Family Ties/Continue to party.

From All The Fallen Stories
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Thanks to Cindy's assistance Your mom gets every thing done with about 20 minutes to spare. Long enough for her to run upstairs, grab a quick shower and change into some jeans and short sleeve flannel tied under her hypnotic breasts, leaving her mid drift wonderfully exposed. As your mom is coming back down both Heather and Nicole arrive back at the house with Jessie, Julie and Matty in tow. The house looks great, the snacks are set out and the music is turned on. Your mom and had you and Tyler push one of the couches out of the way so people could dance and the table in the hallway was filled with gifts for you and Jessie.

As soon as the music is turned on Nicole yanks you towards the center of the room and starts grinding on you to the tunes of 3 Doors Down while Heather scoops 6 year old Matty up in her arms for the same treatment. Only he is up in Heather's arms and his crotch is firmly planted against her boobs. It's not long before Julie and Jessie hoax Tyler out onto the floor as well, Julie pressed tightly against his back, grabbing a hold of Jessie hips who is dance barely an inch in front of him. At the start of the next song you and Matty switch partners and your mom and Cindy make there way to the floor, dancing so close to each other you were shocked they didn't start making out. Julie and Jessie merely switch position, both seeming to be unwilling to give up Tyler's attention.

Your mom had arranged for few pizzas to be delivered at 5 and when the door bell rang Nicole was only to happy to dance her way to the front door with Matty up in her arms and lead the delivery boy into the kitchen to set the pizzas on the table. Once they were set up the deliver boy leaned in and asked for Nicole's phone numbers. Nicole only giggled while nuzzling Matty's cheek. "Sorry pal but I already got a boy friend and he gets really jealous. Dontcha Baby?" She said, Directing the question towards Matty who beams, tosses his arms tightly around her neck gives her a kiss on the lips. Nicole giggled but happily returns his affection as the shoos the pizza boy out of the house.

After every one is finished with their pizza You and Jessie are led to the center of the family room to open your gifts. Jessie and you alternate, making sure to thank every one individually for what ever you had gotten, earning Cindy a tongue kiss from you and Tyler a steamy hug and kiss from Jessie. With the gifts open and he cake decorated with lite candles you all make your way into the kitchen once more. As with ever other joint birthday cake with candles that needed blowing out Jessie took up position in front of you and you wrap her up in your arms and lean over the cake. The two of you begin blowing in unison and you can help but grind your cock into her cute ass making Jessie giggle, making it that much harder to blow them all out.

With every one having the fill of cake your mom suggested every one head to the bedrooms and get their jammies on so you all could meet back down in the living room for another game every one could play. The group divides and you, Matty and Tyler head up to your bedroom to get changed, taking note of the fact the all the girls seem to stay down stairs.

"What kinda game do you think they want to play?" Matty pondered as he pulled on a zip up sleeper made to resemble to the bat suit.

"I have no idea but you remember what happened last year." Tyler brought up at stripped his jeans and pulled a pair of sleep shorts on, leaving the t-shirt had been wear all day on.

"I don't think Matty cares as long as he ends up in the closet with Heather and Nicole again." You tease, deciding to just drop your over alls and opt for a pair of boxers to head down stairs in.

Once dressed the three of you head back to the living room and find that all the girls had changed as well. Their choice of nighties had obviously been prearranged and stopped all three of you dead in your tracks. Jessie and Julie where in matching white, see through cammi and panty sets that came down to barely there hip. Jessie's b cups were prominently visible through the thin material as were Julie's budding A cups. He nightie seemed to stick out just as far as your twins due to her large cone shaped nipples sticking out. Heather and Nicole were dressed identically at well, each wearing a pair of pink, skimpy boy shorts and loose halter that was cut short enough that their nipples were barely covered up. Due to the size of Nicole tits she had just as much under boob as cleavage exposed, not that Heather's left much to the imagination either. Not to be left out you mom and Cindy had the same nightie as well. A red baby doll top with a slit up the front to just between their tits that didn't even come down to their hips with a matching pair silk, bikini cut panties.

"Well get in here boys!" Your mom giggles. "We're all and anxious to the ball rolling..., or rather the dice rolling." She smiles, putting out her hand with a pair of large fuzzy dice.