Life Hacks/Hallomod(ho)/Give your new body a test and jog over

From All The Fallen Stories
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With those words, you head straight out the door, leaving your bewildered siblings behind. Now that you have access to pocket dimensions and apparently the ability to make something from nothing using this “buy” feature Loki told you about, there really is no longer a need to pack anything. So, you decide to just head out.

You figure you will just run there. It is quite a fair bit farther than what you would have considered walking distance before, about 4 miles, but now you supposedly have the body of both a cross country runner and a sprinter combined into one, so you figure you ought to be able to get by Ok even with the distance. March’s family doesn’t live THAT far away from your house. They have a huge family, so his dad wound up having to buy an old public library from an older part of town that was being abandoned until the suburb was renewed into what it is now.

As you set out, you really are genuinely impressed with how easy it is to move in your body now. You seem to genuinely glide through the air with each bounding gazel-like step/jump as you propel yourself down the street. You find yourself becoming giddy with how you feel the street retreating behind you under the power of your own body, and this produces a bit of a high for you having been such a weak and wimpy kid before. You begin to get giddy, and you soon find yourself speeding up. You hear a car begin to approach behind you. You stop leaping about and turn it into a steady even-paced jog as the car rolls up the road behind you, and then when it reaches you you break into a full-paced sprint… and your sprinting speed actually allows you to pull ahead of and out-pace the car.

Holy crap! This is a residential area, so that would mean the speed limit is about 25 miles per hour, and you are out-pacing the car at that speed! That means your running speed is actually faster than 25 miles per hour! The road comes to a stop sign, allowing you to pull ahead of the car being on foot and not having to obey traffic laws like that. You bounce lightly up and down on your feet, enjoying the fact that you don’t even feel winded after a sprint that would probably have netted you an Olympic gold medal. You grin wickedly to yourself. At this pace, you might even be able to arrive at March’s house FASTER on foot than you would have in a car. You decide to take that concept as a challenge and immediately tear off, running down the middle of the residential roads instead of the side-walks as you run at speeds that are actually breaking the speed limits. If you were in a vehicle, you are quite positive (due to having every driving law memorized due to that being a “skill” that you mastered,) that you would be breaking at least 5 traffic laws to be driving the way you are currently running.

At about the third quarter mile you would estimate, witch would probably be a pretty darn good estimate with distance judging being another skill you have maxed out, you start to actually breathe heavy. Considering the pace you are putting on, that is absolutely insane. It is about the same overall amount of running that would get an athlete breathing as you are currently breathing, but you have covered a LOT more ground than your average athlete would have ever managed in this amount of time. And while your breathing is elevated now, you really aren’t feeling all that tired even.

You eventually hit a down-hill portion of the run, and you probably manage to break 35 MPH at a full sprint down the hill at your reckless tare. It is absolutely exhilarating! You are actually running on foot at speeds that will kill the average person if they were to suddenly stop from this speed. In your case however, you bet that even if you rand full force into a brick wall it would only rattle you a bit. You MIGHT give yourself a concussion, could get some broken bones, basically the same injuries anybody would get from running into a wall at their top speed. However, it would not mean instant death as it would for a normal person.

After the hill, your brain is filled with so much euphoria that you hardly notice the last 3 and a half miles till you get to March’s house. This is just amazing how light and free your body feels as you move with superhuman speed and stamina. Sure, it is nothing like a comic book super hero, but it is ludicrously fast compared to what even an Olympic 100 meter sprinter can do. And then, adding on to the fact that you are out-pacing sprinters, you actually managed to keep up this pace for over 4 miles! It was not without some real heavy breathing though. You definitely gave yourself a work out, although it is not really that extreme of a work out. In fact, your muscles do not feel tired at all. Is it possible that they are not producing lactic acid? You heard once on a program about amazing humans there is a guy who’s body literally does not produce lactic acid and he can run forever without tiring. Could maxing out your physical stats given you the same thing? Yes, you are definitely out of breath, but your legs feel fine! You feel like you could easily do it all again!

You hear a splash coming from the Holiday’s back yard, snapping you out of your euphoria and amazement at the incredible state of your physically perfect body. It sounds as though they are playing in the new pool that Mr. Holiday had put in recently. You heard about their plans to do that, but you don’t think you have been here since it got finished. Well, that’s sure going to be interesting. You pace back and forth in the Holiday’s large parking lot. Being a former library, it has parking spaces for nearing 30 cars, although they only ever use 2 since it is no longer a library. This leaves plenty of space for you to walk a cool-down lap around. Then, once you have regained your composure, you walk right up and knock on the front door.

“Awwwh crap! Someone’s at the door.” You hear Summer’s faint voice from inside. You are not sure how you heard her voice, it sounded like it was from pretty deep in the house. Guess you just have sharp ears in addition to everything else. “Mom! Can you get that!? I’m busy changing Decy’s diaper!” At these words, you hear the distant sound of an office chair having weight lifted off of it, and you realize you are actually hearing things all the way back in Ms. Holiday’s office! That is amazing! You are hearing things that far into the house from across at least one closed door if not two, and it may very well be two considering she is probably working in there and usually has the door shut when that’s going on. Your now incredibly sharp ears are able to track the sound of her foot steps as she tromps through the house, and then you are greeted by the face of the lovely big-breasted MILF as she opens the door and then smiles warmly as she looks up at you.

“Oh! Xander! It’s you! Come on in, I wasn’t expecting you!” She says.

“Hey,” you say, accepting her invitation. “March called earlier.”

“Well, he didn’t say anything about you coming over here,” she says.

“Yeah,” you say, “we didn’t actually talk. Brittany said that he called wanting to come to my house, but I decided I wanted to come here so I just headed out.”

“Oh! Really?” She says, “Well, you are perfectly welcome here any time. It is actually kind of a shame you don’t swing by more often, we all enjoy seeing you whenever you come by! You’re like one of the family!” After saying all of this, Ms. Holiday begins sniffing the air around you in a rather strange, but fairly pleased looking manner. “Is that cologne you’re wearing?” She asks, much to your confusion.

“Huh?” You respond, “umm…. Nooo…. I’m not wearing any cologne.”

“Well, something smells pretty good on you,” she says. “Thick and dense, kind of earthy. I don’t think I have ever smelled a cologne quite like that before. If you say you’re not wearing anything though…. Oh well, I got to get back to my writing. I think March should be upstairs in his room, and the kids are playing in the pool out back. You can go ahead and have a dip with them if you want. How long are you staying?”

“Well, haven’t really worked that out yet.” You tell her.

“Well, stay as long as you like,” she says. “Just if you decide to sleep over, let us know so that we can figure out sleeping arrangements, Ok? Ok. See you later after I’m finished working then!”

With these words, she leaves you and goes back to her office.

What do you do now?

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