Incest Seduction/Clean up the rest of your lustful mess

From All The Fallen Stories
< Incest Seduction
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Considering the extremely exposed and humiliating state you're in, your brother barely even looked at you. It's hard to imagine that pestering him while he does laundry will bring him around. Resigned to this fact, it's probably best that you get rid of the last bit of evidence of your embarrassing display.

"I can clean up the floor," you say sheepishly.

"Thank you dear. The gloves are under the sink, but just wipe it up for now. I'll clean later."

You follow mom's suggestion and sort through an assortment of cleaning supplies in the cupboard to find a pair of bright yellow rubber gloves. You dampen a clean cloth and get to work. Not wanting to kneel on the hard tile, you drop into a deep squat. You reach forward between your legs, feet spread for balance, shuffling across the floor collecting specks of batter.

It's a slightly awkward position to hold made more embarrassing by how well you can see your pussy like this. It's normally difficult to see, so this view is a little surprising and catches your eye. Your entire crotch is noticeably pink from your arousal. The heat has already dried the water from the cloth you used to clean yourself, but you're still very wet all the same

As you move in and out from the deepest part of your squat you watch as your lips open up by about an inch exposing your inner folds to the air. You experiment a little. You hop slightly. Wiggle your butt. Finding ways to stretch yourself open without even touching yourself feels so naughty.

You glance over your shoulder. Knowing you're not supposed to do this makes you want it even more. You pull off one of your gloves and hover your bare hand in front of your sex. Delicately lifting one finger, you glide your digit across the tip of your clit while squatting as deep and as wide as you can. The single stroke sends shivers shooting up your back and into your scalp. Why is forbidden fruit so tasty?

You flick your needy nub with the end of your finger, your body slowly curling forward. Thoughts of daddy's tongue on your nipples and your brother stroking your hair get you even hotter. Your eyes close as you rub your clit more fervently. You barely even consider how crazy it is that both of your parents are standing behind you while you do this. Masturbating in the kitchen is a first for you but you've rarely ever done it outside of the bathroom or bedroom, let alone next to other people. Least of all, your parents.

Feeling a hand on your back kicks you out of your trance. Your body stiffening in shock, you audibly yelp and manage to propel yourself forward onto your hands and knees.

"Sorry Kimmy," starts your dad with a smile. "You missed a spot."

Regaining your composure, it takes a moment to realize what he's pointing at; a sparse trail of shimmering little wet spots. Your pitiful little pussy has been dripping its passion behind you onto the clean tile.

Wide eyed, you look up at your father. He has to know, but you don't want to ask. Being caught is embarrassing enough. At least mom hasn't noticed.

You quickly scurry back from where you came, wiping up the most damning evidence yet of just how horny you are.