Disciplinary Action/Characters/Loso/Bridgette

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Bridgette Loso

Bridgette Loso
She’s a very pretty lady, but looks older than she is. She’s disappointed that her husband no longer takes any interest on her or their children.


Husband – 48
Derrick Loso
Step Daughter – 14
Dawn Loso
Daughter – 8
Melany Loso
Son – 6
Edwin Loso
Son – 4
Denny Loso
Daughter – 2
Jen Loso


Church group

Barbara Granville
June Marlow
Shreya Morandi
Amethyst Accardi
Julia Guerra


She was her husband’s student, and when she was a high school sophomore he lured her to his classroom after school by talking about helping her to improve her grades. She and thought if she could get high enough grades, she could get out of this town with a college schollarship which is something she had heard about happening to some of the smarter students. She'd never even hoped for such a thing before, thinking she would just wind up marrying one of the boys from her class and be stuck here forever.

He always touched her and complimented her a lot during their tutoring. She knew nothing about what sex was at the time, and the only reason she even knew boys had a penis was because she had seen her little brother's diaper changed when she was five. Because of this, she had no awareness of the dangerous situation she was in. She wound up also talking about her goal of getting her grades high enough to get out of town. Mr. Loso seemed to get really happy about this, but he also immediately shot down her aspirations by saying that her grades were not really high enough for that. But, he also immediately said if what she wanted was a better life then he could show her a much easier way, but only if her purity was still intact.

She had heard about a girl maintaining her purity before, but did not know exactly what it meant. She knew it had something to do with being modest and not allowing boys to be alone with her, but not much beyond that. So, when Mr. Loso said he would check to see if her purity really was intact, she wound up letting him take off her panties and sitting her on top of his desk. She also didn't really know what was going on when he pushed down his own pants and pulled out his stiff penis, however this was the point she was really starting to get scared. Next, he pushed it inside her and also started touching her body all over until he made her feel like her body was loosing control.

When he was done, he started kissing her on the lips and saying how he loved her and that he would make her his wife. And also, that she had no choice since he had just taken her purity and she couldn't get anyone else to marry her. She felt hurt and betrayed, but she knew that she really did have no choice in this town. She was worried about the fact he already had a wife, but later he got his previous marriage annulled and everything was set. From the beginning it was hard for her, having to take care of her then 6-year-old step daughter, as well as all the babies her husband insisted they had to have, but ever since they had sex that time he showered her with attention and she felt loved and that was enough for her.

After the birth of her youngest daughter two years ago, she realized her husband no longer looks at her with the desire of before, and after having some chats with the mother of her step daughter, she realized he did almost the exact same thing with her and will probably soon replace her as well by going after yet another girl.

WIP Suggestions accepted.