Troop 12

From All The Fallen Stories
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Chapter 1

"Ugggh......" I grumble as I slip into the driver seat after work. It has been a long week and I am looking forward to the weekend. A little smile peeks through my lips as I think about a weekend around the pool. Just a float, a beer and my little girl. What can get better then that?

My wife or should I say Ex-wife left shortly after Heather was born. She decided that motherhood would not fit into her social calender....Whatever! It did not matter to me. I had a beautiful daughter and figured out I did not want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I put the car in to gear and start on my way home. The drive is not long at all. I only work about 10 minutes from my house. As a real estate agent the hours can be long sometimes, but usually very fruitful. It has given us a comfortable life. As for the town, Paradise Valley, the name says it all! I smile as I pull onto my street knowing soon I will be able to relax. As I pull into the garage all of the weeks stress seems to just melt away.

I look across the freshly cut grass in the front yard as I walk to the mailbox, verifying that the lawn company did a good job. When I reach the mailbox I grab the mail and look up to see the neighbor across the street. Sarah waves at me politely, so I return the wave and smile taking in her beautiful body that is hidden under the baggy summer clothes. I smile remembering what she looks like in a bikini as I have one of the few pools in the neighborhood and have had her, and her husband, Tom over many times. Luckily their 10 year old daughter, Nikki, is one of Heather's friends so it made it way easier to get them over.

I turn and head towards the house noticing a package on the front porch. I head that way wondering about the package, as I am not expecting one. I look at the name and notice my daughters name. I wonder what she could possibly have ordered as I dont recall buying anything. A little bewildered I head inside. "Baby, I'm home!!!!" I announce as I take off my sport coat and hang it on the wall. I hear the pitter patter of small feet getting closer as she comes to meet me. I smile and kneel ready for the attack I am about to receive.

Heather comes around the corner in a cute pair of cut off Jean shorts and cute little tank top with a heart on it. She is a vision to behold. Long curly brown hair that reaches down to the small of her back. Flawless tan skin and the cutest of dimp,es when she smiles. She stands right at 4 ft tall and is just starting to mature.the 10 year old has the slightest of waists starting to form and cute little buds starting to poke through. "Daddy!" She screams as she launches herself into my arms.

I chuckle as I catch her wrapping one arm around her waist and the other sliding under her supporting her under her little butt. I hug her close to me and kiss her cheek whispering, "I missed you so much my beautiful little princess!" Heather leans away looking right into my eyes, her deep green eyes seeming to cut right through me, "I missed you to Daddy!!! SOOOOOO much!"

About that time I am suddenly aware of another person standing there with us. Angie, a 28 year old slender woman home from college for the summer, is standing there watching the greeting. "Hello Mr. Smith." She smiles slightly after greeting me. "Hello Angie, I hope Heather was good for you today." I smile warmly back and extend my hand for a greeting which she shyly takes and shakes. " Oh yes she was a angel! We swam a little earlier and we played some games!"

I smile at Heather letting her know i am happy that she behaved then set her down on the ground and pull my wallet out. "So Angie how much do I owe you for the week?" Angie thinks for a moment and does the math in her head while talking out loud, "5 days times $50 so.....$250 Mr. Smith." I smile to her and count out the money that I owe her and hand it to her. "Here you go, are you still available next week? and please, call me John." Angie smiles warmly at me "Yes, Mr. John i am available." I chuckle softly "Ok Miss Angie, I will see you on Monday then." Angie blushes slightly at the show of respect and nods grabbing her stuff off the coat rack and pausing to hug Heather. "Bye sweetie I will see you Monday!" Heather hugs her back fully "Bye Angie, see you Monday." With that Angie departs leaving only Heather and myself in the house.

Chapter 2