Talk:Life Hacks/Hallomod(tod-pre-Cora)/Charge Cora up yourself with time stopped

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Well, there is experimenting by physically manipulating the doll, there is also manipulating other objects with time stopped. It is appropriate to experiment in order for Xander to figure out this information. So far as what will happen, I think you probably saw I had Xander have sex with Jan with time stopped. I assumed that since the mod was made with this in mind that sex with time stopped or moving things with time stopped would work out perfectly fine since that might be the kind of thing some people would want. Not because it makes sense physics wise, but because that's what the players would want and therefore that's how it was programmed. (Another option would be to just pick the doll up and cum on her back under her cloths.) Jemini (talk) 21:10, 31 December 2016 (CET)

Ok, I took the liberty of putting some options in. Of course, I also requested the last one since that seems like the quickest route from point A to point B. I might wind up writing it myself later since this does not seem like a situation where she would become active during the post, and the part that I can't write is anything that involves her talking or otherwise demonstrating her personality.... that is, unless she counts as a player for game purposes, in witch case she very much could activate and start moving and talking with time still stopped. (Oh, also, as a side note. I just noticed her relationship stats. She seems to have a pretty high fear stat. I thought up until now those stats demonstrated their opinion of you, not the other way around. I find it hard to see how Cora would be afraid of Xander. Actually, it seems there actually is no place in the game or the meta game data to indicate Xander's stance toward anyone.) Jemini (talk) 21:22, 31 December 2016 (CET)

That's why it was a WIP. The reasons for Cora's fear are forthcoming . . . which may also cover many of your options making them moot. I'll try to make my WIP reasons more obvious in the future. --Elerneron (talk) 07:25, 1 January 2017 (CET)

Okay, I didn't get to the reason for Cora's fear like I thought I would. The story pulled me in a different direction. --Elerneron (talk) 17:14, 1 January 2017 (CET)

Also I tried to keep things consistent with your time-dilated sex scene. If he had pulled out more slowly afterward, she would have closed up fine. --Elerneron (talk) 17:23, 1 January 2017 (CET)

I couldn't get the parser functions to work properly for Cora's new charge template, so well need to tell the damned template what the magic level is instead of it figuring it out from the charge level . . . pain in the ass. --Elerneron (talk) 20:58, 1 January 2017 (CET)

Once again, it is using characters for whom I do not know the personality. For the option, I am torn between options 2, 3, and 4 and am having a very hard time making up my mind. I think I will just state a request for all 3, but you can regard all 3 requests filled when you just finish 1 of them, your choice. (Or Notstoolpervert could second one of those, in witch case you can disregard the other 2.) Jemini (talk) 21:49, 1 January 2017 (CET)

Also, I take it by the charge that the mana engine gets charged 1 point per 5 ml of sperm? (5 ml being the amount a normal healthy adult male would produce in one ejaculation after about 3 days of storing it up, Xander's maximum size ejaculation being around 40 ml.) Jemini (talk) 21:49, 1 January 2017 (CET)