Life Hacks/Hallomod(gp-pre/pres-inf-im-cr'pay)/Just press March’s face back up into her and re-start time hoping for the best

From All The Fallen Stories
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No, no you couldn’t have. Well… you hope not. You can probably deal with anything serious using the duck, and anything not too serious with your first aid skills, but you probably did nothing. Right. Just…. Yeah, you probably didn’t hurt her. You’ve just… got to set things up again and hope for the best.

Your stomach is starting to turn itself in knots as you gently pick March back up, the thought knawing at the back of your mind if this force transfer may be dong something to his shins, but you try hard to push that concern out of your mind as you push his face back up against Jan’s gaping open snatch. With your heart hammering in your chest, you push the button to re-start time.

“Oh!” You hear March gasp the moment time re-starts, making your heart nearly skip a beat.

“What!? What’s wrong!?” You ask, fearing the worst.

“Oh.” He repeats, covering his mouth with a disgusted furrow to his brow, leaving you feeling like you are about to vomit from the anticipation and the fear you may have harmed your friend somehow by moving his body around with time frozen. “Uck!” He says, “I think she farted in my mouth.”

“I did not!” Jan protests, standing up sharply as a tiny trickle of your last load begins to escape down her thigh.

“Yeah, you did!” He says, “you farted in my mouth from your pussy.”

“Mmmm...” she responds, looking off to the side. “Well, maybe I guess I did.” she says.

So what? They both think she queefed? Guess that seems like a pretty reasonable interpretation for her gaping open pussy suddenly snapping closed. As the thought of having dodged a bullet enters your mind, you can’t help but closely scrutinize the thin leakage of semen flowing from her at this moment. Assuming March got all of your previous load, this looks like it is less than the size of one of your normal ejaculations from back before you boosted yourself up with all this stuff. Looks like a whole lot of it got injected directly into her uterus, barely any is coming back out.

“Uck!” March says, staggering about with his hand over his mouth. “Right, well, I think I probably gotcha good enough. You can go clean yourself up now.”

So, it’s just ending like that is it?

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