Talk:Life Hacks/Quickly supply the missing key details

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Revision as of 20:11, 30 October 2016 by Jemini (talk | contribs)
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FYI: The results of something big like Xander's encounter with Hank I figure are so big the entire increase to relationship stats does not happen all at once. It keeps increasing for a while as the people who react to it, especially the ones who react positively, manage to solidify the event in their minds. So, Roni just got a huge boost that is probably somewhere around the final boost (will probably get 1 more before she is finished and they stabilize) from telling someone else about the event. Brittany's stats will also continuously increase for a little while now that she has heard about it, as will stats for any other member of the family. (Charity's enemy stat will probably drop drastically at first, but might rebound if she notices Roni and Xander's developing relationship and starts to feel he is stealing her.) Brittany, Charity, Inga, and Rich are the ones who will have the biggest reactions to this news and in that order from most to least. The rest might move by 15 points total, if that. Jemini (talk) 21:09, 30 October 2016 (CET)