Life Hacks/Jan's taboos and interests

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Sexual history

Jan has not had her sex-ed class in school yet, and so she has no real knowledge about sex. She started having her period when she was 10 and is a light bleeder, but tends to get really cuddly with her father or older brother when she is on the rag. She has noticed herself becoming more curious about the difference between boys and girls and has taken a liking to hanging out in March and Agust's room while the boys are in. She knows it probably won't happen, but she secretly hopes her brothers will start sexually exploring each other's bodies like she knows her older sisters do and maybe forget she is there while they are doing it.

2 years ago, when her younger brother Octo was 3, she liked to "help him on the potty" when she could, but she realizes she lost interest when he got old enough she could no longer use that excuse to see his privates. While Decy has started potty training and she could probably get an even better look at his privates, she kind of wants to see the privates of a boy closer to her own age.

She has recently learned that March does all his sexual explorations with Xander while he is visiting his house, and has been trying to think of a way to convince her brother to bring her along when he goes to visit Xander.

Sexual Knowledge

The closest thing Jan has had to a sexual education is when her older sister taught her to use her feminine products while she was having her period. Aside from that, she has been taught not to let strangers or boys see or touch her privates, and not to let female family members touch them unless necessary, but without a proper reason given she is starting to question the basis behind these rules.

  • Knows where babies come from?: Everyone in the Holliday family knows babies come from mommy's belly and that daddy does something to put the baby in there, and that it has something to do with being married and sleeping in the same bed. She does not know specifics beyond that but is certainly curious. (the parental filters on the internet that block porn are a bit too sensitive and even block medical explanations of sex.)
  • Knows what a boy's penis looks like?: Has seen her infant and toddler brothers' penises several times, sometimes multiple times a day. Has never seen an adult or teen penis, and has never seen one erect.
  • Knows what semen is?: No.

Sexual interests (start of story)

  • Interested in male genitals: (-40 to boys disrobing or showing privates, -20 to touching boys' genitals)

While she does not want to do the same in return, Jan is really interested in seeing the privates of boys and being able to touch and explore them.

  • No concept of sex: (Hard-core sex acts = 70 resistance)

Jan will be innately aware that touching her privates with a boy's penis is somehow an escalation from touching them with his hands, but does not fully grasp the gravity of the act. Also, ejaculating on her body and rubbing bare genitals together are switched for value, 70 for rubbing genitals and 75 for ejaculating on her body, and ejaculating on her vulva is considered the same as ejaculating on any other part of her body. (Internal ejaculations are actually lower resistance at 70 than external ejaculations at 75.) This makes oral sex her highest resisted sex act at 80.

Pending Sexual interests (requires triggers to activate)

  • Sense of fairness: (Nulls resistance to any act she has been allowed to perform on a boy)

Can be uncomfortably convinced to remove her own clothing or let herself be touched sexually by a boy in a tit-for-tat manner. Must be allowed to do to the boy everything he is doing to her. (Trigger: A boy who she wants to see or touch the genitals of demands she allow him to do the same to her.)

  • Curious about sex: (-40 to hard-core sex acts)

Having been sheltered from the subject of sex and currently rather curious about both her own body and the sex organs of boys, Jan will become immensely curious about vaginal sex and semen once she learns about it.

  • Slave to her hormones: (-10 all sex acts at all levels when ovulating)

Jan does not have a strong enough sense of sex and sexuality to resist the urges her hormones give her. (Note: The cycles of the post-pubescent girls in the Holiday family are synced, and they will all be in the 1st phases of ovulation at the start of the story.)

  • Surrogate trust for March: (Can use 1/2 of her trust stat with March.)

1/2 of Jan's trust stat with March, witch is 60, can be applied to sex acts with Xander if March advocates for him or pushes her into sex acts himself.

Sexual resistances (start of story)

  • The Church says no: (Body Shame = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

All mild and higher sex acts, unless their default resistance is higher than her body shame stat, are raised to match her body shame. This is reduced by half if she is in a crowd made up 100% of people she has 50% or higher trust with and are also all engaging in sex acts. (Acclimation at any level will reduce this any time you initiate it by half for all levels, and completely eliminates this form of resistance for all levels if she is groomed to accept any one level of sex acts

  • Her parents say no: (Body shame + 20% = resistance to all mild and higher sex acts.)

Same as "church says no," except stronger because her parents are closer at hand. Can be reduced by half if an older sibling is present and participating in the sex acts as they will take the blame if they are found out. (Acclimation only reduces this effect by 1/4, and half for grooming, as the parents will always be a far more powerful punishing force.)

Pending sexual resistances (requires triggers to activate)

  • Scared of pregnancy: (+20 to vaginal sex and ejaculation on vulva)

Is a bit nervous about the idea of getting pregnant, but this does not overwhelm her curiosity about the act of sex. (Stacks with "curious about sex" to achieve a net result of -20 if both are active. Trigger: Finding out sex makes babies)

