Life Hacks/Billie's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Billie has been told since she was 3 that she was, in fact, a boy. She knows though that her privates look like a girl's privates, and that anyone who sees them will wind up thinking she is a girl immediately. She does not know what it is about her privates that will reveal this, or what a boy's privates are supposed to look like, all she knows is the warnings her dad has given her. Aside from this, most other information about sex has been intentionally hidden from Billie in order to keep her illusion from breaking.

Sexual Knowledge

The only thing that Billie knows in regards to anything to do with anything tangentially related to sex is that her privates look like a girl's privates and so she shouldn't let anyone see them.

  • Knows where babies come from?: Hasn't even seen a pregnant woman, and if she asks about where babies come from she is told she doesn't need to know.
  • Knows what male genitals look like?: She has heard the word "penis" before, and knows that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina, but she thinks what she has between her legs is a penis that somehow resembles a vagina. She has no idea what a real penis looks like. She has also never seen another girl's genitals either.

Sexual interests (start of story)

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Taking a girl's role: (-20 all sex acts)

If Billie can be convinced that she is in fact a girl, she will feel she has to submit to a boy and will also accept that any sex act done on her is also part of how boys and girls are supposed to do things. (This rolls into her resistance 50 for everything, meaning her resistance will be 30 for everything once she is convinced she is a girl.)

  • Breaking the dam: (Responsive to grooming, all sex acts = 10 to someone who has groomed her)

If Billie can be made comfortable with any form of mild or higher sex act with someone, she will actually grow quite interested in exploring her body in ways she was always forbidden from. This will give her a negligible level of sex resistance specifically with the person (or people) she has been interacting with and performed a lot of previous sex acts with, and may begin to initiate some of the things that have already been done with her in the past.

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • Learned Asexuality: (will not initiate sex acts)

Billie has no sexual interest in either gender, and has learned not to seek information about the genitals of either gender or anything of the sort.

  • Absolutely no concept of sexuality: (All sex acts, moderate and higher (except kissing,) = 50 resistance)

Since Billie has no real concept of sex, having her genitals groped and having vaginal sex are the same thing to her. This also means she has only 4 categories for sex acts despite her high body shame, benign, dismissable, kissing, and genital contact.

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

