Life Hacks/March's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Learned everything he knows about sex and masturbation from Xander when he was 12. Him and Xander did some male sexual exploration of each other involving some touching early on, but mostly sharing of (100% one sided Xander to March) porn and masturbating together. Masturbation is the real reason why March likes to come over to Xander's house so frequently. He knows in his sex ed class they taught that masturbation, for boys in particular, was evil. He, like most of his catholic school friends, has rejected this notion but still does not want to do it at home and get caught. Xander accepts this as messed up and is glad to let his friend relieve some stress at his house.

He is rather intrigued by Xander's incest porn, but cannot see himself having sex with any of his sisters. For some reason though, whenever they watch it he actually mentally pictures Xander having sex with his (March's) sisters and is oddly turned on by it. One of his favorite sexual fantasies are him (March) having sex with Charity, Angel, and Roni while Xander has sex with all of his (March's) sisters.

Sexual Knowledge

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

Sexual resistances (start of story)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

