Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Personality Attributes

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Personality Attributes are factors in someone's personality that present in everyone, regardless of culture or upbringing. Everyone has a rating somewhere on one of these personality sliders. Some sliders have 2 features listed. These are cases where an attribute is named differently depending on whether your score in that attribute is high or low. The first name is the name it is called when the trait is high, the second name is the name it is called when the trait is low.


How one relates in their day-to-day lives to the people around them.


How sure a person is that what they are doing is right, and how sure they are that they will not be harmed in a way that they care about.


How much someone concerns themselves with the well-being of others.


How likely a person is to accept or chase out intrusions onto their time or space, or pursue a goal of some kind.


The things that motivate a person to take/not take action.


The drive to change something that inconveniences or harms you or someone you care about.

NOTE: This trait is best if it is somewhere in the (upper) middle. Both extremes can be detrimental. Someone with exceedingly high will values might waist effort and be thought crazy trying to change something no human being has the ability to change (the force of gravity for instance,) while someone with exceedingly low values may not even take the effort to remove a rock from their shoe as it is cutting a hole in their foot.


The drive to do something that is on your physical or mental list of things to do.

NOTE: One can have high motivation values and low will values. In this case, the person's list of things to do will consist entirely of things that other people told them to do.


The drive to do what another person wants them to do.

NOTE: Obedience is opposed by will, and mutually exclusive with defiance (cannot have points in obedience if there are points in defiance.) Higher levels of will will make a person less likely to obey. High levels of will and obedience will make a person more likely to attempt to negotiate with the person issuing the orders, or present the problem if they are being asked to do something they can't accomplish, but high levels of obedience means they will still attempt to carry out the other person's will if they cannot negotiate it out.


The drive to explicitly go against what another person wants them to do, even if doing so is detrimental to themselves.

Note: Defiance and obedience are mutually exclusive characteristics (cannot have points in defiance if there are points in obedience.) Defiance is enhanced by will. A strong willed person will actively protest orders given to a person they are defiant to and may state outright their intention not to do as they are told, while a weak-willed defiant person may say they will do something and then either not do it or do a poor job of the task they were given.