Smooth Operator/Powell Home/Milly/Sitting on bed playing games

From All The Fallen Stories
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You walk into your room, more than a little baffled over this mysterious intruder. The intruder seems to sense your presence almost immediately. Their entire body tenses and the intruder lets out a very cute sounding whimper of a squeak. "Mmm!" The intruder takes a very fast glance over her shoulder. You are pretty sure that was a female voice you heard just now. A second later, the TV screen goes red and there is a death message saying that this intruder was just killed in the game.

"Uhh... Jordan!" The intruder turns to look at you and you are finally able to make out the face under the hood. It is your neighbor and childhood friend Milly. A timid little wood mouse girl who lives on your same street and also goes to school with you. She is in your class, and you get off at the same bus stop.

"Umm... uhh... hi." She says in a quiet tone. You see her cheeks blushed very red and she looks down and tries to avoid eye contact.

"Uhh... hi Milly." You greet her back. "Umm... what are you doing here?" You do talk to each other on the bus sometimes, but she hasn't been over to your house in years. Let alone showing up uninvited and playing your video games.

"Uhh... well..." She says and then starts twiddling her thumbs in her lap and looking around everywhere. "Umm... uhh... that, well... Uhh... my mom, and your mom... that."

"Hey, hey! It's alright! Calm down." You tell her. You are used to her getting pretty awkward, although it's been a lot worse around you in particular ever since the school had it's girl's sex-ed class. That was also around the same time Milly started hanging around you less, guess she started getting too intimidated thinking about how all that works.

You sit down next to her on the bed and pull her into a side-hug. You are a good half-a-foot taller than her now, and have much broader shoulders than her slight frame, so it looks a little like an older brother comforting his little sister. "Alright, start over. What's going on? It's alright, but I'm not going to be able to understand unless you can tell me clearly."

Milly nodded and gulped. "Umm... well... that is, your mom called my mom and said, umm... that you... could make semen now, so... umm... she... invited me over."

What!? Your mom is trying to set you up with Milly!?