Disciplinary Action/Characters/Eleventh Grade/Lori

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Lori Kraham

Lori Kraham
High School Senior
A happy, but somewhat shy girl. She started growing a little earlier than her classmates, and is still one of the tallest girls of her class. She had beautiful legs that all the boys love to see in her cheerleading uniform. Her chest, on the other hand, hasn't grown too much.


Father – 50
Coleman Kraham
Mother – 32
Kathrin Kraham
Sister – 7
Leone Kraham
Sister – 4
Latia Kraham
Cousin – 17
Liliana Granville

School Activities

She’s part of the school’s main cheerleader squad. Her cousin Liliana is the leader of the troupe. Still, Liliana put her on the squad because her father ordered it, and not because she is friendly with her cousin.


She is the oldest daughter of the town's Mayor, and from an early age she had gone with her father and mother to rallies and other boring events where they had to show as a happy family. She learned to distract herself in silence to survive those meetings, and as a result has a very vivid imagination and it's not unusual to find her staring at space thinking of something.

Her mother was a bit overprotective of her, and that made it hard for her to made friends when she was little. But as she started growing up, she opened up and now fully enjoys the attention that guys pay her.

She has a good relations with most of her classmates. The only exception would be her cousin Liliana. She doesn't understand why, but Liliana seems to resent her for something. Still, as long as they aren't forced to share a room, she can endure it.