Test pages: Module:FivesteaksPersistentTest
(Code to be included, if/when proc_open is enabled:)
local p = {}
function p.FSStore( frame ) _G.FivesteaksPersistentTest = "Testing Persistent Variables" end
function p.FSShow( frame ) return _G.FivesteaksPersistentTest end
return p
Lua test: <lua> function bottle(x)
if x > 1 then return x .. " bottles of beer" elseif x == 1 then return "One bottle of beer" else return "No more bottles of beer" end
function count(x)
output = "
" for beer = x, 1, -1 do output = output .. bottle(beer) .. " on the wall,\n" output = output .. bottle(beer) .. ",\n" output = output .. "Take one down, pass it around,\n" output = output .. bottle(beer-1) .. " on the wall.\n" output = output .. "\n\n" end return output .. "
end </lua>
99 Bottles of Beer