson for today. Go home, and think about what we did today, that’s your homework.”

As I said this, I helped Jenna stand up. I grabbed her volleyball shorts and gave them to her. “Um, Coach” Jenna said, “my underwear is completely ruined.” I dramatically leaned over to look at the girl’s underwear, to which she tightened her legs together in embarrassment. “They’re fine, they’re just a little wet,” I said, “it’ll dry, but until then, you can use them to remind you of what it felt like when I was touching you.”

“Um, ok, Coach. Is that everything?” she said.

“Yes, Jenna, that’s it for today. You did good, I’ll see you again at practice.”

I gave a warm smile to the young girl. She needed the encouragement, or to more accurately put it, I needed her feeling good about what just happened so she wouldn’t go blabbing to her parents. The first session was always the scariest. It was hard to tell if they would, but I always banked my chances on preteen girls being too embarrassed to talk to their parents about this kind of stuff. As far as I knew, I had been right, but hey, maybe there was some set of parents out there whose daughter confided in them, only for their parents to encourage it. I highly doubted it, but hey, a man can dream.

Jenna returned my smile, and let out an excited, “Thanks Coach!” Before I knew it, she had left me alone in my office. I breathed a sigh of relief as I could stop putting on the coach role. I sat down in the chair at my desk and looked down at the bulge in my pants. I would be using this before I knew it, but until then, all I could do was wait. In the meantime, I unzipped my pants, and pulled up pictures of the volleyball team.


The next session was after practice. I met Jenna in my office, and she was already covered in a decent layer of sweat from her hard work. I admit I would prefer her clean nubile body, but moments like these did give me another teaching opportunity.

“Take off your clothes. All of them.” I commanded.

“W-what?” Jenna responded as any girl would when their teacher tells them to strip.

It was the perfect opportunity for me. Going slow during the first session, and only showing a girl her first orgasm, not even seeing her naked, the girls would always expect something similar for the second session. That’s why I always liked to up the ante, and jump straight into things. They had already agreed to do the session, knowing full well the sexual connotations it held, and their confusion and shock would prevent them from going against my commands.

“You heard me, Jenna. Remember you agreed to trust me.” I said.

“Are you sure, Coach, can’t I just get in my underwear like before?” Jenna said, moving to the bargaining phase.

“No,” I replied succinctly, not giving her any room for arguments. A man inexperienced with little girls would take a moment like now to go and pull the clothes off of the girl, and force her to get fully naked. You can’t do that, though. You need to let the girl make the choice. We all knew what she would pick, but you have to give her time to realize it. If you forced her, the entire session would be set back with her in a defensive mindset.

It’s possible to work around that, but for girls you intend to keep in a longer relationship, trust me, this is the way to do it. Just like all the girls before her, Jenna waited a few moments, hoping that I would suddenly say “Alright, you don’t have to.”

I wasn’t going to do that, though. And eventually, Jenna moved to start stripping her clothes off. It wasn’t as good as watching a girl give a purposeful strip-tease, or pulling the clothes off a young girl yourself, but it still caused my pants to feel tighter as her shorts fell down her legs, revealing her panties. My eyes watched her like a hawk, as she lifted her shirt over her head, giving me a closer look at her tits than I had ever gotten staring down her shirt.

It looked like Jenna had just upgraded from a training bra, puberty taking a little bit more time to come in. They were just big enough where they weren’t exactly flat, but small enough where they weren’t exactly fully grown tits. They were just the way I liked them.

Jenna looked at me again, pleading with her eyes for me to stop her from undressing even further. It made sense that she wouldn’t want to get completely naked in front of me. I was her coach, and I hadn’t built up that much sexual rapport. Not even her doctor would make her stand naked in front of him like I wanted her to in front of me.

Still, I knew this was the best way of building that sexual rapport fast. Once the girl was naked in front of you, she would do anything for you. “All of it, Jenna,” I instructed, “You just had practice, all of those clothes smell.”

If there was anything a teen girl was self-conscious about, it was the way that she smelled. I hoped puberty had gotten enough of a hold on Jenna that this insecurity also seeped into her. To my happiness, Jenna unbuckled her bra, and dropped it to the ground. Her pink nipples faced me, and I smiled. Jenna, noticing my smile, seemed to gain a bit more confidence in her naked body. Her panties slid off not long after.

For the first time, I was seeing Jenna naked in front of me. Ever since we had auditions for the team, I had been imagining this sight, and I would be lying if I said that the image in my head didn’t influence my decision of letting Jenna on the team.

She was pretty similar to what I had expected. She had childlike features that were making way for the features of an adult. Her thighs came together, almost framing her slit, which itself was covered in just a few specks of pubic hair. If anyone saw the girl in front of me, there would be no saving me. She was clearly a young girl, and that made my dick even harder.

”The next lesson,” I said, “is in foreplay.”

I stood up from my chair, and moved towards the naked girl. The lack of screaming, and running away made me happy. The girl was already becoming a little slut. Most girls that I had chosen in the past usually took a little longer to get naked. They would bargain a little longer. They would take off their clothes just a little slower. It was hot to take longer to break down a girl, but it was just as hot to have one willing off the bat, her weak arguments only serving to protect her pride.

I ran a finger across Jenna’s back, causing her to shiver. She looked at me, not saying anything, only waiting for me to continue her education. “Foreplay,” I spoke some more, “is what happens before sex. It is the actions that you take to get the body ready for sex.”

I moved my finger down to Jenna’s ass, and then grabbed it with my full hand. It seemed that little Jenna had fully mentally prepared herself for today, as she didn’t pull away. Maybe she was going further with her goal from before, to not complain about my touch. Or maybe she just didn’t have anything to complain about.

“In volleyball there’s not exactly foreplay,” I said, essentially kneading her ass with my hand, “in volleyball you have things you do before a game. You go into the locker room, you put on your uniform, you stretch, and so on, until you’re ready to play.”

I moved my hand around her butt towards the front of her body. Standing behind her, I reached around her body, and lightly rubbed my hand around the area just above her slit. I teased my hand moving down a few times, but then I would move it back up, sometimes moving all the way back up to her stomach.

After rubbing around her abdomen a few times, I moved my hands up to her small breasts, and circled around her nipples. This got a bit more of a reaction out of her, as her legs slightly buckled. I wondered if it was difficult for her to stay standing. Her legs were presumably already tired from practice, and experiencing an electrifying sensation she had never felt before certainly wouldn’t make standing any easier. Nevertheless, she managed to stay standing despite my touch.

“What do you normally do as part of your pre-game routine, baby?” I asked innocuously.

I saw a slight smile on her face as I called her baby. I guess ‘little girl’ was too childish for her, but ‘baby’ was perfectly fine. “I s-stretch,” Jenna replied, all the while subtly gyrating her body as I caressed it.

“And how do you stretch?” I asked, this time with a more inviting voice. At my invitation, Jenna bent down at the waist and touched her toes, sticking her naked ass out. I took her invitation to grab her hips, and pull my crotch to her ass. The size difference made it a little difficult, but I was able to grind my clothed cock against her bare ass.

“Mmm,” she moaned.

”Good girl,” was all I said back.

For a short while longer, we continued like this. At some point, I had moved her onto my desk for better leverage. Mixing grinding, along with a healthy amount of fondling, rubbing, and groping, I could tell that Jenna was getting quite aroused. The entire time, however, I avoided touching her slit.

“Please, Coach, do what you did before to my… kitty.” Jenna pleaded, hesitating on saying the last word. I finally moved my hand down to her pussy.

”You’re quite wet,” I said, rubbing my fingers around the juices that had been leaking out during the session, “that means that we’ve done a good job getting you ready. However, with volleyball, I won’t always be there to help you, so I want you to figure out how to help yourself.”

Jenna moved her hand down to her pussy, and immediately slid a finger in. She let out a loud moan, as if all the tension in her body had been released in that moment. “Like this?” She said playfully. “So you do know masturbation is,” I said.

“Well, after what you did to me before, I kept thinking about it, and it kept making me feel the same way… down there, and I looked up online what the feeling was.” Jenna said, staring into my eyes like the good little slut I was training her to be.

“Well aren’t you learning quickly,” I said back, “you’re my favorite special student. You make me quite happy.”

As I said this, I noticed Jenna’s finger start to slide in and out of her cunt faster and faster. Her breath became shorter and shorter, and her body started pushing into her own finger, desperately trying to get it as deep as possible. Suddenly, she started to shake, and let out a big moan, letting herself be overcome by the feelings of her climax.

To my surprise, she then pulled me close, and whispered in my ear.

“I want to be your only special student, Coach.” she said softly.


The next few practices were disappointing for me. Due to actual work obligations, I had a fair amount of paperwork that I had to prioritize. Especially after how the last private coaching session had gone with Jenna, it was hard to keep my mind off of the vision of the girl’s young cunt.

It also didn’t help that I still had to see her every day. Every time I looked in her direction, I couldn’t help but picture my erect cock deep inside her throat. It made it difficult to coach, to say the least. Still I did a pretty good job at separating my work and personal life, and I tried to stay professional throughout the team practices.

Jenna, however, did not. She may not have fully understood the gravity of the situation if our relationship were to come out, and she got awfully close to me on some occasions. She would constantly make provocative faces at me, and stick her tongue out while she thought no one was looking. The worst was when she “accidentally” called me Daddy in front of the whole group when asking an innocent volleyball question. She managed to pass it off as an accident, and a simple slip of the tongue, and I almost believed her too until she whispered in my ear again at the end of practice, “are we doing a private training session again soon, Daddy? I’ve been practicing hard at home…”

Thankfully, we were soon getting back into our regularly scheduled lessons, and soon the vision of my cock deep inside the young girl’s mouth wouldn’t be just a vision. Like usual, after practice I made my way to my office, did my quick little security routine, and waited for the little vixen to finish with the other girls in the locker room. I learned from her the other day that she first changed out of her volleyball uniform, then left the locker room, and eventually after everyone had already left, she went back to the locker room to change into her uniform again. It seemed a bit circular to me, but I admit, it did give me time to prepare, and it also showed that she at least contained some semblance of security regarding the situation.

Taking me out of my thoughts was a light knock at the door. To my surprise, Jenna was not in fact wearing her volleyball uniform. Normally I’d be disappointed, but her skirt, which at a glance I presumed to be too short to abide by the school’s dress code, and her t-shirt with the phrase “Daddy’s Girl” on it made me reconsider my disappointment.

“What are you wearing?” I asked. It definitely was not the outfit that Jenna had on before practice.

“Well, Daddy,” Jenna responded, “I wanted to do something nice for you since you have been so nice to me, so I dressed up all cute. I had this outfit hidden in my backpack the whole day, waiting for now.” She giggled as she said it with excitement; she clearly had been waiting all day with this on her mind.

“Well it does indeed look quite cute, but what’s with the whole Daddy thing you’ve been doing?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“I saw on TikTok something saying that guys like it when they’re called that.” she said, laughing.

“Well I don’t hate it, but don’t call me that at practice.” I said, hoping to reel in the girl’s behavior.

“But Daddy,” she said to me with a mischievous grin on her face, “isn’t this a practice?”

She was a smart girl, I’ll give her that, she always knew the right things to say. Still, being the coach, I knew she had a lot to learn. “Well in that case, baby girl, why don’t we start practicing?” I said, motioning for her to come over.

At this point, Jenna was a bit used to the routine. This time, however, I stayed in the chair at my desk, and she walked over and sat on my lap. I’ll admit, the skirt was a better decision than the uniform. While tight short shorts hugged her ass perfectly, there was something about feeling her panties directly on top of my crotch—but at the same time not being able to actually see anything—that was incredibly hot.

I slipped a hand underneath her shirt, and pulled her lips to my own. There was no hesitation in either of our actions anymore, and very quickly my kisses progressed down to her neck. And then, after pulling off her “Daddy’s Girl” t-shirt, my kisses progressed to her chest.

”The next lesson,” I started, taking a break from kissing the nubile body, “is in supplementing your teammates. You need to help them out and use your skills to do what they’re unable to. Get on your knees.”

The girl seemed eager for what was to come. Maybe she knew what I was going to suggest, perhaps her research had gone outside TikTok and onto more adult websites. Or perhaps she didn’t know, but just got excited for everything that the two of us did. It could honestly be either of the two.

After the young girl got on her knees in front of me, I noticed her staring at the bulge in my pants not more than one foot in front of her face. I unzipped my pants, and for the first time, pulled out my erect member for Jenna to feast her eyes on. I saw her eyes light up. I almost forgot that she’s probably never seen a penis up this close before. It might even be the first one she’s ever seen in person.

Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to get any educational value out of this with her distraction, I gave her permission. “You can touch it,” I said.

Uncharacteristically of her, Jenna was slow about her approach to my dick. She first poked it with a finger, and then eventually started to hold it with her whole hand. If she wasn’t a little girl, the sloppy handjob probably would’ve done nothing for me, but given the circumstances of having the first cock my little slut had ever played with, my dick stayed rock hard.

“It’s so… hard,” Jenna said in bewilderment.

I laughed, “just like you get wet when you’re aroused, I get hard. Haven’t you already had your basic health class?”

Jenna clearly was embarrassed about that, as her head quickly moved to the ground, and the red shade of arousal on her face was replaced with a scarlet shade of embarrassment. “Well yeah, but that was just about basic stuff like puberty and periods.”

“Well for guys, their dicks get hard because they want to stick it inside the girl.” I said, fulfilling my teacher-adjacent role. “Just like in volleyball, when you help out your teammates, it’s up to you to help out your partner in sex. Today you’re going to do that by giving me a blowjob.”

Jenna’s innocent curiosity showed again, as she didn’t react when I said what we were going to do, only giving me a quizzical look. “A blowjob?” She asked, “you mean like I blow on your… dick?”

I tried to hold back my laughter, hoping to not embarrass the girl any further, but some small chuckles still broke out. “No,” I said, “just like how I’ve been sucking and kissing your nipples, you need to suck and kiss my penis.”

This was one of the harder moments when grooming a young girl. The ratio of mouth to cock was not in favor of the mouth, so many times they would be a bit reluctant. Jenna, however, was a good slut.

Upon hearing my instructions, she immediately moved her mouth to my cock and started kissing it. Feeling her cool, moist lips upon my penis finally allowed me to get the satisfaction I had been waiting for all week. I remembered the vision of my cock buried inside her mouth, and before I knew it, I was able to watch as my dream became a reality.

Jenna opened her mouth, and closed her eyes, and then brought her mouth down upon the tip of my penis. I felt her tongue slide around my head, and watched as she started to take me deeper into her mouth.

And then I watched as she immediately pulled her mouth off of my cock and started coughing.

“Slowly!” I said, “if you go too quickly, you’re not going to be able to take it all in. You have to relax your mouth. Remember the positioning? You can’t leave your position to go help your teammates right away. You first have to get down the basics of your position before fully committing to helping your teammates, or in this case, fully sucking my cock.”

Once again, the girl looked to the ground, embarrassed and probably a little sorrowful for messing up. I tilted her chin up towards my face, and gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s ok,” I said in a nurturing voice, “I know you can do it.”

With reinvigorated confidence, Jenna took a second attempt at giving me a blowjob. This time, however, she approached it differently, and ran her tongue across the length of my penis, sending shivers of arousal down my spine. Then, as she positioned her mouth to start sucking on my dick, she paused for a moment, and took a deep breath. Her hand gripped tight around the base of my cock to hold it steady, and she slowly inserted my cock into her mouth.

This time, she didn’t immediately pull out. She was able to position about half of my cock into her mouth before I saw her start to struggle. At that point, she let up a little, but didn’t fully remove it. She began to move her mouth up and down, lubricating my cock with her saliva.

Every time I was alone with this girl, my life got better. This moment was no different, and as she proceeded to give me her first blowjob, I proceeded to admire her beauty. I looked down at her naked chest, and her slutty short skirt. Her hair bounced around as she proceeded to move her head faster. I noticed the area of my cock that her mouth occupied got wetter, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

For a moment I regretted not warning her, but then I quickly thought about another young girl that I had played with and the look on her face when she unexpectedly received a load of cum in her mouth. I looked down and pictured that image, but with Jenna instead of the other girl, and upon imagining that, I reached my limit.

“Fuck,” I moaned, pushing my cock towards Jenna’s head, forcing her to take my cock deeper. Quickly I felt the cum surge through my dick as I came inside the little young volleyball player. For a second, it seemed like Jenna was going to be able to handle my load, but very quickly her eyes widened and she immediately pulled my cock from her throat. The last remnants of my orgasm proceeded to shoot out onto the girl’s face, painting it with my white.

I looked down at her, my cum covering her face, and dribbling out of her mouth. She wore a big smile, and it made both me, and my heart smile. “Did I do good, Coach?” She asked.

“Yes,” I said, patting her on the head, “you did great. That’s how a guy orgasms, and your blowjob made me orgasm.”


A few days later I was sitting in my office in the morning before school, when I heard a knock at my door. I was a bit alarmed; it was rare for someone to be visiting me this early in the morning. And it didn’t help that my early warning light had been turned off. In the mornings, it wasn’t unusual for people to be walking by and activating it, so I would turn it off to avoid the small light in my office from constantly turning on and off. It was, however, unusual for one of these people walking by to stop at my office.

I stood up and started to walk towards the door. A thought crossed my mind that Jenna had betrayed me, and that I had finally met my end. Knowing full well that this day would eventually come, I resolved myself to my fate, and turned the handle of the door. Before I could even fully open it, I was given a light tackle that did nothing more than force me to take a step backwards. I looked down, and realized that it wasn’t a tackle, but rather a girl throwing her arms around me in a hug.

My mouth was open in shock, I wasn’t expecting a visit from her so early in the morning. “Jenna?” I asked, “what are you doing here? And stop that, someone might see!”

I pried her hands off from around me, much to her dismay and moved to shut the door, preventing any unwanted eyes. I hadn’t done my pre-session routine, and it made me anxious. When I was certain that nobody had seen her enter, and that nobody could see her in here, I turned back to the girl, patiently waiting for me to be ready.

“I couldn’t wait until practice, Coach. I wanted to see you again. I wanted to touch you again. I wanted to feel you again.” Jenna said.

This soothed my nerves. It was a point that every girl that I would specially train would get to. It meant that my training sessions had worked, and now the girl was fully mine. I wasn’t enthused about her arriving unannounced at a time when privacy wasn’t completely ensured, but I couldn’t complain about her arriving in general. And I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass up.

“Then I think you’re ready,” I replied to her, leaning down to kiss her. I first kissed her on the cheeks, and she giggled, reminding me of her age. I moved to her lips, this time holding the kisses for longer, giving the two of us a deeper, intimate experience.

I locked my hands in hers. They felt so much smaller than my own. I pulled her over to my desk, and started to undo the buttons in her blouse. I lifted her shirt off, and undid the clasp of her bra, letting her breasts out. I put my hand in between her crotch, letting her know what would be coming. Then, I got on my knees, and with my face level with her legs, I started kissing the insides of her thighs, her legs opening up to let me get in closer to her pussy.

“Please Coach,” she begged.

I moved my hands, and quickly pulled the shorts down off of her body. I looked at her pretty panties, and noticed that they were already very wet. I gave her one last kiss on the wet spot, and then I pulled the underwear off of her body as well. I lifted the preteen body and placed her with her back on top of my desk. I stood up next to her, and unzipped my pants.

Placing my cock at the entrance to her hole, I took one last look at her. She seemed a little nervous, but her face was glued on my cock about to enter her. This time, I didn’t try to shove some silly lesson in. Any pretense of this sexual education being for the benefit of her volleyball skills was long gone from my mind. I would finally be able to fuck the girl I had been lusting after ever since I first saw her.

With a gentle push, I started to insert my cock into the girl I had been grooming. There was a slight grimace on her face, from the initial pain, but as always, like a good little girl, she didn’t complain. The warmth of her pussy soon enveloped my entire cock. I was always a little worried if it would fit with these young girls, but it seemed that Jenna’s at-home practice had come in handy.

Once I was fully in, I gave Jenna a moment to get used to my girth. “It’s so big,” she moaned, “it feels so good.” I felt her pussy squeeze around my cock, the tightness being ever present. I felt a bit more warmth leak out of her cunt, and I wondered if having my cock stretch her out made her have a mini-orgasm.

Regardless, the extra lubrication allowed me to start pistoning as I proceeded to move my dick in and out of the young girl. “Fuck,” I grunted, “you feel so fucking good around my cock.”

Both my dirty talk and my movements aroused the girl, and she started letting out more moans. I wanted her to be quiet, but at the same time, the feeling around my cock prevented me from doing anything about it. If someone caught me after this, so be it.

I fucked the young volleyball girl harder and harder, faster and faster. Our breathing both synced up in broken panting as we both lost ourselves to the feeling. As I fucked the young volleyball girl, I noticed multiple times as she shook and orgasmed in the way I had become all so familiar with.

I moved my hands all around her body. I rubbed her breasts, and her nipples. I moved my hands to her hips to hold her while I got better leverage. I moved a hand behind her head, and entangled my fingers in her hair, holding her head in my hands.

I fucked her as fast as I could, the heat within me wanting nothing more than to unleash inside her tight little pussy. Suddenly, right before I was about to spread my seed into her young body, she had one last orgasm, syncing with my own. Her pussy gripped around my dick, and her legs squeezed down, making it hard for me to keep moving. I could do nothing except shoot my cum deep inside her, spurt after spurt.

I gave a few last thrusts, letting out the rest of my cum inside of the hot, sexy, young volleyball girl. The room became silent aside from our ragged breaths from the experience. I looked at the young girl’s eyes, who were glimmering with affection as they looked at mine. I moved in and gave her another kiss on the lips.

“I love you so much, Coach,” she said.
“I love you too, Jenna,” I lied.