Life Hacks/Roni's sexuality

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This is a work in progress. If it looks like it was copy-pasted from the consent minimums page, that's because that's the template I am working off of. If you still see a number in parenthases after an act is named, that means I have not gotten to that passage yet and will be getting to it eventually. The new ones use a new format.

Sexual history

Roni engaged in a little bit of "playing doctor" with Charity (then age 11) at age 4, witch she enjoyed and disrupted the development of her sense of body shame. Under Charity's direction, she has touched the privates of Charity, Angel, and Bastian, and has also been touched by all three of them. They have also all watched each other pee. She has never had her privates touched by anything other than a hand, and no fingers were ever inserted into her vagina.

Roni was the longest target of Charity's sexual experimentation due to her, even then, being adverse to wearing anything aside from a skirt to cover her groin. She made for an easy target. This lasted for about 3 months and ended about 3 weeks after Angel and Bastian entered the mix.

After being caught, she was lectured that those things Charity was doing with her were wrong, but her 4 year old mind didn't really comprehend that. However, when later asking Charity to "play their game," she did eventually figure out that Charity wouldn't do it any more because she would get in trouble for it. Recently, they started doing it in the family bathroom at the park. This has happened only a few times though.

Sexual Knowledge

Before their sex play ended, Charity briefly told Angel how babies were made and Roni was present at the time. However, she doesn't remember the details anymore. She only vaguely remembers that a boy has to do something. This is the closest thing Roni has ever gotten to a sexual education.

  • Knows how babies are made?: No
  • Knows what sex is?: No
  • Knows what semen is?: No

General recommended approaches

Roni is actually not all that opposed to the idea of engaging in "sex play" with any of her family members, but she does not want to get into trouble. She sees Xander more as an authority figure rather than a potential "sex play" partner, so she will not initiate anything with Xander for fear she will get into trouble with him. Roni is very conscious to avoid getting herself or others into trouble in regards to this subject.

Roni does not like wearing panties, so a good way to get in with her is to permit her to remove her panties and leave them off. After this, if her trust values are high with you, she may allow you to touch her private area. She is used to doing these sorts of things in the bathroom, so this is where she will be the most comfortable with these touching games, second only to the bedroom. She also enjoys watching others pee as well as others watching her pee.

Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts

A list of specific sex acts including details on how Roni views them, witch approaches are likely to work with her, and witch approaches are least likely to work. It also notes witch relationship stat is most influential in getting her to perform this act, as well as whether it needs to be high or low. (being a little below the recommended number means it can still happen with a little bit of persuading. She will resist and be very difficult to convince if it is a lot lower, and be a lot more amendable to it if the number is a lot higher than what is recommended.)

A lot of these specific sex acts have different reactions depending on your relationship score with Roni. Each act will specify the specific score that is looked at, and whether levels need to be high or not so high. These "high, low, medium" type ratings are a little slippery and do not refer to a definite % number, but some numbers might be needed to put a more definite idea in your head of what is being talked about.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

You will note there is a wide area of bleed over in those ratings, especially near the middle. This is because this leaves room for writer interpretation. If you feel in the moment you would rather have them consent or not consent to a sex act for what you have in mind yourself, you can do that, but it also prevents something that really doesn't make sense from happening.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

Roni has no real problem with Xander doing anything like this with her.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass under her skirt, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

Roni has no problem with Xander doing anything like this with her, and will likely take it completely as no big deal even if she did construe it sexually.

Mild sex acts

Acts that cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

Roni would have a range of reactions to specific situations under this heading.

  • Kissing: Requires high romance.

Kissing might actually be the one act down this line Roni would be the most opposed to. Due to her sexual history with Charity, she does not regard sex or sexual touching as having anything to do with romance, but kissing most certainly does, and she is freaked out about the idea of being romantic with a family member. She would have to be approached slowly and gradually with this idea.

The best approach would be to softly bring up the idea of being romantically interested in her and give her a few days to digest the concept before attempting to kiss her. Another option would be to just suddenly kiss her out of nowhere and play it off as a joke, getting her used to the idea of kissing while somewhat dissociating it from the idea of romance. However, this will not work for long and she will quickly begin to doubt it is all just a joke, but it is still better than the worst option. The worst approach would be to bring up the idea of a romantic relationship and then attempt to kiss her the same day, or in the same conversation.

  • Grope breasts and/or genitals over cloths Requires low levels of trust

Roni is actually used to having her bare genitals touched by Charity, so she would think doing it over cloths is just silly and likely get tired of it fast. She will allow it for almost anyone she has even a mild relationship with, but won't let it continue for long without escalating.

  • Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look Requires low levels of trust

Roni would see relatively little problem with showing her privates to any of her male friends who she doesn't think would tell their parents if they are curious what a girl looks like, but it would be a little more difficult with Xander since she sees him as an authority figure who she would get in trouble with. In Xander's case, see the write up for touching bare genitals under "moderate sex acts." Just about all the same things would apply with the exception of the required trust score being lower.

  • Use toilet with other present in bathroom Requires medium levels of trust

To Roni, the bathroom is the place where her sexual games with Charity happen. As such, someone being in the bathroom with her while using it would have a heavy association with that as a potential escalation, meaning she needs to trust you enough to go to that escalation before she will use the bathroom with you.

  • Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each otherBased on trust and friendliness, reactions based on level.

Roni has no real knowledge about higher intensity sex acts other than groping bare genitals. Roni's reaction is based on trust and friendliness. If levels are very low she will likely be disturbed and want to get away. If they are moderate she will be interested in the information she is hearing. If the levels are high then she will likely wind up wanting to try the actions being discussed.

The best reactions can be gotten if you have already revealed to Roni you want to do those sorts of things with her, and the best way to do this is by having already touched her groin in an obviously sexual way, especially without panties. If she still regards you as an authority figure, she will not necessarily be put off but she will be uncomfortable, most of that discomfort will come from the fact that she is interested in hearing about this but is afraid of what will happen if she shows too much interest. (this will also close off the option of her wanting to try the discussed things with you.)

  • Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping Requires medium friendship and low trust.

Roni is not likely to understand this as sexual unless the cloths are off. As such, she will just regard it as something a little weird the other person is doing. She won't think much of the action of rubbing crotches together in and of itself, but the act of getting that close to her body to body is another story entirely. The most likely way to do this is through wrestling, witch is something she will need to be somewhat friendly with you in order for the opportunity to do this to arise.

The best way to achieve this is in the middle of wrestling, witch will yeild the above results. Asking her permission to rub your crotches together will be taken the same exact way as asking to do it without cloths, and one way or another she will not allow it. She will either express that she wants to do it naked if you are in a position for her to be comfortable with doing that, or if you are not in such a position then she will become very uncomfortable and have a negative reaction.

  • Be casually naked with one another Requires low levels of trust and/or friendliness, and confidence she won't get caught.

Roni is rather adventerous when it comes to exposing her body, so the big hang-up for this is the fear that someone who would disapprove might find out. She will need to trust you just enough to be sure you won't cause her to get in trouble, but after that the only thing she needs to be convincable is knowing no disapproving authority figure or someone who might tell such an authority figure will find out.

Best approach, have only the two of you in a closed room together with no expectation of interruption. An Ok approach would be to have a number of people present, 100% of whom say it is fine. She will be doubtful and nervous in such a situation, but can be convinced. The worst approach witch will have negative impacts on her trust is to push for this in an area where there is an unacceptable risk of discovery, and there will be disastrous results if you cause the discovery risk to somehow become even higher, especially if you actually do get discovered.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Touch each other's bare genitals with hand

Roni is actually quite used to the idea of having an older sibling, in the form of Charity, touching her genitals. She also wouldn't much mind the idea of touching a sibling's genitals, as she has done this with Charity a lot as well but is bored of the fact that Charity only has the same stuff she does. She kind of wants to touch Bastian's penis again like back when she was 4 and will be excited at the idea if Xander gives her the option.

The best approach is to do this in a park family bathroom or some other bathroom where it does not seem you are likely to be disturbed. She will also respond just as well to being asked to a private area and then subsequently asked to touch her genitals. Another good option is to tell her she does not have to wear her panties and then ask permission to touch her genitals while that area of her anatomy is already the subject of conversation. Simply touching them while carrying her will cause her some concern, especially if it is in public, but she will not complain. The worst approach is to simply grab her and start touching or demand it without waiting for permission while she is in her own room or otherwise minding her own business, but even then she will just be a bit annoyed. The only disastrous means by witch to approach this act is to do it in public, witch is something she really would not like.

  • Masturbate partner to orgasm(67)
  • Touch partner beneath cloths or perform oral sex on them without prior consent or chance to object: (70)
  • Ejaculate on partner's body, not near an orifice (adult)(70)
  • Receive oral sex(70)
  • Ejaculate on child partner's male or female genitals, no prior concept of sex (70)
  • Rub bare genitals together(75)
  • Give oral sex(80)
  • Ejaculate on female partner's vulva (adult or 10-14 year old child who knows about sex)(80)* Will not consent if worried about and avoiding pregnancy
  • Ejaculate on child partner's body (80)
  • Ejaculate on child partner's face (90)
  • Ejaculate on child partner who did not know an ejaculation was going to happen: (80 or 110, 110 if they interpret it as pee)
  • Suddenly begin masturbating partner under cloths without giving them a chance to object: (95 Adult, body shame for child)
  • Ejaculate on partner or have partner perform oral sex without prior consent or chance to object: (110)
  • Oral sex with child without giving them chance to consent: (140)

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex with child: (60 X body shame)
  • Vaginal sex with girl with no prior concept of sex or under 10 years of age: (70)
  • All homosexual sex(80)
  • Pushing semen from elsewhere into vagina with fingers(80)* Will not consent if worried about and avoiding pregnancy
  • Vaginal sex with condom(85, 60 for sex conscious girl under 15, 80 if not sex conscious.)
  • Ejaculate into spread open vagina, no insertion(85)* Will not consent if worried about and avoiding pregnancy. -10 for children.
  • Bare-back vaginal sex, promising to pull out(90, 85 for children)
  • Bare-back vaginal sex, finishing inside (adult)(95)* Will not consent if worried about and avoiding pregnancy
  • Fetish or taboo sex that does not align with partner's interests(100)* Also requires that the partner be submissive or persuadable with a reasoned argument or appeal.
  • Blitz: (110) Having sex with your partner without giving them the chance to consent or reject. (may differ depending on partner and situation, no modifier should ever be listed on character profiles)